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Spontaneity and serendipity: Space and time in the lives of people with diabetes (2019)
Journal Article
Lucherini, M. (2020). Spontaneity and serendipity: Space and time in the lives of people with diabetes. Social Science and Medicine, 245, Article ARTN 112723.

This article considers the relevance of non-representational theory to understanding the lived experience of diabetes. While non-representational theory has gained traction in the social sciences, especially Human Geography, its usefulness in extendi... Read More about Spontaneity and serendipity: Space and time in the lives of people with diabetes.

International nurse migration from India and the Philippines: the challenge of meeting the sustainable development goals in training, orderly migration and healthcare worker retention (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). International nurse migration from India and the Philippines: the challenge of meeting the sustainable development goals in training, orderly migration and healthcare worker retention. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2583 - 2599.

This paper examines nurse migration from India and the Philippines through the lens of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) 4.3 (access to training), 10.7 (orderly and responsible migration) and 3.c (retention of health workers). The internationa... Read More about International nurse migration from India and the Philippines: the challenge of meeting the sustainable development goals in training, orderly migration and healthcare worker retention.

Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods (2019)
Journal Article
Pemberton, S., Padilla, B., Samerski, S., Lopes, J., Humphris, R., Bradby, H., & Phillimore, J. (2019). Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Health and Place, 128-135.

To date little attention has been focused on how the differing features of 'superdiverse' neighbourhoods shape residents' access to healthcare services. Through utilising a cross-national mixed-methods approach, the paper highlights how defining feat... Read More about Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods.

Is alcohol consumption in older adults associated with poor self-rated health? Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2015)
Journal Article
Frisher, M., Mendonça, M., Shelton, N., Pikhart, H., de Oliveira, C., & Holdsworth, C. (2015). Is alcohol consumption in older adults associated with poor self-rated health? Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. BMC Public Health,

Increases in alcohol related mortality and morbidity have been reported among older people in England over the last decade. There is, however, evidence that drinking is protective for some health conditions. The validity of this evidence... Read More about Is alcohol consumption in older adults associated with poor self-rated health? Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.