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Domes and semi-capsules as model systems for infrared microspectroscopy of biological cells. (2023)
Journal Article
Solheim, J., Brandsrud, M., Kong, B., Banyasz, A., Borondics, F., Micouin, G., …Kohler, A. (2023). Domes and semi-capsules as model systems for infrared microspectroscopy of biological cells. Scientific reports, 13(1), Article 3165.

It is well known that infrared microscopy of micrometer sized samples suffers from strong scattering distortions, attributed to Mie scattering. The state-of-the-art preprocessing technique for modelling and removing Mie scattering features from infra... Read More about Domes and semi-capsules as model systems for infrared microspectroscopy of biological cells..

The Organization of Outreach Work for Vulnerable Patients in General Practice during COVID-19: Results from the Cross-Sectional PRICOV-19 Study in 38 Countries. (2023)
Journal Article
Stark, S., Willems, S., Schaubroeck, E., Mallen, C., Murauskiene, L., Šantrić Milićević, M., …Collins, C. (2023). The Organization of Outreach Work for Vulnerable Patients in General Practice during COVID-19: Results from the Cross-Sectional PRICOV-19 Study in 38 Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected vulnerable populations' access to health care. By proactively reaching out to them, general practices attempted to prevent the underutilization of their services. This paper examined the association b... Read More about The Organization of Outreach Work for Vulnerable Patients in General Practice during COVID-19: Results from the Cross-Sectional PRICOV-19 Study in 38 Countries..

Drug Resistance in Medulloblastoma Is Driven by YB-1, ABCB1 and a Seven-Gene Drug Signature. (2023)
Journal Article
Taylor, L., Wade, P. K., Johnson, J. E., Aldighieri, M., Morlando, S., Di Leva, G., …Coyle, B. (2023). Drug Resistance in Medulloblastoma Is Driven by YB-1, ABCB1 and a Seven-Gene Drug Signature. Cancers, 15(4), Article 1086.

Therapy resistance represents an unmet challenge in the treatment of medulloblastoma. Accordingly, the identification of targets that mark drug-resistant cell populations, or drive the proliferation of resistant cells, may improve treatment strategie... Read More about Drug Resistance in Medulloblastoma Is Driven by YB-1, ABCB1 and a Seven-Gene Drug Signature..

Comparison of care and outcomes for myocardial infarction by heart failure status between United Kingdom and Japan. (2023)
Journal Article
Rashid, Mamas, & Dafaalla. (2023). Comparison of care and outcomes for myocardial infarction by heart failure status between United Kingdom and Japan. ESC Heart Failure,

AIMS: Prognosis for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is worse when heart failure is present on admission. Understanding clinical practice in different health systems can identify areas for quality improvement initiatives to improve... Read More about Comparison of care and outcomes for myocardial infarction by heart failure status between United Kingdom and Japan..

World Federation for Interventional Stroke Treatment (WIST) multispecialty training guidelines for endovascular stroke intervention (2023)
Journal Article
Roffe. (2023). World Federation for Interventional Stroke Treatment (WIST) multispecialty training guidelines for endovascular stroke intervention. Postępy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej, 19(1), 6-13.

Introduction: Today, endovascular treatment (EVT) is the therapy of choice for strokes due to acute large vessel occlusion, irrespective of prior thrombolysis. This necessitates fast, coordinated multi-specialty collaboration. Currently, in most cou... Read More about World Federation for Interventional Stroke Treatment (WIST) multispecialty training guidelines for endovascular stroke intervention.

The global syndemic of metabolic diseases in the young adult population: A consortium of trends and projections from the Global Burden of Disease 2000–2019 (2023)
Journal Article
Mamas. (2023). The global syndemic of metabolic diseases in the young adult population: A consortium of trends and projections from the Global Burden of Disease 2000–2019. Metabolism, 141, Article 155402.

Background: A significant proportion of premature deaths globally are related to metabolic diseases in young adults. We examined the global trends and mortality of metabolic diseases in individuals aged below 40 years using data from the Global Burde... Read More about The global syndemic of metabolic diseases in the young adult population: A consortium of trends and projections from the Global Burden of Disease 2000–2019.

Optimising the process of knowledge mobilisation in Communities of Practice: recommendations from a (multi-method) qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article
Swaithes, L., Paskins, Z., Quicke, J., Stevenson, K., Fell, K., & Dziedzic, K. (2023). Optimising the process of knowledge mobilisation in Communities of Practice: recommendations from a (multi-method) qualitative study. Implementation Science Communications, 4, Article 11.

Background: Communities of Practice (CoPs) offer a strategy for mobilising knowledge and integrating evidence-based interventions into musculoskeletal practice, yet little is known about their practical application in this context. This study aimed t... Read More about Optimising the process of knowledge mobilisation in Communities of Practice: recommendations from a (multi-method) qualitative study.

Enhanced antifouling properties of marine antimicrobial peptides by PEGylation. (2023)
Journal Article
Lou, T., Bai, X., He, X., Liu, W., Yang, Z., Yang, Y., & Yuan, C. (2023). Enhanced antifouling properties of marine antimicrobial peptides by PEGylation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 1124389 - ?.

Covalent immobilisation of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) on underwater surfaces to combat marine biofouling is of great interest as it is an efficient, broad-spectrum and environmentally friendly strategy. Similar to post-translational modifications... Read More about Enhanced antifouling properties of marine antimicrobial peptides by PEGylation..

Histological and Radiological Assessment of Endogenously Generated Repair Tissue In Vivo Following a Chondral Harvest (2023)
Journal Article
McCarthy, H. S., Tins, B., Gallacher, P. D., Jermin, P., Richardson, J. B., Herman Kuiper, J., & Roberts, S. (2023). Histological and Radiological Assessment of Endogenously Generated Repair Tissue In Vivo Following a Chondral Harvest. Cartilage, 48-58.

OBJECTIVE: To examine repair tissue formed approximately 15 months after a chondral harvest in the human knee. DESIGN: Sixteen individuals (12 males, 4 females, mean age 36 ± 9 years) underwent a chondral harvest in the trochlea as a pre-requisite fo... Read More about Histological and Radiological Assessment of Endogenously Generated Repair Tissue In Vivo Following a Chondral Harvest.

Hypoxic conditions promote a proliferative, poorly differentiated phenotype in COPD lung tissue progenitor cells in vitro (2023)
Journal Article
Dale, T. P., Santer, M. D., Haris, M., Zuo, W., & Forsyth, N. R. (2023). Hypoxic conditions promote a proliferative, poorly differentiated phenotype in COPD lung tissue progenitor cells in vitro. Experimental Lung Research, 49(1), 12-26.

PURPOSE: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients experience hypoxemia and lung tissue hypoxia, causing vasoconstriction, and at its most severe Cor pulmonale. However, minimal attention has been given to the effects of hypoxia at the ce... Read More about Hypoxic conditions promote a proliferative, poorly differentiated phenotype in COPD lung tissue progenitor cells in vitro.

Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. (2023)
Journal Article
Lawton, S., Mallen, C., Muller, S., Wathall, S., & Helliwell, T. (2023). Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e062389.

Objectives: To investigate the usefulness of using automated appointment check-in screens to collect brief research data from patients, prior to their general practice consultation.

Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional study.

Setting: Nine ge... Read More about Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England..

Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India (2023)
Journal Article
Fiks, E. (2023). Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India. Anthropology and Medicine,

Laparoscopic tubal ligation is the most prevalent method of contraception amongst India's rural and urban poor. Drawing on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork in rural Rajasthan in 2012-2013, this paper investigates how rural women's perceptions of a... Read More about Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India.

Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. (2023)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Burton, C., van der Windt, D. A., Myers, H., Chester, R., Pincus, T., & Wynne-Jones, G. (2023). Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24, Article 1.

BACKGROUND: Clinical management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain can be challenging due to diagnostic uncertainty, variable prognosis and limited evidence for long-term treatment benefits. The UK-based PANDA-S programme (Prognostic And Diagnostic Ass... Read More about Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme..