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Musculoskeletal Health and Work: Development and Internal–External Cross-Validation of a Model to Predict Risk of Work Absence and Presenteeism in People Seeking Primary Healthcare (2024)
Journal Article
Archer, L., Peat, G., Snell, K. I. E., Hill, J. C., Dunn, K. M., Foster, N. E., …Wynne-Jones, G. (2024). Musculoskeletal Health and Work: Development and Internal–External Cross-Validation of a Model to Predict Risk of Work Absence and Presenteeism in People Seeking Primary Healthcare. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation,

To develop and validate prediction models for the risk of future work absence and level of presenteeism, in adults seeking primary healthcare with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).

Six studies from the West-Midlands/Northwest regi... Read More about Musculoskeletal Health and Work: Development and Internal–External Cross-Validation of a Model to Predict Risk of Work Absence and Presenteeism in People Seeking Primary Healthcare.

Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. (2023)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Burton, C., van der Windt, D. A., Myers, H., Chester, R., Pincus, T., & Wynne-Jones, G. (2023). Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24, Article 1.

BACKGROUND: Clinical management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain can be challenging due to diagnostic uncertainty, variable prognosis and limited evidence for long-term treatment benefits. The UK-based PANDA-S programme (Prognostic And Diagnostic Ass... Read More about Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme..

Implementing a Stratified Vocational Advice Intervention for People on Sick Leave with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Multimethod Process Evaluation. (2021)
Journal Article
Aanesen, F., Øiestad, B., Grotle, M., Løchting, I., Solli, R., Sowden, G., …Eik, H. (2021). Implementing a Stratified Vocational Advice Intervention for People on Sick Leave with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Multimethod Process Evaluation. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation,

Purpose To perform a process evaluation of a stratified vocational advice intervention (SVAI), delivered by physiotherapists in primary care, for people on sick leave with musculoskeletal disorders participating in a randomised controlled trial. The... Read More about Implementing a Stratified Vocational Advice Intervention for People on Sick Leave with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Multimethod Process Evaluation..

First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. (2021)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Foster, N. E., Hill, J. C., Sowden, G., Evans, N., Bishop, A., …Wynne-Jones, G. (2022). First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 32, 147–155.

Purpose Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain is a common cause of work absence. The recent SWAP (Study of Work And Pain) randomised controlled trial (RCT) found that a brief vocational advice service for primary care patients with MSK pain led to fewer days' w... Read More about First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative..

Methodological considerations in the assessment of direct and indirect costs of back pain: A systematic scoping review (2021)
Journal Article
Zemedikun, D., Wynne-Jones, G., Guariglia, A., Roberts, T., & Kigozi, J. (2021). Methodological considerations in the assessment of direct and indirect costs of back pain: A systematic scoping review. PloS one, e0251406 - e0251406.

Background Back pain is a common and costly health problem worldwide. There is yet a lack of consistent methodologies to estimate the economic burden of back pain to society. Objective To systematically evaluate the methodologies used in the publishe... Read More about Methodological considerations in the assessment of direct and indirect costs of back pain: A systematic scoping review.

Self‐reported prognostic factors in adults reporting neck or low back pain: An umbrella review (2021)
Journal Article
Mansell, G., Corp, N., Wynne-Jones, G., Hill, J., Stynes, S., & van der Windt, D. (2021). Self‐reported prognostic factors in adults reporting neck or low back pain: An umbrella review. European Journal of Pain, 25(8), 1627-1643.

Numerous systematic reviews have attempted to synthesise evidence on prognostic factors for predicting future outcomes such as pain, disability and return-to-work/work absence in neck and low back pain populations. An umbrella review of systematic re... Read More about Self‐reported prognostic factors in adults reporting neck or low back pain: An umbrella review.

Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines. (2020)
Journal Article
Corp, N., Mansell, G., Stynes, S., Wynne-Jones, G., Morsø, L., Hill, J., & Van Der Windt, D. (2021). Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines. European Journal of Pain, 25(2),

Background and objective: This systematic review synthesised evidence from European neck and low back pain (NLBP) clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to identify recommended treatment options for use across Europe. Databases and Data Treatment: Compr... Read More about Evidence-based treatment recommendations for neck and low back pain across Europe: A systematic review of guidelines..

Secular trends in work disability and its relationship to musculoskeletal pain and mental health: a time-trend analysis using five cross-sectional surveys (2002-2010) in the general population. (2018)
Journal Article
Wynne-Jones, G., Chen, Y., Croft, P., Peat, G., Wilkie, R., Jordan, K., & Petersson, I. F. (2018). Secular trends in work disability and its relationship to musculoskeletal pain and mental health: a time-trend analysis using five cross-sectional surveys (2002-2010) in the general population. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 877-883.

OBJECTIVES: International evidence suggests that rates of inability to work because of illness can change over time. We hypothesised that one reason for this is that the link between inability to work and common illnesses, such as musculoskeletal pai... Read More about Secular trends in work disability and its relationship to musculoskeletal pain and mental health: a time-trend analysis using five cross-sectional surveys (2002-2010) in the general population..

Effectiveness and costs of a vocational advice service to improve work outcomes in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster randomised trial (SWAP trial ISRCTN 52269669). (2018)
Journal Article
Wynne-Jones, G., Artus, M., Bishop, A., Lawton, S., Lewis, M., Jowett, S., …Van Der Windt, D. (2018). Effectiveness and costs of a vocational advice service to improve work outcomes in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster randomised trial (SWAP trial ISRCTN 52269669). PAIN, 159(1), 128-138.

Musculoskeletal pain is a common cause of work absence and early intervention is advocated to prevent the adverse health and economic consequences of longer-term absence. This cluster randomised controlled trial investigated the effect of introducing... Read More about Effectiveness and costs of a vocational advice service to improve work outcomes in patients with musculoskeletal pain in primary care: a cluster randomised trial (SWAP trial ISRCTN 52269669)..

Has there been a change in the rates of UK sickness certification for back pain over time? An examination of historical data from 2000 to 2010. (2016)
Journal Article
Wynne-Jones, G., & Dunn, K. (2016). Has there been a change in the rates of UK sickness certification for back pain over time? An examination of historical data from 2000 to 2010. BMJ Open, e009634 - ?.

OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to investigate historical patterns of sickness certification for back pain from 2000 to 2010. DESIGN: Electronic medical records from 14 practices that are part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical... Read More about Has there been a change in the rates of UK sickness certification for back pain over time? An examination of historical data from 2000 to 2010..