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First release of the IPHAS catalogue of new extended planetary nebulae (2014)
Journal Article
Wright, N. J. (2014). First release of the IPHAS catalogue of new extended planetary nebulae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 3388-3401.

We present the first results of our search for new, extended planetary nebulae (PNe) based on careful, systematic, visual scrutiny of the imaging data from the Isaac Newton Telescope Photometric Ha Survey of the Northern Galactic plane (IPHAS). The n... Read More about First release of the IPHAS catalogue of new extended planetary nebulae.

HD 183648: a Kepler eclipsing binary with anomalous ellipsoidal variations and a pulsating component (2014)
Journal Article
Borkovits, T., Derekas, A., Fuller, J., Szabó, G., Pavlovski, K., Csák, B., …Jankovics, I. (2014). HD 183648: a Kepler eclipsing binary with anomalous ellipsoidal variations and a pulsating component. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(4), 3068 - 3081.

KIC 8560861 (HD 183648) is a marginally eccentric (e = 0.05) eclipsing binary with an orbital period of Porb = 31.973 d, exhibiting mmag amplitude pulsations on time-scales of a few days. We present the results of the complex analysis of high- and me... Read More about HD 183648: a Kepler eclipsing binary with anomalous ellipsoidal variations and a pulsating component.

KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability (2014)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, D. L., Smalley, B., Kurtz, D. W., Southworth, J., Cunha, M. S., & Clubb, K. I. (2014). KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(3), 2049 - 2062.

We analyse the fifth rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star reported in the Kepler field, KIC 7582608, discovered with the SuperWASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) project. The object shows a high-frequency pulsation at 181.7324 d-1 (P = 7.9 min) with a... Read More about KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability.

Production of 92Nb, 92Mo, and 146Sm in the gamma-process in SNIa (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Rauscher, T., Travaglio, C., Gallino, R., Nishimura, N., & Hirschi, R. (2014, July). Production of 92Nb, 92Mo, and 146Sm in the gamma-process in SNIa. Paper presented at 13th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC XIII), Debrecen, Hungary

The knowledge of the production of extinct radioactivities like 92Nb and 146Sm by photodisintegration processes in ccSN and SNIa models is essential for interpreting abundances in meteoritic material and for Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE). The 92M... Read More about Production of 92Nb, 92Mo, and 146Sm in the gamma-process in SNIa.

KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability (2014)
Presentation / Conference
Holdsworth, D., Smalley, B., Kurtz, D., Southworth, J., Cunha, M., & Clubb, K. (2014, July). KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability. Poster presented at The Space Photometry Revolution – CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France

We analyse the fifth roAp star reported in the Kepler field, KIC 7582608, discovered with the SuperWASP project. The object shows a high frequency pulsation at 181.7324d-1 (P = 7.9 min) with an amplitude of 1.45 mmag, and low frequency rotational mod... Read More about KIC 7582608: a new Kepler roAp star with frequency variability.

The effect of star-spots on the ages of low-mass stars determined from the lithium depletion boundary (2014)
Journal Article
Jackson, R. J., & Jeffries, R. D. (2014). The effect of star-spots on the ages of low-mass stars determined from the lithium depletion boundary. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 445(4), 2111-2123.

In a coeval group of low-mass stars, the luminosity of the sharp transition between stars that retain their initial lithium and those at slightly higher masses in which Li has been depleted by nuclear reactions, the lithium depletion boundary (LDB),... Read More about The effect of star-spots on the ages of low-mass stars determined from the lithium depletion boundary.

Period and amplitude variations in post-common-envelope eclipsing binaries observed with SuperWASP (2014)
Journal Article
Smalley, Hellier, C., & Maxted, P. (2014). Period and amplitude variations in post-common-envelope eclipsing binaries observed with SuperWASP. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

Period or amplitude variations in eclipsing binaries may reveal the presence of additional massive bodies in the system, such as circumbinary planets. Here, we have studied twelve previously-known eclipsing post-common-envelope binaries for evidence... Read More about Period and amplitude variations in post-common-envelope eclipsing binaries observed with SuperWASP.

A window on exoplanet dynamical histories: Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b (2014)
Journal Article
Smalley, Maxted, & Hellier. (2014). A window on exoplanet dynamical histories: Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 3392 -3401.

We present Rossiter–McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b and determine the sky-projected angle between the normal of the planetary orbit and the stellar rotation axis (?). WASP-13b and WASP-32b both have prograde orbits and are consistent... Read More about A window on exoplanet dynamical histories: Rossiter-McLaughlin observations of WASP-13b and WASP-32b.

The VST Photometric Ha Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+) (2014)
Journal Article
Wright, N. J. (2014). The VST Photometric Ha Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2036-2058.

The VST Photometric Ha Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+) is surveying the southern Milky Way in u, g, r, i and Ha at ~1?arcsec angular resolution. Its footprint spans the Galactic latitude range -5o < b < +5° at all longitudes... Read More about The VST Photometric Ha Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+).

HD 54272, a classical lambda Bootis star and gamma Doradus pulsator (2014)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2014). HD 54272, a classical lambda Bootis star and gamma Doradus pulsator. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1020 -1026.

We detect the second known ? Bootis star (HD 54272) which exhibits ? Doradus-type pulsations. The star was formerly misidentified as a RR Lyrae variable. The ? Bootis stars are a small group (only 2?per?cent) of late B to early F-type, Population I s... Read More about HD 54272, a classical lambda Bootis star and gamma Doradus pulsator.

Populations of rotating stars III. SYCLIST, the new Geneva Population Synthesis code (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Populations of rotating stars III. SYCLIST, the new Geneva Population Synthesis code. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

(abridged) We present a new tool for building synthetic colour-magnitude diagrams of coeval stellar populations. We study, from a theoretical point of view, the impact of axial rotation of stars on various observed properties of single-aged stellar p... Read More about Populations of rotating stars III. SYCLIST, the new Geneva Population Synthesis code.

Spitzer View Of Massive Star Formation In The Tidally Stripped Magellanic Bridge (2014)
Journal Article
Rosie Chen, C., Indebetouw, R., Muller, E., Kawamura, A., Gordon, K. D., Sewiło, M., …Van Loon, J. (2014). Spitzer View Of Massive Star Formation In The Tidally Stripped Magellanic Bridge. Astrophysical Journal, 785(2), Article 162.

The Magellanic Bridge is the nearest low-metallicity, tidally stripped environment, offering a unique high-resolution view of physical conditions in merging and forming galaxies. In this paper, we present an analysis of candidate massive young stella... Read More about Spitzer View Of Massive Star Formation In The Tidally Stripped Magellanic Bridge.

Eclipsing Am binary systems in the SuperWASP survey (2014)
Journal Article
Smalley, B., Southworth, J., I. Pintado, O., Gillon, M., L. Holdsworth, D., R. Anderson, D., …J. Wheatley, P. (2014). Eclipsing Am binary systems in the SuperWASP survey. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 564, Article A69.

The results of a search for eclipsing Am star binaries using photometry from the SuperWASP survey are presented. The light curves of 1742 Am stars fainter than V = 8.0 were analysed for the presence of eclipses. A total of 70 stars were found to exhi... Read More about Eclipsing Am binary systems in the SuperWASP survey.

Evolution of surface CNO abundances in massive stars (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Evolution of surface CNO abundances in massive stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

The nitrogen to carbon (N/C) and nitrogen to oxygen (N/O) ratios are the most sensitive quantities to mixing in stellar interiors of intermediate and massive stars. We further investigate the theoretical properties of these ratios as well as put in c... Read More about Evolution of surface CNO abundances in massive stars.

Transiting hot Jupiters from WASP-South, Euler and TRAPPIST: WASP-95b to WASP-101b (2014)
Journal Article
Hellier, C., Anderson, D., Collier Cameron, A., Delrez, L., Gillon, M., Jehin, E., …West, R. (2014). Transiting hot Jupiters from WASP-South, Euler and TRAPPIST: WASP-95b to WASP-101b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440(3), 1982 -1992.

We report the discovery of the transiting exoplanets WASP-95b, WASP-96b, WASP-97b, WASP-98b, WASP-99b, WASP-100b and WASP-101b. All are hot Jupiters with orbital periods in the range 2.1–5.7 d, masses of 0.5–2.8 MJup and radii of 1.1–1.4 RJup. The or... Read More about Transiting hot Jupiters from WASP-South, Euler and TRAPPIST: WASP-95b to WASP-101b.

Transiting planets from WASP-South, Euler, and TRAPPIST WASP-68 b, WASP-73 b, and WASP-88 b, three hot Jupiters transiting evolved solar-type stars (2014)
Journal Article
Delrez, L., Van Grootel, V., Anderson, D., Collier-Cameron, A., Doyle, A., Fumel, A., …West, R. (2014). Transiting planets from WASP-South, Euler, and TRAPPIST WASP-68 b, WASP-73 b, and WASP-88 b, three hot Jupiters transiting evolved solar-type stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 563, Article A143.

Using the WASP transit survey, we report the discovery of three new hot Jupiters, WASP-68 b, WASP-73 b and WASP-88 b. The planet WASP-68 bhas a mass of 0.95 ± 0.03 MJup, a radius of 1.24-0.06+0.10 RJup, and orbits a V = 10.7 G0-type star (1.24 ± 0.0... Read More about Transiting planets from WASP-South, Euler, and TRAPPIST WASP-68 b, WASP-73 b, and WASP-88 b, three hot Jupiters transiting evolved solar-type stars.

On the effect of rotation on populations of classical Cepheids I. Predictions at solar metallicity (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). On the effect of rotation on populations of classical Cepheids I. Predictions at solar metallicity. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

[Abridged] We aim to improve the understanding of Cepheids from an evolutionary perspective and establish the role of rotation in the Cepheid paradigm. In particular, we are interested in the contribution of rotation to the problem of Cepheid masses,... Read More about On the effect of rotation on populations of classical Cepheids I. Predictions at solar metallicity.

Rapidly varying A-type stars in the SuperWASP archive (2014)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2014). Rapidly varying A-type stars in the SuperWASP archive. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 423- 424.

The searches for transiting exoplanets have produced a vast amount of time-resolved photometric data of many millions of stars. One of the leading ground-based surveys is the SuperWASP project. We present the initial results of a survey of over 1.5 m... Read More about Rapidly varying A-type stars in the SuperWASP archive.

High-frequency A-type pulsators discovered using SuperWASP(star)dagger (2014)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, D. L., Smalley, B., Gillon, M., Clubb, K. I., Southworth, J., Maxted, P. F. L., …Wheatley, P. J. (2014). High-frequency A-type pulsators discovered using SuperWASP(star)dagger. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 439(2), 2078 - 2095.

We present the results of a survey using the WASP archive to search for high-frequency pulsations in F-, A- and B-type stars. Over 1.5 million targets have been searched for pulsations with amplitudes greater than 0.5 millimagnitude. We identify over... Read More about High-frequency A-type pulsators discovered using SuperWASP(star)dagger.

Normal A0-A1 stars with low v sin i (2014)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2014). Normal A0-A1 stars with low v sin i. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 265 - 269.

Context. The study of rotational velocity distributions for normal stars requires an accurate spectral characterization of the objects in order to avoid polluting the results with undetected binary or peculiar stars. This piece of information is a ke... Read More about Normal A0-A1 stars with low v sin i.