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The structure of the Magellanic Clouds traced by red clump stars at near-infrared wavelengths (2018)
Tatton, B. (2018). The structure of the Magellanic Clouds traced by red clump stars at near-infrared wavelengths. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis is about the Red Clump (RC) star population within the Magellanic Clouds. These are observed in the near-infrared Y JKs wavelengths using data obtained by the ESO public VMC survey. These were studied to shed more light on the internal st... Read More about The structure of the Magellanic Clouds traced by red clump stars at near-infrared wavelengths.

Vibrations and elastic waves in chiral multi-structures (2018)
Journal Article
Nieves, M., Carta, G., Jones, I., Movchan, A., & Movchan, N. (2018). Vibrations and elastic waves in chiral multi-structures. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 387-408.

We develop a new asymptotic model of the dynamic interaction between an elastic structure and a system of gyroscopic spinners that make the overall multi-structure chiral. An important result is the derivation and analysis of effective chiral boundar... Read More about Vibrations and elastic waves in chiral multi-structures.

Passive control of instabilities in combustion systems with heat exchanger (2018)
Journal Article
Surendran, A., Heckl, M. A., Hosseini, N., & Jan Teerling, O. (2018). Passive control of instabilities in combustion systems with heat exchanger. International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, 10(4), 362 -379.

One of the major concerns in the operability of power generation systems is their susceptibility to combustion instabilities. In this work, we explore whether a heat exchanger, an integral component of a domestic boiler, can be made to act as a passi... Read More about Passive control of instabilities in combustion systems with heat exchanger.

Single-atom vacancy in monolayer phosphorene: A comprehensive study of stability and magnetism under applied strain (2018)
Journal Article
Abreu Da Silva Morbec, J. M., Rahman, G., & Kratzer, P. (2018). Single-atom vacancy in monolayer phosphorene: A comprehensive study of stability and magnetism under applied strain. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 546 -553.

Using first-principles calculations based on density-functional theory we systematically investigate the effect of applied strain on the stability and on the electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer phosphorene with single-atom vacancy. We con... Read More about Single-atom vacancy in monolayer phosphorene: A comprehensive study of stability and magnetism under applied strain.

The impact of ionized outflows on the surrounding interstellar medium in disc galaxies (2018)
Al-Sadooni, A. A. H. (2018). The impact of ionized outflows on the surrounding interstellar medium in disc galaxies. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The aim of this thesis was to study the evolution of spiral galaxies by quantifying the impact of the ionized outflows in spiral galaxies on the surrounding interstellar medium. This project was based on optical Fabry-P´erot and long-slit observation... Read More about The impact of ionized outflows on the surrounding interstellar medium in disc galaxies.

An evaluation of the Gent and Gent-Gent material models using inflation of a plane membrane (2018)
Journal Article
Fu. (2018). An evaluation of the Gent and Gent-Gent material models using inflation of a plane membrane. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 39-48.

The Gent material model is the simplest extension of the neo-Hookean material model that can describe the finite extensibility of the polymeric chains comprising the elastomer network. However, it is known that its fitting to experimental results of... Read More about An evaluation of the Gent and Gent-Gent material models using inflation of a plane membrane.

A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL (2018)
Journal Article
Maxted. (2018). A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL. Experimental Astronomy, 135 - 209.

Thousands of exoplanets have now been discovered with a huge range of masses, sizes and orbits: from rocky Earth-like planets to large gas giants grazing the surface of their host star. However, the essential nature of these exoplanets remains largel... Read More about A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL.

Hyperbolic-elliptic model for surface wave in a pre-stressed incompressible elastic half-space (2018)
Journal Article
Khajiyeva, L., Prikazchikov, D., & Prikazchikova, L. (2018). Hyperbolic-elliptic model for surface wave in a pre-stressed incompressible elastic half-space. Mechanics Research Communications, 92, 49-53.

The paper aims at derivation of the asymptotic model for surface wave propagating in a pre-stressed incompressible elastic half-space, subject to prescribed surface loading. The approach relies on the slow-time perturbation procedure, extending the p... Read More about Hyperbolic-elliptic model for surface wave in a pre-stressed incompressible elastic half-space.

Aeroacoustic response of an array of tubes with and without bias-flow (2018)
Journal Article
Surendran, A., Heckl, M. A., Peerlings, L., Boij, S., Bodén, H., & Hirschberg, A. (2018). Aeroacoustic response of an array of tubes with and without bias-flow. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 454, 1 -16.

Heat exchangers, consisting of tube arrays in a cross-flow are a vital component of power generation systems. They are of interest from an acoustic point of view, because they can reflect, transmit and absorb an incident sound wave; in other words, t... Read More about Aeroacoustic response of an array of tubes with and without bias-flow.

The Exoplanet Climate Infrared TElescope (EXCITE) (2018)
Journal Article
Maxted. (2018). The Exoplanet Climate Infrared TElescope (EXCITE). Proceedings of SPIE,

Although there are a large number of known exoplanets, there is little data on their global atmospheric properties. Phase-resolved spectroscopy of transiting planets – continuous spectroscopic observation of planets during their full orbits – probes... Read More about The Exoplanet Climate Infrared TElescope (EXCITE).

Interfacial waveforms in chiral lattices with gyroscopic spinners (2018)
Journal Article
Garau, M., Carta, G., Nieves, M., Jones, I., Movchan, N., & Movchan, A. (2018). Interfacial waveforms in chiral lattices with gyroscopic spinners. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 474(2215),

We demonstrate a new method of achieving topologically protected states in an elastic hexagonal system of trusses by attaching gyroscopic spinners, which bring chirality to the system. Dispersive features of this medium are investigated in detail, an... Read More about Interfacial waveforms in chiral lattices with gyroscopic spinners.

An asymptotic strategy to couple homogenized elastic structures (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). An asymptotic strategy to couple homogenized elastic structures. International Journal of Engineering Science, 26-39.

A two-scale methodology to calculate the local stress-strain state (SSS) in structures composed of connected elements is proposed. The methodology is based on the assumption that the connecting unit has a size small in comparison to the objects being... Read More about An asymptotic strategy to couple homogenized elastic structures.

Elastic Waves in Periodically Heterogeneous Two-dimensional Media: Locally Periodic and Anti-periodic Modes (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Elastic Waves in Periodically Heterogeneous Two-dimensional Media: Locally Periodic and Anti-periodic Modes. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,

Propagation of anti-plane waves through a discrete square lattice and through a continuous fibrous medium is studied. In the long-wave limit, for periodically heterogeneous structures the solution can be periodic or anti-periodic across the unit cell... Read More about Elastic Waves in Periodically Heterogeneous Two-dimensional Media: Locally Periodic and Anti-periodic Modes.

Spectral evolution of weakly nonlinear random waves: kinetic description versus direct numerical simulations (2018)
Journal Article
Annenkov, S. Y., & Shrira, V. I. (2018). Spectral evolution of weakly nonlinear random waves: kinetic description versus direct numerical simulations. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 844, 766 -795.

Kinetic equations are widely used in many branches of science to describe the evolution of random wave spectra. To examine the validity of these equations, we study numerically the long-term evolution of water wave spectra without wind input using th... Read More about Spectral evolution of weakly nonlinear random waves: kinetic description versus direct numerical simulations.

Epitaxial growth of ?-InSe and a, ß, and ?-In2Se3 on e-GaSe (2018)
Journal Article
Balakrishnan, N., Steer, E., Patanè, A., Beton, P., Kovalyuk, Z., Eaves, L., …Kudrynskyi, Z. (2018). Epitaxial growth of ?-InSe and a, ß, and ?-In2Se3 on e-GaSe. 2D Materials, 035026 - 035026.

We demonstrate that ?-InSe and the a, ß and ? phases of In2Se3 can be grown epitaxially on e-GaSe substrates using a physical vapour transport method. By exploiting the temperature gradient within the tube furnace, we can grow selectively different p... Read More about Epitaxial growth of ?-InSe and a, ß, and ?-In2Se3 on e-GaSe.

Elastic Chiral Waveguides with Gyro-Hinges (2018)
Journal Article
Carta, G., Nieves, M. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2018). Elastic Chiral Waveguides with Gyro-Hinges. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 157 - 185.

This article presents a novel chiral structure, consisting of Euler–Bernoulli beams connected to gyroscopic spinners. A new type of boundary condition is introduced, which is referred to as a gyro-hinge. In this system, flexural waves are coupled wit... Read More about Elastic Chiral Waveguides with Gyro-Hinges.

Experimental studies of hydrated analogue materials of relevance to Solar System bodies using synchrotron radiation (2018)
Safi, E. (2018). Experimental studies of hydrated analogue materials of relevance to Solar System bodies using synchrotron radiation. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction on beamline I11 at the Diamond Light Source is used to study the in situ formation of CO2/CH4 clathrates. Frozen aqueous salt solutions were subjected to gas pressures between 5-26 bar and thermally cycled in the... Read More about Experimental studies of hydrated analogue materials of relevance to Solar System bodies using synchrotron radiation.