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The matter-of-fact in science: a sociological ethnography of a biochemistry laboratory
(1984). The matter-of-fact in science: a sociological ethnography of a biochemistry laboratory

The development of intellectual strands pointing to the
value of ethnographies of science are traced and the approach adopted for the present research is related to other laboratory observations. The findings gathered for this thesis are then prese... Read More about The matter-of-fact in science: a sociological ethnography of a biochemistry laboratory.

Social change and rural development in a North Iraqi village: a study of the role of the government and popular organisations, 1958 - 1981
(1984). Social change and rural development in a North Iraqi village: a study of the role of the government and popular organisations, 1958 - 1981

This thesis seeks to combine sociological and cultural aspects in an account of the major processes of social, political and economic change in the Ash-Shag village in Iraq, together with an analysis of the impact of rural development on villagers. T... Read More about Social change and rural development in a North Iraqi village: a study of the role of the government and popular organisations, 1958 - 1981.

Convention and constraint in the operation of musical groups: two case studies
(1983). Convention and constraint in the operation of musical groups: two case studies

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the ways in which Howard Becker's notions of convention and constraint operate in the functioning of selected musical groups. In particular, areas under investigation include the interrelated networks of media... Read More about Convention and constraint in the operation of musical groups: two case studies.

Imaginary fields: the cultural construction of dream interpretation in three contemporary British dreamwork groups
(1994). Imaginary fields: the cultural construction of dream interpretation in three contemporary British dreamwork groups

Dreams have, SInce time immemorial, both reflected the culture of those who dream them and have been used by them, with or without the help of soothsayers, to shape their personal lives and that of the culture of which they form part. Anthropologists... Read More about Imaginary fields: the cultural construction of dream interpretation in three contemporary British dreamwork groups.

Marginality, identity and politicisation of the Bhangi community, Delhi.
(1987). Marginality, identity and politicisation of the Bhangi community, Delhi

This research is about the Bhangi community of Old City of Delhi. Bhangis are the hereditary sweepers/scavengers in India. They are the ex-untouchables in the traditional caste system. The caste society is a form of stratification system where social... Read More about Marginality, identity and politicisation of the Bhangi community, Delhi..

The position of Iraqi women within the family: with particular reference to married women
Al-Khayyat, S. A. S. (1985). The position of Iraqi women within the family: with particular reference to married women

The central theme of this research is an investigation of the extent to which traditional familial attitudes have been instilled in Iraqi women, resulting in deep conflicts amongst those who recognise modern liberalising trends.
By allowing Iraqi w... Read More about The position of Iraqi women within the family: with particular reference to married women.

A sociological analysis of the organisation, distribution and uses of health care in Mauritius
Parahoo, A. K. (1985). A sociological analysis of the organisation, distribution and uses of health care in Mauritius

The main causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries are infectious and parasitic diseases and malnutrition. While there is a growing consensus among health workers that these diseases are in the main preventable, approaches to health c... Read More about A sociological analysis of the organisation, distribution and uses of health care in Mauritius.

A transformational theory of socialisation and cultural reproduction
Webster, D. C. H. (1985). A transformational theory of socialisation and cultural reproduction

The thesis begins with two apparently empirical questions:
(1) why do those in subordinate positions within the social order acquiesce?
(2) how does the existing cultural order persist?
The thesis is an attempt to provide a single coherent framew... Read More about A transformational theory of socialisation and cultural reproduction.

An analytical ethnography of sickness absence in an English primary school
Prout, A. (1986). An analytical ethnography of sickness absence in an English primary school

Medical sociology has characteristically dealt with children as inactive In the processes of their own illness and health. In part this reflects the treatment of children in sociology generally. It Is intensified by typically studying childhood sickn... Read More about An analytical ethnography of sickness absence in an English primary school.

A study of the policy implications arising from a local survey of perinatal mortality
Robinson, J. J. A. (1986). A study of the policy implications arising from a local survey of perinatal mortality

In this study the policy implications arising from a locally commissioned survey of perinatal mortality are analysed at several levels, and are examined in relation to factors associated with the policy process.
Part I contextualises perinatal mort... Read More about A study of the policy implications arising from a local survey of perinatal mortality.

The sociology of friendship: historical, literary & empirical perspectives
Skidmore, D. (1986). The sociology of friendship: historical, literary & empirical perspectives

Friendship has been extensively examined over recent years, particularly in the field of social psychology. I argue that, rather than friendship, other relationships implying friendship, which I term 'association', have been the focus of attention in... Read More about The sociology of friendship: historical, literary & empirical perspectives.

Conflict in Palestine 1917-1948: Palestinian responses to Zionist settlement in Palestine with particular reference to the attempts to solve the conflict
Abdalla Al-Soudi, A. M. (1986). Conflict in Palestine 1917-1948: Palestinian responses to Zionist settlement in Palestine with particular reference to the attempts to solve the conflict

There are two themes contained in this thesis: firstly, the examination of the Palestinian attitude, concept and views towards Zionist settlement in Palestine during the period 1917-1948, secondly, the analysis of their arguments and responses to the... Read More about Conflict in Palestine 1917-1948: Palestinian responses to Zionist settlement in Palestine with particular reference to the attempts to solve the conflict.

Miners and social character: a case study of a face team in mining, the work group and their social relationships
Walter, M. A. (1986). Miners and social character: a case study of a face team in mining, the work group and their social relationships

In this thesis I present an interpretation of the social situation of a face team in coal mining. My central theoretical focus is the idea of social character, as elaborated most extensively in the work of Erich Fromm. The relationship of social char... Read More about Miners and social character: a case study of a face team in mining, the work group and their social relationships.

Training in counselling: the development, implementation and evaluation of 'listening and responding', an approach to teaching communication skills to nurses
Connor, M. (1987). Training in counselling: the development, implementation and evaluation of 'listening and responding', an approach to teaching communication skills to nurses

A model for training nurses in the skills of communication and counselling was developed from microcouselling and problem management approaches.
The model was used with twenty trainee nurse teachers during a course of one day per week, for ten weeks... Read More about Training in counselling: the development, implementation and evaluation of 'listening and responding', an approach to teaching communication skills to nurses.