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Recreating arterial thrombosis models using tissue-engineered arterial constructs: A method to reduce and replace mice used in platelet research (2023)
Ranjbar, J. A. (2023). Recreating arterial thrombosis models using tissue-engineered arterial constructs: A method to reduce and replace mice used in platelet research. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Intravital microscopy in mice is widely used to study in vivo thrombus formation, however, the relevance of these studies to human physiology is unclear. In this thesis, a 3D tissue-engineered human arterial construct (TEAC) was developed that replic... Read More about Recreating arterial thrombosis models using tissue-engineered arterial constructs: A method to reduce and replace mice used in platelet research.

The role of physiotherapy in polymyalgia rheumatica in the United Kingdom: a mixed method study (2023)
O'Brien, A. V. (2023). The role of physiotherapy in polymyalgia rheumatica in the United Kingdom: a mixed method study. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Background: Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is the commonest rheumatic condition affecting older people, typically treated with glucocorticoids. However, the treatment side-effects including fatigue, anxiety and other alterations in mood, are frequent a... Read More about The role of physiotherapy in polymyalgia rheumatica in the United Kingdom: a mixed method study.

An immersive online response to a practical problem (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & Jones, G. (2023). An immersive online response to a practical problem. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

COVID-19 has led to shortages of clinical placements across academia, felt strongly within the School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) who lost 12 placements in September and 73 placements in November 2020. To counteract this loss, SAHP and govern... Read More about An immersive online response to a practical problem.

Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation (2023)
Journal Article
Lefroy, J., Bialan, J., Moult, A., Hay, F., Stapleton, C., Thompson, J., …Cope, N. (2023). Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation. Advances in Health Sciences Education,

Programme changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted variably on preparation for practice of healthcare professional students. Explanations for such variability need exploration. The aim of our study was to understand what clinica... Read More about Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation.

Association of frailty status with the causes, characteristics and outcomes of patients with cardiovascular disease using electronic health record data (2023)
Sokhal, B. S. (2023). Association of frailty status with the causes, characteristics and outcomes of patients with cardiovascular disease using electronic health record data. (Thesis). Keele University

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the commonest cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Frailty is a clinical syndrome of physiological decline, resulting in adverse health outcomes. While the bidirectional relationship between CVD a... Read More about Association of frailty status with the causes, characteristics and outcomes of patients with cardiovascular disease using electronic health record data.

Primary care prescribing of orlistat medication for weight management in adults with type 2 diabetes: an epidemiological study (2023)
Ghosal, S. (2023). Primary care prescribing of orlistat medication for weight management in adults with type 2 diabetes: an epidemiological study. (Thesis). Keele University

The incidence of type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing and is a major public health burden. Obesity is one of the main modifiable risk factors for T2DM. However no UK studies have assessed the relationship of orlistat, a medica... Read More about Primary care prescribing of orlistat medication for weight management in adults with type 2 diabetes: an epidemiological study.

Evidence Based Practice: Medical Education Research (2023)
Book Chapter
Rees. (2023). Evidence Based Practice: Medical Education Research. In Family medicine in the undergraduate curriculum: preparing medical students to work in evolving health care systems. Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

Subtalar joint moments of children with cerebral palsy (2023)
Journal Article
Meilak, E., Modenese, L., Andrew, R., Julie, S., Edward, C., & Stewart, C. (in press). Subtalar joint moments of children with cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 106, S121.

Children with cerebral palsy (CP) often develop foot deformities [1], such as equinovarus, planovalgus non-midfoot break (PNMFB) and midfoot break (MFB) [2]. The aetiology of the development and progr... Read More about Subtalar joint moments of children with cerebral palsy.

Care, Violence, and More-Than-Human Reproductive Ecologies in North India (2023)
Journal Article
Fiks, E. (2023). Care, Violence, and More-Than-Human Reproductive Ecologies in North India. Ethnos, 1-17.

This paper explores therapeutic interventions for subfertility as a domain where meanings and boundaries of care and violence are constituted. It centres around a fragment of one Rajasthani woman’s reproductive journey contextualised within marriage... Read More about Care, Violence, and More-Than-Human Reproductive Ecologies in North India.

Neural immune cell responses to clinically relevant ligands of the niacin receptor (Gpr109a): niacin and monomethyl fumarate (2023)
Brown-Lyons, A. L. (2023). Neural immune cell responses to clinically relevant ligands of the niacin receptor (Gpr109a): niacin and monomethyl fumarate. (Thesis). Keele University

Background: Inflammation is a major driver, and perhaps cause, of neurodegeneration, suggesting neuroimmunomodulation as a therapeutic strategy. Microglia, the primary mediators of neuroinflammation, switch between three activation states [surveillan... Read More about Neural immune cell responses to clinically relevant ligands of the niacin receptor (Gpr109a): niacin and monomethyl fumarate.

The effect of construct configuration on the mechanical stiffness and strength of spinal implants for kyphotic spinal deformity (2023)
Tsang, K. S. (2023). The effect of construct configuration on the mechanical stiffness and strength of spinal implants for kyphotic spinal deformity. (Thesis). Keele University

Spinal deformity involves a wide spectrum of disease, including congenital, developmental, degenerative and traumatic; affecting infant, adolescence and the elderly. Of these, Sheuermann’s kyphosis is a form of developmental long spinal deformity, ch... Read More about The effect of construct configuration on the mechanical stiffness and strength of spinal implants for kyphotic spinal deformity.

The role of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in the pleiotropic effects of Atorvastatin (2023)
Sandhu, K. S. (2023). The role of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in the pleiotropic effects of Atorvastatin. (Thesis). Keele University

The following thesis began by discussing current controversies surrounding EPC identification then studied the effect of atorvastatin on EPC numbers in bench and bed side studies.
Atorvastatin was hypothesised to increase chemokine CXCL-12 its recep... Read More about The role of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in the pleiotropic effects of Atorvastatin.

Statistical methods for prognostic factor and risk prediction research (2023)
Whittle, R. L. (2023). Statistical methods for prognostic factor and risk prediction research. (Thesis). Keele University

Prognosis research is an important part of medical research as it seeks to understand, predict, and improve future outcomes in people with a given disease or health condition. This thesis focuses on the application and development of statistical meth... Read More about Statistical methods for prognostic factor and risk prediction research.

The management of varices in acute on chronic liver failure: a systematic review of guidelines and investigation of local practice (2023)
Kesavan, S. (2023). The management of varices in acute on chronic liver failure: a systematic review of guidelines and investigation of local practice. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Varices are a complication of chronic liver disease and are associated with a high mortality if they haemorrhage. Patients need to be managed using the best available evidence to improve their outcomes. This thesis is formed of two parts: a systemati... Read More about The management of varices in acute on chronic liver failure: a systematic review of guidelines and investigation of local practice.

Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study. (2023)
Journal Article
Hawarden, A., Bullock, L., Chew-Graham, C., Herron, D., Hider, S., Jinks, C., …Paskins, Z. (2023). Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 7(2),

Background: People with inflammatory rheumatological conditions (IRCs) are at increased risk of common comorbidities including osteoporosis.

Aim: To explore the barriers to and facilitators of implementing nurse-delivered fracture risk assessments... Read More about Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study..

Mortality across treatment strategies in intermediate-to-high risk pulmonary embolism in the modern era: A meta-analysis of observational studies and RCTs. (2023)
Journal Article
Iannaccone, M., Franchin, L., Russo, F., Botti, G., Castellano, D., Montorfano, M., …Chieffo, A. (2023). Mortality across treatment strategies in intermediate-to-high risk pulmonary embolism in the modern era: A meta-analysis of observational studies and RCTs. International Journal of Cardiology, 387, Article 131127.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) represents one of the leading causes of death worldwide and mainly treated with medical management, although the utility of more invasive approaches has emerged more recently. This meta-analysis aims to evaluate the 30-day mor... Read More about Mortality across treatment strategies in intermediate-to-high risk pulmonary embolism in the modern era: A meta-analysis of observational studies and RCTs..

Enhanced expression of the human Survival motor neuron 1 gene from a codon-optimised cDNA transgene in vitro and in vivo (2023)
Journal Article
Nafchi, N., Chilcott, E., Owen, S., Fuller, H., Bowerman, M., & Yáñez-Muñoz, R. (2023). Enhanced expression of the human Survival motor neuron 1 gene from a codon-optimised cDNA transgene in vitro and in vivo. Gene Therapy, 30, 812–825.

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neuromuscular disease particularly characterised by degeneration of ventral motor neurons. Survival motor neuron (SMN) 1 gene mutations cause SMA, and gene addition strategies to replace the faulty SMN1 copy are a t... Read More about Enhanced expression of the human Survival motor neuron 1 gene from a codon-optimised cDNA transgene in vitro and in vivo.

Perception, emotional experiences, and cultural attachments of Ethiopian medical students during human cadaveric dissection (2023)
Journal Article
(2023). Perception, emotional experiences, and cultural attachments of Ethiopian medical students during human cadaveric dissection. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Human cadaveric dissection has been used in Anatomy teaching for centuries and remains a time-honored and preferred method of instruction. However, the initial exposure to cadaver dissection sometimes evokes emotional reactions in medical students. P... Read More about Perception, emotional experiences, and cultural attachments of Ethiopian medical students during human cadaveric dissection.

Characterizing the Successful Student in Virtual Gross Anatomy (2023)
Journal Article
(2023). Characterizing the Successful Student in Virtual Gross Anatomy. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic abruptly shifted the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine’s (LECOM) pre-clinical curriculum to a virtual format, including that of the anatomical sciences. As anatomy is so fundamental to clinical... Read More about Characterizing the Successful Student in Virtual Gross Anatomy.