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Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care (2022)
Journal Article
Watson, L., Belcher, J., Nicholls, E., Chandratre, P., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., Hider, S., …Roddy, E. (2022). Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care. Rheumatology, 62(8), 2748-2756.

Objective To describe factors associated with change in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in people living with gout in primary care. Methods In a UK prospective cohort study, adults with a diagnosis of gout registered with 20 general practices... Read More about Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care.

'It's just a great muddle when it comes to food': a qualitative exploration of patient decision-making around diet and gout. (2021)
Journal Article
Hider, Watson, Mallen, & Roddy. (2021). 'It's just a great muddle when it comes to food': a qualitative exploration of patient decision-making around diet and gout. Rheumatology Advances in Practice,

Objective: Our aim was to understand whether, why and how patients choose to modify their diets after developing gout.

Methods: We conducted an inductive thematic secondary analysis of qualitative data from 43 interviews and four focus groups wit... Read More about 'It's just a great muddle when it comes to food': a qualitative exploration of patient decision-making around diet and gout..

Onset of comorbidities and flare patterns within pre-existing morbidity clusters in people with gout: 5-year primary care cohort study. (2021)
Journal Article
Bajpai, R., Muller, S., Mallen, C., Watson, L., Richette, P., Hider, S. L., & Roddy, E. (2021). Onset of comorbidities and flare patterns within pre-existing morbidity clusters in people with gout: 5-year primary care cohort study. Rheumatology, 61(1), 407-412.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the onset of comorbidities and pattern of flares over five years according to baseline comorbidity clusters in people with gout. METHODS: In a prospective primary-care-based cohort study, adults aged =18 years with gout, wer... Read More about Onset of comorbidities and flare patterns within pre-existing morbidity clusters in people with gout: 5-year primary care cohort study..

Latent Class Growth Analysis of Gout Flare Trajectories: A Three-Year Prospective Cohort Study in Primary Care (2020)
Journal Article
Muller, Watson, Belcher, Mallen, Roddy, & Nicholls. (2020). Latent Class Growth Analysis of Gout Flare Trajectories: A Three-Year Prospective Cohort Study in Primary Care. Arthritis and Rheumatology, 72(11), 1928-1935.

To investigate the existence of distinct classes of gout flare trajectories and compare their gout-specific, comorbid, and sociodemographic characteristics.

In a prospective cohort study, adults with gout who were registered wi... Read More about Latent Class Growth Analysis of Gout Flare Trajectories: A Three-Year Prospective Cohort Study in Primary Care.

Primary Care Diagnosis of Gout Compared to a Primary Care Diagnostic Rule for Gout and to Classification Criteria (2019)
Journal Article
WATSON, L., MULLER, S., & RODDY, E. (2019). Primary Care Diagnosis of Gout Compared to a Primary Care Diagnostic Rule for Gout and to Classification Criteria. Journal of Rheumatology, 46(11), Article 1542.

We read with interest the recent study by Dehlin and colleagues1, investigating the validity of a gout diagnosis in primary care. We have also investigated how a primary care diagnosis of gout compares to a primary care diagnostic rule for gout and t... Read More about Primary Care Diagnosis of Gout Compared to a Primary Care Diagnostic Rule for Gout and to Classification Criteria.