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Developing a core outcome set for community and primary care musculoskeletal services: A consensus approach. (2021)
Journal Article
Lewis, M., & Hill, J. (2021). Developing a core outcome set for community and primary care musculoskeletal services: A consensus approach. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 1- 10.

BACKGROUND: At present there is no core outcome set (COS) for use in community and primary care Musculoskeletal (MSK) services across the UK. Services are therefore collecting different MSK outcomes and metrics in different ways and at different time... Read More about Developing a core outcome set for community and primary care musculoskeletal services: A consensus approach..

The relationship between multisite peripheral joint pain and physical activity levels in older adults: A cross-sectional survey. (2021)
Journal Article
Smith, R. D., McHugh, G. A., Quicke, J. G., Finney, A., Lewis, M., Dziedzic, K. S., & Healey, E. L. (2022). The relationship between multisite peripheral joint pain and physical activity levels in older adults: A cross-sectional survey. Musculoskeletal Care, 20(2), 341-348.

INTRODUCTION: Research on levels of physical activity (PA) in those with peripheral joint pain have only focused on single sites, in the knee or hips. This study investigated the levels of PA in adults with single-site and multisite peripheral joint... Read More about The relationship between multisite peripheral joint pain and physical activity levels in older adults: A cross-sectional survey..

Integrating case-finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression into primary care long-term condition reviews: results from the ENHANCE pilot trial. (2021)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Mallen, C. D., Chew-Graham, C. A., Nicholls, E., Lewis, M., Lawton, S. A., …Jinks, C. (2022). Integrating case-finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression into primary care long-term condition reviews: results from the ENHANCE pilot trial. Family Practice, 39(4), 592–602.

Background: Multimorbidity is increasingly the norm; however, primary care remains focused on single diseases. Osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression are frequently comorbid with other long-term conditions (LTCs), but rarely prioritized by clinician... Read More about Integrating case-finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression into primary care long-term condition reviews: results from the ENHANCE pilot trial..

Musculoskeletal case-mix adjustment in a UK primary/community care cohort: Testing musculoskeletal models to make recommendations in this setting. (2021)
Journal Article
Burgess, R., Lewis, M., & Hill, J. (2021). Musculoskeletal case-mix adjustment in a UK primary/community care cohort: Testing musculoskeletal models to make recommendations in this setting. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 56, 1-9.

Benchmarking musculoskeletal (MSK) services is limited by the need to adjust for differences in patient characteristics/case-mix. Without this providers and services cannot be usefully compared. This paper investigates the predictive ability of case-... Read More about Musculoskeletal case-mix adjustment in a UK primary/community care cohort: Testing musculoskeletal models to make recommendations in this setting..

Treatment targets of exercise for persistent non-specific low back pain: a consensus study (2021)
Journal Article
Lewis. (2021). Treatment targets of exercise for persistent non-specific low back pain: a consensus study. Physiotherapy, 78-86.

Despite several hundred previous randomised controlled trials (RCTs), the key treatment targets of exercise for persistent non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) remain unclear. This study aimed to generate consensus about the key treatment t... Read More about Treatment targets of exercise for persistent non-specific low back pain: a consensus study.

Refinement and validation of a tool for stratifying patients with musculoskeletal pain (2021)
Journal Article
Dunn, K. M., Campbell, P., Lewis, M., Hill, J. C., van der Windt, D. A., Afolabi, E., …Foster, N. E. (2021). Refinement and validation of a tool for stratifying patients with musculoskeletal pain. European Journal of Pain, 25(10), 2081-2093.

AbstractBackgroundPatients with musculoskeletal pain in different body sites share common prognostic factors. Using prognosis to stratify and treatment match can be clinically and cost‐effective. We aimed to refine and validate the Keele STarT MSK To... Read More about Refinement and validation of a tool for stratifying patients with musculoskeletal pain.

Optimising outcomes of exercise and corticosteroid injection in patients with subacromial pain (impingement) syndrome: a factorial randomised trial. (2020)
Journal Article
Roddy, E., Ogollah, R., Oppong, R., Zwierska, I., Datta, P., Hall, A., …Foster, N. (2020). Optimising outcomes of exercise and corticosteroid injection in patients with subacromial pain (impingement) syndrome: a factorial randomised trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55(5),

OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical effectiveness of (1) physiotherapist-led exercise versus an exercise leaflet, and (2) ultrasound-guided subacromial corticosteroid injection versus unguided injection for pain and function in subacromial pain (form... Read More about Optimising outcomes of exercise and corticosteroid injection in patients with subacromial pain (impingement) syndrome: a factorial randomised trial..

Stratified care versus usual care for management of patients presenting with sciatica in primary care (SCOPiC): a randomised controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Konstantinou, K., Lewis, M., Dunn, K., Hay, E., Van Der Windt, D., Artus, M., …Foster, N. (2020). Stratified care versus usual care for management of patients presenting with sciatica in primary care (SCOPiC): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Rheumatology, 2(7), e401-e411.

Sciatica has a substantial impact on individuals and society. Stratified care has been shown to lead to better outcomes among patients with non-specific low back pain, but it has not been tested for sciatica. We aimed to investigate the c... Read More about Stratified care versus usual care for management of patients presenting with sciatica in primary care (SCOPiC): a randomised controlled trial.

Stratified versus usual care for the management of primary care patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC RCT (2020)
Journal Article
Foster, N. E., Konstantinou, K., Lewis, M., Ogollah, R., Saunders, B., Kigozi, J., …Dunn, K. M. (2020). Stratified versus usual care for the management of primary care patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 2(7), e401-e411.

BACKGROUND: Sciatica has a substantial impact on patients and society. Current care is 'stepped', comprising an initial period of simple measures of advice and analgesia, for most patients, commonly followed by physiotherapy, and then by more intensi... Read More about Stratified versus usual care for the management of primary care patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC RCT.

Stratified primary care versus non-stratified care for musculoskeletal pain: findings from the STarT MSK feasibility and pilot cluster randomized controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Hill, J., Garvin, S., Chen, Y., Cooper, V., Wathall, S., Saunders, B., …Foster, N. E. (2020). Stratified primary care versus non-stratified care for musculoskeletal pain: findings from the STarT MSK feasibility and pilot cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Family Practice, 21, Article 30.

Background: Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain from the five most common presentations to primary care (back, neck, shoulder, knee or multi-site pain), where the majority of patients are managed, is a costly global health challenge. At present, first-line de... Read More about Stratified primary care versus non-stratified care for musculoskeletal pain: findings from the STarT MSK feasibility and pilot cluster randomized controlled trial.

Costing Methodology and Key Drivers of Health Care Costs Within Economic Analyses in Musculoskeletal Community and Primary Care Services: A Systematic Review of the Literature. (2020)
Journal Article
Burgess, R., Hall, J., Bishop, A., Lewis, M., & Hill, J. (2020). Costing Methodology and Key Drivers of Health Care Costs Within Economic Analyses in Musculoskeletal Community and Primary Care Services: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health,

Background: Identifying variation in musculoskeletal service costs requires the use of specific standardized metrics. There has been a large focus on costing, efficiency, and standardized metrics within the acute musculoskeletal setting, but far less... Read More about Costing Methodology and Key Drivers of Health Care Costs Within Economic Analyses in Musculoskeletal Community and Primary Care Services: A Systematic Review of the Literature..

Responsiveness and Minimal Important Change for Pain and Disability Outcome Measures in Pregnancy-Related Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain. (2019)
Journal Article
Lewis. (2019). Responsiveness and Minimal Important Change for Pain and Disability Outcome Measures in Pregnancy-Related Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain. Physical Therapy, 1551-1561.

BACKGROUND: Pregnancy-related low back pain and pelvic girdle pain (LBP/PGP) are common and negatively impact the lives of many pregnant women. Several patient-based outcome instruments measure treatment effect but there is no consensus about which m... Read More about Responsiveness and Minimal Important Change for Pain and Disability Outcome Measures in Pregnancy-Related Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain..

Models used for case-mix adjustment of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in musculoskeletal healthcare: A systematic review of the literature. (2019)
Journal Article
Lewis, M., & Hill, J. (2019). Models used for case-mix adjustment of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in musculoskeletal healthcare: A systematic review of the literature. Physiotherapy, 137-146.

Case-mix adjustment is an established method to take account of variations across cohorts in baseline patient factors, when comparing health outcomes. Although commonplace, there is a lack of evidence as to the most appropriate case-mix... Read More about Models used for case-mix adjustment of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in musculoskeletal healthcare: A systematic review of the literature..

Uptake of the NICE osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: a survey of older adults with joint pain (2018)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Afolabi, E. K., Lewis, M., Edwards, J. J., Jordan, K. P., Finney, A., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2018). Uptake of the NICE osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: a survey of older adults with joint pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 19, Article 295.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of pain and disability. NICE OA guidelines (2008) recommend that patients with OA should be offered core treatments in primary care. Assessments of OA management have identified a need to improve pri... Read More about Uptake of the NICE osteoarthritis guidelines in primary care: a survey of older adults with joint pain.

Optimal primary care management of clinical osteoarthritis and joint pain in older people: a mixed-methods programme of systematic reviews, observational and qualitative studies, and randomised controlled trials (2018)
Hay, E., Dziedzic, K., Foster, N., Peat, G., van der Windt, D., Bartlam, B., …Croft, P. (2018). Optimal primary care management of clinical osteoarthritis and joint pain in older people: a mixed-methods programme of systematic reviews, observational and qualitative studies, and randomised controlled trials. NIHR. PGfAR as project number RP-PG-0407-10386. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

<jats:sec id="abs1-1"> <jats:title>Background</jats:title> <jats:p>Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common long-term condition managed in UK general practice. However, care is suboptimal despite evidence that primary care and community-based intervent... Read More about Optimal primary care management of clinical osteoarthritis and joint pain in older people: a mixed-methods programme of systematic reviews, observational and qualitative studies, and randomised controlled trials.

Clinical course and prognostic factors across different musculoskeletal pain sites: A secondary analysis of individual patient data from randomised clinical trials. (2018)
Journal Article
Green, D., Lewis, M., Mansell, G., Artus, M., Dziedzic, K., Hay, E., …Van Der Windt, D. (2018). Clinical course and prognostic factors across different musculoskeletal pain sites: A secondary analysis of individual patient data from randomised clinical trials. European Journal of Pain, 22(6), 1057-1070.

BACKGROUND: Previous research has identified similar prognostic factors in patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions regardless of pain presentation, generating opportunities for management based on prognosis rather than specific pain presentati... Read More about Clinical course and prognostic factors across different musculoskeletal pain sites: A secondary analysis of individual patient data from randomised clinical trials..

The INCLUDE study: INtegrating and improving Care for patients with infLammatory rheUmatological DisordErs in the community; identifying multimorbidity: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. (2018)
Journal Article
Healey, E., Herron, D., Hider, S., Bucknall, M., Cooke, K., Finney, A., …Chew-Graham, C. (2018). The INCLUDE study: INtegrating and improving Care for patients with infLammatory rheUmatological DisordErs in the community; identifying multimorbidity: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Comorbidity, 8(1),

Background: Patients with inflammatory rheumatic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica and ankylosing spondylitis are at increased risk of common comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and anxiety and dep... Read More about The INCLUDE study: INtegrating and improving Care for patients with infLammatory rheUmatological DisordErs in the community; identifying multimorbidity: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial..

Effectiveness and costs of a vocational advice service to improve work outcomes in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster randomised trial (SWAP trial ISRCTN 52269669). (2018)
Journal Article
Wynne-Jones, G., Artus, M., Bishop, A., Lawton, S., Lewis, M., Jowett, S., …Van Der Windt, D. (2018). Effectiveness and costs of a vocational advice service to improve work outcomes in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster randomised trial (SWAP trial ISRCTN 52269669). PAIN, 159(1), 128-138.

Musculoskeletal pain is a common cause of work absence and early intervention is advocated to prevent the adverse health and economic consequences of longer-term absence. This cluster randomised controlled trial investigated the effect of introducing... Read More about Effectiveness and costs of a vocational advice service to improve work outcomes in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster randomised trial (SWAP trial ISRCTN 52269669)..

Multisite peripheral joint pain: a cross-sectional study of prevalence and impact on general health, quality of life, pain intensity and consultation behaviour (2017)
Journal Article
Finney, A., Dziedzic, K., Lewis, A., & Healey, E. (2017). Multisite peripheral joint pain: a cross-sectional study of prevalence and impact on general health, quality of life, pain intensity and consultation behaviour. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 18, Article 535.

Research into musculoskeletal conditions often focusses on pain at single sites, such as the knee, yet several studies have previously reported the high prevalence of multiple sites of musculoskeletal pain. The most common form of musculo... Read More about Multisite peripheral joint pain: a cross-sectional study of prevalence and impact on general health, quality of life, pain intensity and consultation behaviour.