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Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. (2023)
Journal Article
Lawton, S., Mallen, C., Muller, S., Wathall, S., & Helliwell, T. (2023). Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e062389.

Objectives: To investigate the usefulness of using automated appointment check-in screens to collect brief research data from patients, prior to their general practice consultation.

Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional study.

Setting: Nine ge... Read More about Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England..

Integrating case-finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression into primary care long-term condition reviews: results from the ENHANCE pilot trial. (2021)
Journal Article
Healey, E. L., Mallen, C. D., Chew-Graham, C. A., Nicholls, E., Lewis, M., Lawton, S. A., …Jinks, C. (2022). Integrating case-finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression into primary care long-term condition reviews: results from the ENHANCE pilot trial. Family Practice, 39(4), 592–602.

Background: Multimorbidity is increasingly the norm; however, primary care remains focused on single diseases. Osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression are frequently comorbid with other long-term conditions (LTCs), but rarely prioritized by clinician... Read More about Integrating case-finding and initial management for osteoarthritis, anxiety, and depression into primary care long-term condition reviews: results from the ENHANCE pilot trial..

Refinement and validation of a tool for stratifying patients with musculoskeletal pain (2021)
Journal Article
Dunn, K. M., Campbell, P., Lewis, M., Hill, J. C., van der Windt, D. A., Afolabi, E., …Foster, N. E. (2021). Refinement and validation of a tool for stratifying patients with musculoskeletal pain. European Journal of Pain, 25(10), 2081-2093.

AbstractBackgroundPatients with musculoskeletal pain in different body sites share common prognostic factors. Using prognosis to stratify and treatment match can be clinically and cost‐effective. We aimed to refine and validate the Keele STarT MSK To... Read More about Refinement and validation of a tool for stratifying patients with musculoskeletal pain.

Supporting self-management of low back pain with an internet intervention in primary care: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness (SupportBack 2). (2020)
Journal Article
Geraghty, A. W. A., Roberts, L., Hill, J., Foster, N. E., Yardley, L., Hay, E., …Little, P. (2020). Supporting self-management of low back pain with an internet intervention in primary care: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness (SupportBack 2). BMJ Open, 10(8),

INTRODUCTION: Self-management and remaining physically active are first-line recommendations for the care of patients with low back pain (LBP). With a lifetime prevalence of up to 85%, novel approaches to support behavioural self-management are neede... Read More about Supporting self-management of low back pain with an internet intervention in primary care: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost-effectiveness (SupportBack 2)..

Stratified primary care versus non-stratified care for musculoskeletal pain: findings from the STarT MSK feasibility and pilot cluster randomized controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Hill, J., Garvin, S., Chen, Y., Cooper, V., Wathall, S., Saunders, B., …Foster, N. E. (2020). Stratified primary care versus non-stratified care for musculoskeletal pain: findings from the STarT MSK feasibility and pilot cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Family Practice, 21, Article 30.

Background: Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain from the five most common presentations to primary care (back, neck, shoulder, knee or multi-site pain), where the majority of patients are managed, is a costly global health challenge. At present, first-line de... Read More about Stratified primary care versus non-stratified care for musculoskeletal pain: findings from the STarT MSK feasibility and pilot cluster randomized controlled trial.

The INCLUDE study: INtegrating and improving Care for patients with infLammatory rheUmatological DisordErs in the community; identifying multimorbidity: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. (2018)
Journal Article
Healey, E., Herron, D., Hider, S., Bucknall, M., Cooke, K., Finney, A., …Chew-Graham, C. (2018). The INCLUDE study: INtegrating and improving Care for patients with infLammatory rheUmatological DisordErs in the community; identifying multimorbidity: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Comorbidity, 8(1),

Background: Patients with inflammatory rheumatic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica and ankylosing spondylitis are at increased risk of common comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and anxiety and dep... Read More about The INCLUDE study: INtegrating and improving Care for patients with infLammatory rheUmatological DisordErs in the community; identifying multimorbidity: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial..