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Valorization of Hesperidin from Citrus Residues: Evaluation of Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Hesperidin-Mg Complex and Their Insecticidal Activity (2022)
Journal Article
da Silva, D., Bomfim, J., Marchi, R., Amaral, J., Pinto, L., de Oliveira, R., …Fernandes, J. (2022). Valorization of Hesperidin from Citrus Residues: Evaluation of Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Hesperidin-Mg Complex and Their Insecticidal Activity

The aim of the current study was the valorization of hesperidin, the dominant flavonoid in citrus processing waste, by microwave-assisted synthesis of hesperidin-Mg complex, improving its antioxidant activity and insecticidal potential. Here we show,... Read More about Valorization of Hesperidin from Citrus Residues: Evaluation of Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Hesperidin-Mg Complex and Their Insecticidal Activity.

Is It Honey Bee or Honeybee? Bumble Bee or Bumblebee? Who Decides the Common Names of Bees? (2021)
Journal Article
Kirk. (2021). Is It Honey Bee or Honeybee? Bumble Bee or Bumblebee? Who Decides the Common Names of Bees?. Bee World,

Anyone writing in English about bees will immediately encounter the question of whether to spell the common names as one word or two. Is it “honey bee” or “honeybee”? Is it “bumble bee” or ­“bumblebee”? It is easy to be confused because both spelling... Read More about Is It Honey Bee or Honeybee? Bumble Bee or Bumblebee? Who Decides the Common Names of Bees?.

Mating behaviour, mate choice and female resistance in the bean flower thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti) (2021)
Journal Article
Kirk. (2021). Mating behaviour, mate choice and female resistance in the bean flower thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti). Scientific reports,

Many species of thrips (Thysanoptera) in the family Thripidae form mating aggregations, but the adaptive significance of these aggregations and the extent of male and female mate choice is poorly understood. We studied the mating behaviour of the bea... Read More about Mating behaviour, mate choice and female resistance in the bean flower thrips (Megalurothrips sjostedti).

Exploiting Thrips Aggregation Pheromones to Develop a Lure-and-Kill Strategy for the Management of the Bean Flower Thrips (2021)
Journal Article
Pope, T., Niassy, S., Subramanian, S., Drijfhout, F., Akinyemi, A., Tamiru, A., …Campbell, H. (2021). Exploiting Thrips Aggregation Pheromones to Develop a Lure-and-Kill Strategy for the Management of the Bean Flower Thrips. Agronomy,

The potential of semiochemicals to lure insect pests to a trap where they can be killed with biopesticides has been demonstrated as an eco-friendly pest management alternative. In this study, we tested two recently characterized male-produced aggrega... Read More about Exploiting Thrips Aggregation Pheromones to Develop a Lure-and-Kill Strategy for the Management of the Bean Flower Thrips.

Experienced males recognise and avoid mating with non-virgin females in the western flower thrips (2019)
Journal Article
Kirk. (2019). Experienced males recognise and avoid mating with non-virgin females in the western flower thrips. PloS one,

The western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a major insect pest on a wide range of crops throughout the world. There are several unexplained aspects of the mating behaviour, particularly in relation to male-male... Read More about Experienced males recognise and avoid mating with non-virgin females in the western flower thrips.

Overwintering of the western flower thrips in outdoor strawberry crops (2019)
Journal Article
Kirk. (2019). Overwintering of the western flower thrips in outdoor strawberry crops. Journal of Pest Science,

The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is a major pest of semi-protected strawberry crops in the UK. These crops are grown outdoors but sheltered by clear polythene tunnels during the growing seaso... Read More about Overwintering of the western flower thrips in outdoor strawberry crops.

ICS Material: Changing the pattern of IPM (2019)
Kirk. (2019). ICS Material: Changing the pattern of IPM

Brochure that details how Russell IPM changed the pattern on the roll so that it attracts more thrips.

ICS Material: Pheromone lure and sticky traps for Frankiniella occidentalis (2019)
Kirk. (2019). ICS Material: Pheromone lure and sticky traps for Frankiniella occidentalis

This brochure shows how the product has developed by changing the material from that the pheromone is released from - rubber to a plastic ring that allows a slower and more even release of pheromone. Therefore, the product now has more longevity.