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Applying electron microscopy analysis to assess neural tissue engineering outcomes (2024)
Lindop, G. E. (2024). Applying electron microscopy analysis to assess neural tissue engineering outcomes. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Spinal cord injury (SCI) has a major socio-economic impact with treatments providing little to no functional recovery due to the SCI environment hindering regeneration through chemical and physical barriers. Novel approaches to alter the injury envir... Read More about Applying electron microscopy analysis to assess neural tissue engineering outcomes.

Development of a chick embryo spinal cord injury model as a platform to test neural tissue engineering strategies (2021)
Mogas Barcons, A. (2021). Development of a chick embryo spinal cord injury model as a platform to test neural tissue engineering strategies. (Thesis). Keele University

Spinal cord injury is a devastating condition affecting thousands of people every year. The spinal cord does not have the intrinsic capacity for regeneration due to a complex cascade of physical and chemical barriers that prevent axonal growth and le... Read More about Development of a chick embryo spinal cord injury model as a platform to test neural tissue engineering strategies.

Pharmacological analysis of dopaminergic synaptic plasticity in rodent lateral entorhinal cortex (2021)
Pettitt, G. (2021). Pharmacological analysis of dopaminergic synaptic plasticity in rodent lateral entorhinal cortex. (Thesis). Keele University

Despite receiving the second largest dopaminergic projection from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and having a pivotal role in conveying non-spatial information received from sensory cortices, the physiological functions of the lateral entorhinal co... Read More about Pharmacological analysis of dopaminergic synaptic plasticity in rodent lateral entorhinal cortex.

Dopaminergic modulation of activity dependent synaptic plasticity in rodent lateral entorhinal cortex (2021)
Wells, T. R. (2021). Dopaminergic modulation of activity dependent synaptic plasticity in rodent lateral entorhinal cortex. (Thesis). Keele University

The entorhinal cortex serves as the interface region between allocortical input and the hippocampus, with current theories suggesting that the region is involved in memory encoding, with dopamine serving as a “motivational currency” provided to memor... Read More about Dopaminergic modulation of activity dependent synaptic plasticity in rodent lateral entorhinal cortex.

The neuroprotective role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in a palmitic acid model of diabetes mellitus type 2 (2020)
Benn, E. E. (2020). The neuroprotective role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in a palmitic acid model of diabetes mellitus type 2. (Thesis). Keele University

The negative ways in which diabetes affects the brain, and the role of neural insulin and glucose is an interesting research topic as research has shown a correlation between neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. This thesis focuses on how polyuns... Read More about The neuroprotective role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in a palmitic acid model of diabetes mellitus type 2.

Through fog: An autoethnography of childhood emotional neglect. (2019)
Blanchard, A. (2019). Through fog: An autoethnography of childhood emotional neglect. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Childhood emotional neglect is increasingly recognised as significant and widespread, potentially linked to adult depression and anxiety, yet it remains hidden, poorly understood, ill-defined, foggy. Less widely researched than other forms of child m... Read More about Through fog: An autoethnography of childhood emotional neglect..

Unusual neuropathological features and increased brain aluminium in a resident of Camelford, UK. (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). Unusual neuropathological features and increased brain aluminium in a resident of Camelford, UK. Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 537-541.

The possible role of aluminium in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been hotly debated over the past few decades. Although the so-called ‘aluminium hypothesis’ was popular in the 1970s and 1980s, it has gradually fallen out of favour i... Read More about Unusual neuropathological features and increased brain aluminium in a resident of Camelford, UK..

Communicational aspects of neuronal circuitry in the cerebellar cortex of the alligator
(1968). Communicational aspects of neuronal circuitry in the cerebellar cortex of the alligator

The studies leading to this thesis were commenced in October 1965 in the Department of Communication at the University of Keele under the supervision of Professor D.M. MacKay. In September 1967, with the permission of the senate of the University and... Read More about Communicational aspects of neuronal circuitry in the cerebellar cortex of the alligator.

The evaluation of three related techniques for the statistical analysis of clipped speech
(1968). The evaluation of three related techniques for the statistical analysis of clipped speech

Techniques are described for the statistical analysis of
clipped speech in terms of the time intervals between the zero crossings or the speech waveform or its time derivative. The only statistic of this kind which had been used prior to this study... Read More about The evaluation of three related techniques for the statistical analysis of clipped speech.

Adaptive cancellation techniques for noise reduction in electrocardiography
Mukalaf, A. (1987). Adaptive cancellation techniques for noise reduction in electrocardiography

This thesis describes an investigation of the application of adaptive filtering techniques in electrocardiography (ECG), with particular reference to exercise testing. The main objective in this study was to observe the effectiveness of adaptive meth... Read More about Adaptive cancellation techniques for noise reduction in electrocardiography.

Directional and orientational tuning in the striate cortex of the cat for contrast and textured stimuli
Tigwell, D. A. (1985). Directional and orientational tuning in the striate cortex of the cat for contrast and textured stimuli

1. Striate cortical neurones respond selectively to the orientation of moving contrast bars. The mechanism for that selectivity has alternatively been attributed to the
geniculo-cortleal synapse or Inhibitory intracortical circuitry. Functionally, t... Read More about Directional and orientational tuning in the striate cortex of the cat for contrast and textured stimuli.

An experimental study of fine-grain motion perception in the human visual system
Gravano, S. (1985). An experimental study of fine-grain motion perception in the human visual system

This thesis explores the characteristics of motion perception in the peripheral field of the human visual system as revealed by the fine-grain movement illusion, in which the sequential flashing of two spatially unresolved dot flashes results in the... Read More about An experimental study of fine-grain motion perception in the human visual system.

Neuroanatomical segregation of texture-sensitivity in feline striate cortex
Edelstyn, N. (1988). Neuroanatomical segregation of texture-sensitivity in feline striate cortex

Recordings were obtained from striate cortical neurones in cats lightly anaesthetized with nitrous oxide/oxygen supplemented with halothane as necessary: muscle relaxant (gallamine triethiodide) was administered intravenously. Complex neurones were s... Read More about Neuroanatomical segregation of texture-sensitivity in feline striate cortex.

Detection of frequency and intensity changes using synthetic vowels and other sounds
Cosgrove, P. (1988). Detection of frequency and intensity changes using synthetic vowels and other sounds

Formant frequency transition detection thresholds In synthetic vowels were Investigated for their dependence on formant number, vowel type and duration of frequency transition. With transitions In final position It was found that F2 Is easier to dete... Read More about Detection of frequency and intensity changes using synthetic vowels and other sounds.

Some studies of spontaneous and evoked acoustic emissions from the human ear
(1987). Some studies of spontaneous and evoked acoustic emissions from the human ear

Several studies of spontaneous and evoked oto-acoustic emissions (SOAEs and EOAEs) and their relationship to norsal and pathological hearing mechanism are described.
1. A computer model was developed to study the theory that the EOAE is produced by... Read More about Some studies of spontaneous and evoked acoustic emissions from the human ear.

Aspects of chromatic and temporal processing in normal and impaired human vision
(1987). Aspects of chromatic and temporal processing in normal and impaired human vision

A psychophysical study was made of post-receptoral processing In the human visual system. The first series of experiments investigated normal red-green opponent-colour function by Means of a paradigm in which a white auxiliary field was made spatiall... Read More about Aspects of chromatic and temporal processing in normal and impaired human vision.

Spatial, temporal and chromatic properties of human scalp-recorded potentials evoked by patterned visual stimuli
(1982). Spatial, temporal and chromatic properties of human scalp-recorded potentials evoked by patterned visual stimuli

A series of experiments are reported in which the spatial, temporal and chromatic properties of the initial components Cl and CII of the transient pattern-onset VEP, of predicted striate and extrastriate origin, are examined. Where relevant the respo... Read More about Spatial, temporal and chromatic properties of human scalp-recorded potentials evoked by patterned visual stimuli.

An investigation of some factors affecting the variability of the McCollough effect
(1982). An investigation of some factors affecting the variability of the McCollough effect

A series of experiments are reported which have attempted to isolate some factors causing inter and intrasubject variability of the McCollough effect.* A number of such factors were found.
1. The initial strength of the OCCA is strongly influenced b... Read More about An investigation of some factors affecting the variability of the McCollough effect.

Form specific adaptation and pattern recognition: an experimental and theoretical study
(1981). Form specific adaptation and pattern recognition: an experimental and theoretical study

Among the theories of visual pattern recognition are structural theories which propose that patterns are encoded in terras of features and their spatial relationships (relations). Structural theories are examined here with both adaptation and pattern... Read More about Form specific adaptation and pattern recognition: an experimental and theoretical study.