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Tiebreaks and Diversity: Isolating Effects in Lexicase Selection (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Tiebreaks and Diversity: Isolating Effects in Lexicase Selection.

A primary goal of evolutionary robotics (ER) is generalized control. That is, a robot controller should be capable of solving a variety of tasks in a domain, rather than only addressing specific instances of a task. Prior work has shown that Lexicase... Read More about Tiebreaks and Diversity: Isolating Effects in Lexicase Selection.

Evolving Robust, Deliberate Motion Planning With a Shallow Convolutional Neural Network (2018)
Journal Article
Channon. (2018). Evolving Robust, Deliberate Motion Planning With a Shallow Convolutional Neural Network.

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) have seen great success on machine learning tasks in recent years but have shown difficulty with tasks that require long-term deliberative planning. Whereas, purpose-built hybrid network architectures hav... Read More about Evolving Robust, Deliberate Motion Planning With a Shallow Convolutional Neural Network.

Cooperation in Repeated Rock-Paper-Scissors Games in Uncertain Environments (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Cooperation in Repeated Rock-Paper-Scissors Games in Uncertain Environments. Artificial Life, 404-411.

Cooperation among selfish individuals provides the fundamentals for social organization among animals and humans. Cooperation games capture this behavior at an abstract level and provide the tools for the analysis of the evolution of cooperation. Her... Read More about Cooperation in Repeated Rock-Paper-Scissors Games in Uncertain Environments.

Measuring the Scalability of Cloud-based Software Services (2018)
Conference Proceeding
Al-Said Ahmad, A., & Andras, P. (2018). Measuring the Scalability of Cloud-based Software Services. .

Measuring and testing the performance of cloud-based software services is critically important in the context of rapid growth of cloud computing. Scalability, elasticity and efficiency are interrelated aspects of performance of cloud-based software s... Read More about Measuring the Scalability of Cloud-based Software Services.

Quantifying textual similarities across scientific researchcommunities (2018)
Duffee, B. (2018). Quantifying textual similarities across scientific researchcommunities. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

There are well-established approaches of text mining collections of documents and for understanding the network of citations between academic papers. Few studies have examined the textual content of the papers that constitute a citation network. A do... Read More about Quantifying textual similarities across scientific researchcommunities.

A computational workflow for the automated generation of models of genetic designs (2018)
Journal Article
Misirli. (2018). A computational workflow for the automated generation of models of genetic designs. ACS synthetic biology, 1548-1559.

Computational models are essential to engineer predictable biological systems and to scale up this process for complex systems. Computational modelling often requires expert knowledge and data to build models. Clearly, manual creation of models is no... Read More about A computational workflow for the automated generation of models of genetic designs.

A Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities (2018)
Journal Article
Ortolani, Zhang, R., Newman, S., Ortolani, M., & Silvestri, S. (2018). A Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(7), 2268 - 2278.

Traffic monitoring is a key enabler for several planning and management activities of a Smart City. However, traditional techniques are often not cost efficient, flexible, and scalable. This paper proposes an approach to traffic monitoring that does... Read More about A Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities.

Toward Evolving Robust, Deliberate Motion Planning With HyperNEAT (2018)
Book Chapter
Channon, A., & Jolley, B. (2018). Toward Evolving Robust, Deliberate Motion Planning With HyperNEAT. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2017 (3488 -3495)

Previous works have used a novel hybrid network architecture to create deliberative behaviours to solve increasingly challenging tasks in two-dimensional and threedimensional artificial worlds. At the foundation of each is a static hand-designed neur... Read More about Toward Evolving Robust, Deliberate Motion Planning With HyperNEAT.

Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Artificial Life (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Artificial Life. Artificial Life,

We describe the questions and discussions raised at the First Workshop on Social Learning and Cultural Evolution held at the Artificial Life Conference 2016 in Cancun, Mexico in July 2016. The purpose of the workshop was to assemble artificial life r... Read More about Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Artificial Life.

SynBioHub: A Standards-Enabled Design Repository for Synthetic Biology. (2018)
Journal Article
McLaughlin, J., Ofiteru, I., Goñi Moreno, A., Zundel, Z., Misirli, G., Zhang, M., …Myers, C. (2018). SynBioHub: A Standards-Enabled Design Repository for Synthetic Biology. ACS synthetic biology, 682-688.

The SynBioHub repository ( is an open-source software project which facilitates the sharing of information about engineered biological systems. SynBioHub provides computational access for software and data integration, and a graphical u... Read More about SynBioHub: A Standards-Enabled Design Repository for Synthetic Biology..

High-Dimensional Function Approximation with Neural Networks for Large Volumes of Data (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). High-Dimensional Function Approximation with Neural Networks for Large Volumes of Data. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 500-508.

Approximation of high-dimensional functions is a challenge for neural networks due to the curse of dimensionality. Often the data for which the approximated function is defined resides on a low-dimensional manifold and in principle the approximation... Read More about High-Dimensional Function Approximation with Neural Networks for Large Volumes of Data.

Automatic Detection and Distinction of Retinal Vessel Bifurcations and Crossings in Colour Fundus Photography (2018)
Journal Article
Pratt, H., Williams, B. M., Ku, J. Y., Vas, C., McCann, E., Al-Bander, B., …Zheng, Y. (2018). Automatic Detection and Distinction of Retinal Vessel Bifurcations and Crossings in Colour Fundus Photography. Journal of Imaging, 4(1), 4 - 4.

The analysis of retinal blood vessels present in fundus images, and the addressing of problems such as blood clot location, is important to undertake accurate and appropriate treatment of the vessels. Such tasks are hampered by the challenge of accur... Read More about Automatic Detection and Distinction of Retinal Vessel Bifurcations and Crossings in Colour Fundus Photography.

Distributed Caching in Wireless Cellular Networks Incorporating Parallel Processing (2018)
Journal Article
Fan. (2018). Distributed Caching in Wireless Cellular Networks Incorporating Parallel Processing. IEEE Internet Computing, 52 -61.

Distributed caching is a promising technique for reducing redundant data traffic and user content access delay in telecommunications systems. This article explores caching technologies with a focus on the processing of content requests in today’s hie... Read More about Distributed Caching in Wireless Cellular Networks Incorporating Parallel Processing.

Enhanced Collision Avoidance for Distributed LTE Vehicle to Vehicle Broadcast Communications (2018)
Journal Article
Fan. (2018). Enhanced Collision Avoidance for Distributed LTE Vehicle to Vehicle Broadcast Communications. IEEE Communications Letters, 630 - 633.

In this letter, we investigate the distributed autonomous resource selection for LTE vehicle to vehicle (V2V) broadcast. The effectiveness of collision avoidance and location based resource allocation enhancements is examined. It is found that collis... Read More about Enhanced Collision Avoidance for Distributed LTE Vehicle to Vehicle Broadcast Communications.

An Ambient Intelligence System for Assisted Living (2017)
Book Chapter
Ortolani. (2017). An Ambient Intelligence System for Assisted Living. In 2017 AEIT International Annual Conference, Cagliari, Italy, 20-22 Sep (1 -6).

Nowadays, the population's average age is constantly increasing, and thus the need for specialized home assistance is on the rise. Smart homes especially tailored to meet elderly and disabled people's needs can help them maintaining their autonomy, w... Read More about An Ambient Intelligence System for Assisted Living.

Turning Models Inside Out (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). Turning Models Inside Out. CEUR Workshop Proceedings,

We present an approach for change-based (as opposed to state-based) model persistence that can facilitate highperformance incremental model processing (e.g. validation, transformation) by minimising the cost of change identification when models evolv... Read More about Turning Models Inside Out.

Towards an Accurate Identification of Pyloric Neuron Activity with VSDi (2017)
Conference Proceeding
dos Santos, F., Andras, P., & Lam, K. (2017). Towards an Accurate Identification of Pyloric Neuron Activity with VSDi. In Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2017.

Voltage-sensitive dye imaging (VSDi) which enables simultaneous optical recording of many neurons in the pyloric circuit of the stomatogastric ganglion is an important technique to supplement electrophysiological recordings. However, utilising the te... Read More about Towards an Accurate Identification of Pyloric Neuron Activity with VSDi.

The contributions the empirical studies performed in industry make to the findings of systematic reviews: a tertiary study (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). The contributions the empirical studies performed in industry make to the findings of systematic reviews: a tertiary study. Information and Software Technology,

Systematic reviews can provide useful knowledge for software engineering practice, by aggregating and synthesising empirical studies related to a specific topic.
We sought to assess how far the findings of systematic reviews ad... Read More about The contributions the empirical studies performed in industry make to the findings of systematic reviews: a tertiary study.