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IMPaCT Back study protocol. Implementation of subgrouping for targeted treatment systems for low back pain patients in primary care: a prospective population-based sequential comparison (2010)
Journal Article
(2010). IMPaCT Back study protocol. Implementation of subgrouping for targeted treatment systems for low back pain patients in primary care: a prospective population-based sequential comparison. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 186 - ?.

Prognostic assessment tools to identify subgroups of patients at risk of persistent low back pain who may benefit from targeted treatments have been developed and validated in primary care. The IMPaCT Back study is investigating the effec... Read More about IMPaCT Back study protocol. Implementation of subgrouping for targeted treatment systems for low back pain patients in primary care: a prospective population-based sequential comparison.

What are the important components of the clinical assessment of hand problems in older adults in primary care? Results of a Delphi study (2010)
Journal Article
Dziedzic. (2010). What are the important components of the clinical assessment of hand problems in older adults in primary care? Results of a Delphi study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 178 -?.

Background: To identify clinical questions and assessments regarded by health care practitioners as important when assessing undifferentiated hand pain or problems in adults aged 50 years and over presenting to primary care.

Methods: A purposively... Read More about What are the important components of the clinical assessment of hand problems in older adults in primary care? Results of a Delphi study.

What is a pilot or feasibility study? A review of current practice and editorial policy. (2010)
Journal Article
(2010). What is a pilot or feasibility study? A review of current practice and editorial policy. BMC medical research methodology, 67 - ?.

BACKGROUND: In 2004, a review of pilot studies published in seven major medical journals during 2000-01 recommended that the statistical analysis of such studies should be either mainly descriptive or focus on sample size estimation, while results fr... Read More about What is a pilot or feasibility study? A review of current practice and editorial policy..

A new approach to project managing change (2010)
Journal Article
(2013). A new approach to project managing change. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 16(5), 225-230.

Project management based on the PRINCE 2 (Projects In Controlled Environments) methodology isthe default mode for managing organisational change in the NHS. While this approach to project management is suitable for ‘tame’ problems, it is not so for ‘... Read More about A new approach to project managing change.

Radiographic thumb osteoarthritis: frequency, patterns and associations with pain and clinical assessment findings in a community-dwelling population. (2010)
Journal Article
Marshall, M., Myers, H., Dziedzic, K., Nicholls, E., & Van Der Windt, D. (2010). Radiographic thumb osteoarthritis: frequency, patterns and associations with pain and clinical assessment findings in a community-dwelling population. Rheumatology, 50(4), 735 - 739.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate: (i) the frequency and patterns of radiographic OA (ROA) in the thumb joints; and (ii) associations between thumb ROA and the clinical characteristics of thumb OA in older adults with hand pain or... Read More about Radiographic thumb osteoarthritis: frequency, patterns and associations with pain and clinical assessment findings in a community-dwelling population..

"Well, it's nobody's responsibility but my own." A qualitative study to explore views about the determinants of health and prevention of knee pain in older adults (2010)
Journal Article
(2010). "Well, it's nobody's responsibility but my own." A qualitative study to explore views about the determinants of health and prevention of knee pain in older adults. BMC Public Health, 148.

Dahlgren and Whitehead's 'rainbow' outlines key determinants of health and has been widely adopted within public health policy and research. Public understanding regarding the determinants of health is, however, relatively unknown, particularly in re... Read More about "Well, it's nobody's responsibility but my own." A qualitative study to explore views about the determinants of health and prevention of knee pain in older adults.

Extending conceptual frameworks: life course epidemiology for the study of back pain (2010)
Journal Article
(2010). Extending conceptual frameworks: life course epidemiology for the study of back pain. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23 - ?.

Epidemiological studies have identified important causal and prognostic factors for back pain, but these frequently only identify a proportion of the variance, and new factors add little to these models. Recently, interest has increased in studying d... Read More about Extending conceptual frameworks: life course epidemiology for the study of back pain.

The attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of GPs regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a systematic review (2010)
Journal Article
Roddy. (2010). The attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of GPs regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a systematic review. BMC Family Practice, 4 - ?.

Joint pain, specifically chronic knee pain (CKP), is a frequent cause of chronic pain and limitation of function and mobility among older adults. Multiple evidence-based guidelines recommend exercise as a first-line treatment for all patients with CK... Read More about The attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of GPs regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a systematic review.

Value of symptoms and additional diagnostic tests for colorectal cancer in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis (2010)
Journal Article
(2010). Value of symptoms and additional diagnostic tests for colorectal cancer in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 1269 -?.

To summarise available evidence on diagnostic tests that might help primary care physicians to identify patients with an increased risk for colorectal cancer among those consulting for non-acute lower abdominal symptoms.