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Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Pregnant Women Towards COVID-19: An On-site Cross-sectional Survey (2022)
Journal Article
Singh, C., Shahnaz, G., Bajpai, R., & Sundar, J. (2022). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Pregnant Women Towards COVID-19: An On-site Cross-sectional Survey. Cureus, 14(7), Article ARTN e27259.

Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of pregnant women towards coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Methods: This on-site cross-sectional survey was conducted in the antenatal and fetal medicine clinics in a tertiary c... Read More about Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Pregnant Women Towards COVID-19: An On-site Cross-sectional Survey.

Health-related quality of life and chronic wound characteristics among patients with chronic wounds treated in primary care: A cross-sectional study in Singapore (2021)
Journal Article
Olsson, M., Zhu, X., Magdalena Olsson, M., Järbrink, K., Tang, W., Car, J., …Bajpai, R. (2022). Health-related quality of life and chronic wound characteristics among patients with chronic wounds treated in primary care: A cross-sectional study in Singapore. International Wound Journal, 19(5), 1121-1132.

Chronic wounds commonly decrease patients' quality of life. Understanding how chronic wounds impact a patient's health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is important for healthcare service delivery and treatment management. This study explored HRQoL am... Read More about Health-related quality of life and chronic wound characteristics among patients with chronic wounds treated in primary care: A cross-sectional study in Singapore.

Venous thromboembolism is linked to severity of disease in COVID-19 patients: A systematic literature review and exploratory meta-analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Mishra, P., Saha, N., Srivastava, R., Parveen, R., Bajpai, R., & Agarwal, N. B. (2021). Venous thromboembolism is linked to severity of disease in COVID-19 patients: A systematic literature review and exploratory meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 75(12), Article e14910.

PURPOSE: Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) may predispose to venous thromboembolism (VTE) and arterial thromboembolism because of excessive inflammation, hypoxia, immobilisation and diffuse intravascular coagulation. The understanding of the associ... Read More about Venous thromboembolism is linked to severity of disease in COVID-19 patients: A systematic literature review and exploratory meta-analysis.

Onset of comorbidities and flare patterns within pre-existing morbidity clusters in people with gout: 5-year primary care cohort study. (2021)
Journal Article
Bajpai, R., Muller, S., Mallen, C., Watson, L., Richette, P., Hider, S. L., & Roddy, E. (2021). Onset of comorbidities and flare patterns within pre-existing morbidity clusters in people with gout: 5-year primary care cohort study. Rheumatology, 61(1), 407-412.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the onset of comorbidities and pattern of flares over five years according to baseline comorbidity clusters in people with gout. METHODS: In a prospective primary-care-based cohort study, adults aged =18 years with gout, wer... Read More about Onset of comorbidities and flare patterns within pre-existing morbidity clusters in people with gout: 5-year primary care cohort study..

Rheumatic Conditions as Risk Factors for Self-Harm: A Retrospective Cohort Study (2021)
Journal Article
Prior, J. A., Paskins, Z., Whittle, R., Abdul-Sultan, A., Chew-Graham, C. A., Muller, S., …Mallen, C. D. (2021). Rheumatic Conditions as Risk Factors for Self-Harm: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Arthritis Care and Research, 73(1), 130-137.

Objective To examine the risk of self-harm in rheumatological conditions Methods Retrospective cohort study using data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Patients with ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arth... Read More about Rheumatic Conditions as Risk Factors for Self-Harm: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Can the Choice of Radiotherapy Delivery Technique Influence Which Target Delineation Protocol to Use? A Plan-Quality-Based Analysis in Left Breast Cancer (2021)
Journal Article
Ahmad, I., Chufal, K. S., Bhatt, C. P., Miller, A. A., Bajpai, R., Chowdhary, R. L., …Gairola, M. (2021). Can the Choice of Radiotherapy Delivery Technique Influence Which Target Delineation Protocol to Use? A Plan-Quality-Based Analysis in Left Breast Cancer. Asian Journal of Oncology, 07, 13-21.

Introduction This study investigates the optimal target delineation protocol stratified by treatment planning technique in patients undergoing whole breast radiotherapy after breast conservation surgery. Materials and Methods Target delineation using... Read More about Can the Choice of Radiotherapy Delivery Technique Influence Which Target Delineation Protocol to Use? A Plan-Quality-Based Analysis in Left Breast Cancer.

Exercise/physical activity and health outcomes: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews (2020)
Journal Article
Pieper, D., Bajpai, R., Posadzki, P., Makaruk, H., Könsgen, N., Neuhaus, A. L., & Semwal, M. (2020). Exercise/physical activity and health outcomes: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews. BMC Public Health, 20(1), Article ARTN 1724.

BACKGROUND: Sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes. It has been estimated that approximately 3.2 million deaths each year are attributable to insufficient levels of... Read More about Exercise/physical activity and health outcomes: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews.

Protocol for a systematic review on the methodological and reporting quality of prediction model studies using machine learning techniques (2020)
Journal Article
Andaur Navarro, C. L., Damen, J. A. A. G., Takada, T., Nijman, S. W. J., Dhiman, P., Ma, J., …Hooft, L. (2020). Protocol for a systematic review on the methodological and reporting quality of prediction model studies using machine learning techniques. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article e038832.

INTRODUCTION: Studies addressing the development and/or validation of diagnostic and prognostic prediction models are abundant in most clinical domains. Systematic reviews have shown that the methodological and reporting quality of prediction model s... Read More about Protocol for a systematic review on the methodological and reporting quality of prediction model studies using machine learning techniques.

3D Printed Silicone Meniscus Implants: Influence of the 3D Printing Process on Properties of Silicone Implants (2020)
Journal Article
Luis, E., Pan, H., Pan, H. M., Bajpai, R., Bastola, A. K., Bastola, A., …Yeong, W. Y. (2020). 3D Printed Silicone Meniscus Implants: Influence of the 3D Printing Process on Properties of Silicone Implants. Polymers, 12(9), Article 2136.

Osteoarthritis of the knee with meniscal pathologies is a severe meniscal pathology suffered by the aging population worldwide. However, conventional meniscal substitutes are not 3D-printable and lack the customizability of 3D printed implants and ar... Read More about 3D Printed Silicone Meniscus Implants: Influence of the 3D Printing Process on Properties of Silicone Implants.

Alliance between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and fracture risk: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Kumar, M., Bajpai, R., Shaik, A. R., Vohora, D., & Srivastava, S. (2020). Alliance between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and fracture risk: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 76(10), 1373–1392.

Purpose In the past few years, several fracture-related events have been reported with chronic use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) throughout the globe. Hence, an updated systematic review and meta-analysis was necessary to ascerta... Read More about Alliance between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and fracture risk: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

The cost of childhood atopic dermatitis in a multi-ethnic Asian population: a cost-of-illness study (2020)
Journal Article
Thng, S., Car, J., Järbrink, K., Bajpai, R., Olsson, M., Wee, L. W. Y., …Koh, M. J. A. (2020). The cost of childhood atopic dermatitis in a multi-ethnic Asian population: a cost-of-illness study. British Journal of Dermatology, 182(5), 1245-1252.

BACKGROUND: Childhood atopic dermatitis can often have a negative impact on quality of life for affected children and their caregivers. The condition contributes to increased healthcare costs and can pose heavy economic burdens on healthcare systems... Read More about The cost of childhood atopic dermatitis in a multi-ethnic Asian population: a cost-of-illness study.

Determination of cut-off and correlates of delay in treatment-seeking of febrile illness: a retrospective analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Bajpai, R. C., Tiwari, P., & Chaturvedi, H. K. (2020). Determination of cut-off and correlates of delay in treatment-seeking of febrile illness: a retrospective analysis. BMC Public Health, 20(1), Article 572.

Early diagnosis and treatment of malaria symptoms reduces the risk of severe complication and malaria transmission. However, delay in malaria diagnosis and treatment is a major public health problem in India. The primary aim of the study... Read More about Determination of cut-off and correlates of delay in treatment-seeking of febrile illness: a retrospective analysis.

Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Associated Work-Related Factors among Indoor Workers in a Multi-Ethnic Southeast Asian Country (2019)
Journal Article
Divakar, U., Sathish, T., Soljak, M., Bajpai, R., Dunleavy, G., Visvalingam, N., …Car, J. (2019). Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Associated Work-Related Factors among Indoor Workers in a Multi-Ethnic Southeast Asian Country. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), Article 164.

Little is known about the effect of working conditions on vitamin D status in Southeast Asia, where vitamin D deficiency is common despite the presence of sunlight all year round in most places. We examined the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and... Read More about Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Associated Work-Related Factors among Indoor Workers in a Multi-Ethnic Southeast Asian Country.

Health Effects of Underground Workspaces cohort: study design and baseline characteristics (2019)
Journal Article
Dunleavy, G., Bajpai, R., Yap, H. S., Roberts, A. C., Quoc, T., Tonon, A. C., …Car, J. (2019). Health Effects of Underground Workspaces cohort: study design and baseline characteristics. Epidemiology and Health, 41, Article ARTN e2019025.

The development of underground workspaces is a strategic effort towards healthy urban growth in ever-increasing land-scarce cities. Despite the growth in underground workspaces, there is limited information regarding the impact of this environment on... Read More about Health Effects of Underground Workspaces cohort: study design and baseline characteristics.

Digital Education of Health Professionals on the Management of Domestic Violence: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration (2019)
Journal Article
Divakar, U., Posadzki, P., Jarbrink, K., Bajpai, R., Ho, A., Campbell, J., …Nazeha, N. (2019). Digital Education of Health Professionals on the Management of Domestic Violence: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(5), e13868 -e13868.

Background: The World Health Organization states that 35% of women experience domestic violence at least once during their lifetimes. However, approximately 80% of health professionals have never received any training on management of this major publ... Read More about Digital Education of Health Professionals on the Management of Domestic Violence: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration.

Digital Education in Health Professions: The Need for Overarching Evidence Synthesis (2019)
Journal Article
Car, J., Carlstedt-Duke, J., Tudor Car, L., Posadzki, P., Whiting, P., Majeed, A., …Bajpai, R. (2019). Digital Education in Health Professions: The Need for Overarching Evidence Synthesis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(2), Article e12913.

Synthesizing evidence from randomized controlled trials of digital health education poses some challenges. These include a lack of clear categorization of digital health education in the literature; constantly evolving concepts, pedagogies, or theori... Read More about Digital Education in Health Professions: The Need for Overarching Evidence Synthesis.

Retrospective cohort analysis of real-life decisions about end-of-life care preferences in a Southeast Asian country (2019)
Journal Article
Tan, W. S., Bajpai, R., Ho, A. H. Y., Low, C. K., & Car, J. (2019). Retrospective cohort analysis of real-life decisions about end-of-life care preferences in a Southeast Asian country. BMJ Open, 9(2), Article e024662.

Objective To describe the end-of-life care preferences of individuals, and to examine the influence of age and gender on these preferences.Design, setting and participants A retrospective cohort study was conducted. Participants included all adults (... Read More about Retrospective cohort analysis of real-life decisions about end-of-life care preferences in a Southeast Asian country.

Prevalence of chronic wounds in the general population: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies (2018)
Journal Article
Martinengo, L., Olsson, M., Bajpai, R., Soljak, M., Upton, Z., Schmidtchen, A., …Jarbrink, K. (2019). Prevalence of chronic wounds in the general population: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Annals of Epidemiology, 29, 8 - 15.

Chronic wounds are a major public health challenge, but little is known about the true burden with studies reporting different estimates because of disparities in study designs and measurement methods. This hampers efficient resource allocat... Read More about Prevalence of chronic wounds in the general population: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.

The humanistic and economic burden of chronic wounds: A systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Olsson, M., Jarbrink, K., Divakar, U., Bajpai, R., Upton, Z., Schmidtchen, A., & Car, J. (2019). The humanistic and economic burden of chronic wounds: A systematic review. Wound Repair and Regeneration, 27(1), 114 -125.

Chronic wounds are a health problem that have devastating consequences for patients and contribute major costs to healthcare systems and societies. To understand the magnitude of this health issue, a systematic review was undertaken. Searches were co... Read More about The humanistic and economic burden of chronic wounds: A systematic review.