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The beliefs, behaviours and knowledge of health profession students towards the role of physical activity (2020)
Presentation / Conference
Stapleton, C. (2020, November). The beliefs, behaviours and knowledge of health profession students towards the role of physical activity. Presented at Virtual Physiotherapy UK 2020, Virtual (UK based)

Purpose: Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of ill health worldwide. Despite updated UK physical activity (PA) guidelines (2011) PA levels remain low. Physiotherapists play an important role in promoting PA however studies investigating... Read More about The beliefs, behaviours and knowledge of health profession students towards the role of physical activity.

Characteristics of headache in vertebral artery dissections. (2020)
Presentation / Conference
Stapleton. (2020, November). Characteristics of headache in vertebral artery dissections. Presented at Virtual Physiotherapy UK 2020, Virtual (UK based)

Purpose: A vertebral artery dissection (VAD) is a rare disorder that can masquerade as musculoskeletal head and/or neck pain and requires urgent medical referral. If diagnosis is missed or mismanaged it can progress to stroke and death. Headaches are... Read More about Characteristics of headache in vertebral artery dissections..

Physiotherapists’ identification and knowledge of Cervical Artery Dysfunction. (2020)
Presentation / Conference
Stapleton, C. (2020, November). Physiotherapists’ identification and knowledge of Cervical Artery Dysfunction. Presented at Virtual Physiotherapy UK 2020, Virtual (UK based)

Purpose: Neck pain is the fourth leading cause of global disability, with its prevalence exceeding 30%. Consequently, physiotherapists assess a significant number of patients with neck pain. However, some conditions, such as vertebral artery dissecti... Read More about Physiotherapists’ identification and knowledge of Cervical Artery Dysfunction..