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Medication optimisation in severe mental illness (MEDIATE): protocol for a realist review (2022)
Journal Article
Jacklin, Maidment, I., Wong, G., Duddy, C., Upthegrove, R., Oduola, S., …MacPhee, M. (2022). Medication optimisation in severe mental illness (MEDIATE): protocol for a realist review. BMJ Open, 12(1), e058524 - ?.

INTRODUCTION: Severe mental illness (SMI) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. People living with SMI often receive complex medication regimens. Optimising these regimens can be challenging. Non-adherence is common and addressing i... Read More about Medication optimisation in severe mental illness (MEDIATE): protocol for a realist review.

Shared Decision-Making With a Virtual Patient in Medical Education: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. (2021)
Journal Article
Jacklin, S. (2021). Shared Decision-Making With a Virtual Patient in Medical Education: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. JMIR Medical Education, e22745 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Shared decision-making (SDM) is a process in which clinicians and patients work together to select tests, treatments, management, or support packages based on clinical evidence and the patient's informed preferences. Similar to any skill,... Read More about Shared Decision-Making With a Virtual Patient in Medical Education: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study..