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Development of a novel 3D gut-microbiota model for the assessment of absorption and metabolism of health supplements and therapeutic drugs (2021)
Alansari, R. H. A. (2021). Development of a novel 3D gut-microbiota model for the assessment of absorption and metabolism of health supplements and therapeutic drugs. (Thesis). Keele University

The human body hosts a vast number of microorganisms such as bacteria, archaea, and viruses that are colonised inside and outside the body. This combination of microorganisms living within the human body is known as microbiota. The human microbiota v... Read More about Development of a novel 3D gut-microbiota model for the assessment of absorption and metabolism of health supplements and therapeutic drugs.

Understanding peer mentorship in supporting self‐management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: A qualitative study of mentees' perspectives (2021)
Journal Article
C. Lavender, E., M. Anderson, A., Dusabe‐Richards, E., Antcliff, D., R. Kingsbury, S., G. Conaghan, P., & A. McHugh, G. (2021). Understanding peer mentorship in supporting self‐management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: A qualitative study of mentees' perspectives. Musculoskeletal Care, 180 - 191.

Hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) are common musculoskeletal conditions. Treatment is usually conservative, making self-management a priority. We developed and trialled an OA peer mentorship intervention to support self-management in older... Read More about Understanding peer mentorship in supporting self‐management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: A qualitative study of mentees' perspectives.

Integrating clinician support with intervention design as part of a programme testing stratified care for musculoskeletal pain in general practice (2021)
Journal Article
Protheroe, J., Saunders, B., Hill, J., Chudyk, A., Foster, N., Bartlam, B., …Cooper, V. (2021). Integrating clinician support with intervention design as part of a programme testing stratified care for musculoskeletal pain in general practice. BMC Family Practice, 22, Article 161.

BACKGROUND: Stratified care involves subgrouping patients based on key characteristics, e.g. prognostic risk, and matching these subgroups to early treatment options. The STarT-MSK programme developed and tested a new stratified primary care interven... Read More about Integrating clinician support with intervention design as part of a programme testing stratified care for musculoskeletal pain in general practice.

Longitudinal assessment of lung clearance index to monitor disease progression in children and adults with cystic fibrosis. (2021)
Journal Article
Horsley, A. R., Belcher, J., Bayfield, K., Bianco, B., Cunningham, S., Fullwood, C., …Gilchrist, F. J. (2021). Longitudinal assessment of lung clearance index to monitor disease progression in children and adults with cystic fibrosis. Thorax, 77(4),

BACKGROUND: Lung clearance index (LCI) is a valuable research tool in cystic fibrosis (CF) but clinical application has been limited by technical challenges and uncertainty about how to interpret longitudinal change. In order to help inform clinical... Read More about Longitudinal assessment of lung clearance index to monitor disease progression in children and adults with cystic fibrosis..

Are changes in meniscus volume and extrusion associated to knee osteoarthritis development? A structural equation model. (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). Are changes in meniscus volume and extrusion associated to knee osteoarthritis development? A structural equation model. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,

OBJECTIVE: To explore the interplay between (changes in) medial meniscus volume, meniscus extrusion and radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) development over 30 months follow-up (FU). METHODS: Data from the PRevention of knee Osteoarthritis in Overw... Read More about Are changes in meniscus volume and extrusion associated to knee osteoarthritis development? A structural equation model..

Health Literacy and Health Outcomes in Patients with Low Back Pain – A Scoping Review (2021)
Journal Article
Protheroe. (2021). Health Literacy and Health Outcomes in Patients with Low Back Pain – A Scoping Review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 1-19.

BACKGROUND: Low back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Health literacy has been associated with pain intensity and pain control. However, there is a paucity of evidence regarding this association. In the field of low back pain research... Read More about Health Literacy and Health Outcomes in Patients with Low Back Pain – A Scoping Review.

First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. (2021)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Foster, N. E., Hill, J. C., Sowden, G., Evans, N., Bishop, A., …Wynne-Jones, G. (2022). First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 32, 147–155.

Purpose Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain is a common cause of work absence. The recent SWAP (Study of Work And Pain) randomised controlled trial (RCT) found that a brief vocational advice service for primary care patients with MSK pain led to fewer days' w... Read More about First Contact Practitioners' (FCPs) and General Practitioners' Perceptions Towards FCPs Delivering Vocational Advice to Patients with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Qualitative Investigation of the Implementation Potential of the I-SWAP Initiative..

Propranolol Reduces Risk of Knee or Hip Replacement Due to Osteoarthritis: a Propensity Score Matched Cohort Study-using Data From the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2021)
Journal Article
Mamas, M., & Mallen, C. (2021). Propranolol Reduces Risk of Knee or Hip Replacement Due to Osteoarthritis: a Propensity Score Matched Cohort Study-using Data From the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Research Square,

<h4>Objectives: </h4> To examine the association between ß -blocker prescription and knee or hip total joint replacement (TJR) in a UK primary-care population with incident knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA). <h4>Methods: </h4> Cohort study using data f... Read More about Propranolol Reduces Risk of Knee or Hip Replacement Due to Osteoarthritis: a Propensity Score Matched Cohort Study-using Data From the Clinical Practice Research Datalink..

Oxygen desaturation and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: secondary analysis of the HeadPoST study (2021)
Journal Article
Roffe. (2021). Oxygen desaturation and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: secondary analysis of the HeadPoST study. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 106796 - 106796.

Objective: Uncertainty exists over the prognostic significance of low arterial oxygen saturation (SaO(2)) in acute stroke. We aimed to determine the strength of association of SaO(2) and adverse outcomes among participants of the international Head P... Read More about Oxygen desaturation and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: secondary analysis of the HeadPoST study.

Long Term Prognostic Impact of Sex-specific Longitudinal Changes in Blood Pressure. The EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Cohort Study. (2021)
Journal Article
Mamas. (2021). Long Term Prognostic Impact of Sex-specific Longitudinal Changes in Blood Pressure. The EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Cohort Study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology,

AIMS: We aimed to determine the sex differences in longitudinal systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) trajectories in mid-life and delineate the associations between these and mortality (all-cause, cardiovascular, and non-cardiovascular... Read More about Long Term Prognostic Impact of Sex-specific Longitudinal Changes in Blood Pressure. The EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Cohort Study..

Sensory Stimulation of the Foot and Ankle Early Post-stroke: A Pilot and Feasibility Study (2021)
Journal Article
Aries, A., Pomeroy, V., Sim, J., Read, S., & Hunter, S. (2021). Sensory Stimulation of the Foot and Ankle Early Post-stroke: A Pilot and Feasibility Study. Frontiers in Neurology,

Background: Somatosensory stimulation of the lower extremity could improve motor recovery and walking post-stroke. This pilot study investigated the feasibility of a subsequent randomized controlled trial (RCT) to determine whether task-specific gait... Read More about Sensory Stimulation of the Foot and Ankle Early Post-stroke: A Pilot and Feasibility Study.

The development and validation of a prognostic model to PREDICT Relapse of depression in adult patients in primary care: protocol for the PREDICTR study. (2021)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2021). The development and validation of a prognostic model to PREDICT Relapse of depression in adult patients in primary care: protocol for the PREDICTR study. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research, 12 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Most patients who present with depression are treated in primary care by general practitioners (GPs). Relapse of depression is common (at least 50% of patients treated for depression will relapse after a single episode) and leads to consi... Read More about The development and validation of a prognostic model to PREDICT Relapse of depression in adult patients in primary care: protocol for the PREDICTR study..

Peer mentorship to improve self-management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: a randomised feasibility trial (2021)
Journal Article
Anderson, A. M., Lavender, E. C., Dusabe-Richards, E., Mebrahtu, T. F., McGowan, L., Conaghan, P. G., …McHugh, G. A. (2021). Peer mentorship to improve self-management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: a randomised feasibility trial. BMJ Open, e045389 - e045389.

Objective To determine the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a peer mentorship intervention to improve self-management of osteoarthritis (OA).

Design Six-month parallel group non-blinded randomised feasibility trial.... Read More about Peer mentorship to improve self-management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: a randomised feasibility trial.

Sex Differences in Outcomes Following Left Atrial Appendage Closure. (2021)
Journal Article
Sanjoy, S. S., Choi, Y., Sparrow, R. T., Baron, S. J., Abbott, J. D., Azzalini, L., …Bagur, R. (2021). Sex Differences in Outcomes Following Left Atrial Appendage Closure.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of female sex on in-hospital outcomes and to provide estimates for sex-specific prediction models of adverse outcomes following left atrial appendage closure (LAAC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cohort-based observational... Read More about Sex Differences in Outcomes Following Left Atrial Appendage Closure..

Risk-mitigating behaviours in people with inflammatory skin and joint disease during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by treatment type: a cross-sectional patient survey. (2021)
Journal Article
Mahil, S., Yates, M., Langan, S., Yiu, Z., Tsakok, T., Dand, N., …study groups, P. C. (2021). Risk-mitigating behaviours in people with inflammatory skin and joint disease during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by treatment type: a cross-sectional patient survey. British Journal of Dermatology, 185(1),

BACKGROUND: Registry data suggest that people with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) receiving targeted systemic therapies have fewer adverse coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomes compared with patients receiving no systemic treatm... Read More about Risk-mitigating behaviours in people with inflammatory skin and joint disease during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by treatment type: a cross-sectional patient survey..

Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Revascularization and Outcomes in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction. (2021)
Journal Article
Mamas. (2021). Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Revascularization and Outcomes in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is associated with worse outcomes. We assessed the impact of CKD on guideline directed coronary revascularization and outcomes among STEMI patients. The Nationwi... Read More about Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on Revascularization and Outcomes in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction..

Application of propensity scores and marginal structural models evaluating the effect of allopurinol in gout using primary care medical records (2021)
Rathod-Mistry, T. (2021). Application of propensity scores and marginal structural models evaluating the effect of allopurinol in gout using primary care medical records. (Thesis). Keele University

Primary care electronic health records (EHR) capture real life patterns of healthcare utilisation over time. This provides the opportunity to estimate the effect of allopurinol on long term outcomes in people with gout. However, use of su... Read More about Application of propensity scores and marginal structural models evaluating the effect of allopurinol in gout using primary care medical records.

Views and experiences of informal caregivers of older adults with dementia in Sri Lanka: a phenomenological study (2021)
Abhayasinghe, M. P. K. W. (2021). Views and experiences of informal caregivers of older adults with dementia in Sri Lanka: a phenomenological study. (Thesis). Keele University

Dementia is a global health concern affecting an estimated 115.4 million people. Dementia has become a research priority in low-and-middle income countries (LAMIC), due to increasing prevalence associated with demographic transition an... Read More about Views and experiences of informal caregivers of older adults with dementia in Sri Lanka: a phenomenological study.

Investigating the use of stratified primary care for older adults with musculoskeletal pain: a mixed methods study (2021)
Birkinshaw, H. (2021). Investigating the use of stratified primary care for older adults with musculoskeletal pain: a mixed methods study. (Thesis). Keele University

Musculoskeletal pain is common in older adults (aged =65), but current assessment and management in primary care is suboptimal. Prognostic stratified care matches treatment options to patients based upon their risk of persistent pain si... Read More about Investigating the use of stratified primary care for older adults with musculoskeletal pain: a mixed methods study.