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Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire? (2024)
Fox, H. Y. Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire?. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Risk terrain modelling (RTM) has been demonstrated to work in identifying locations at future risk of crime, with most published research in highly urbanised areas of the America’s. This research investigates the applicability of RTM, using the Simsi... Read More about Is there value, and a practical application for the use of ‘risk terrain’ analysis in the rural county of Lincolnshire?.

Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’ (2024)
Briody, L. J. Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

‘Vulnerability’ has become an increasing area of business within contemporary policing, (HMIC, 2015; HMICFRS, 2016). What ‘vulnerability’ means within a police framework and policing practice, however, has been elusive (Keay & Kirby, 2018). Researche... Read More about Operationalising ‘vulnerability’: how the police are informed about, identify and respond to individuals categorised as ‘vulnerable’.

Constructing and maintaining a ‘noncriminal’ identity: a psychosocial narrative inquiry into the lives of people with convictions (2023)
Collett, N. (2023). Constructing and maintaining a ‘noncriminal’ identity: a psychosocial narrative inquiry into the lives of people with convictions. (Thesis). Keele University

Despite burgeoning interest in the field of collateral consequences research, there is little empirical research exploring the subjective experiences of people living with convictions (PWCs), particularly within the jurisdiction of England and Wales.... Read More about Constructing and maintaining a ‘noncriminal’ identity: a psychosocial narrative inquiry into the lives of people with convictions.

“Hot and bitter tears” (辛酸泪): An inquiry into Chinese migrants’ experiences of undocumented status (2023)
Machin, H. E. (2023). “Hot and bitter tears” (辛酸泪): An inquiry into Chinese migrants’ experiences of undocumented status. (Thesis). Keele University

Undocumented Chinese migration to the UK has, in the aftermath of widely publicised events such as the Dover and Morecambe Bay tragedies, triggered significant concern. Since such events, attention has turned to other forms of irregular entry. Yet, u... Read More about “Hot and bitter tears” (辛酸泪): An inquiry into Chinese migrants’ experiences of undocumented status.

In our own image: materialism’s impoverished image of humanity and what this means for our technological future (2022)
Brayford, K. M. (2022). In our own image: materialism’s impoverished image of humanity and what this means for our technological future. (Thesis). Keele University

In this thesis, I seek to temper the commonly held faith in our technological endeavours. Recently this has taken the form of seeking to create humanlike technologies. In part one, I argue that progress in this is derailed by the image of humanity ad... Read More about In our own image: materialism’s impoverished image of humanity and what this means for our technological future.

Examining the self-representation of hijab fashion bloggers as a postfeminist phenomenon: discourses of empowerment and their limitations (2022)
Mora, L. (2022). Examining the self-representation of hijab fashion bloggers as a postfeminist phenomenon: discourses of empowerment and their limitations. (Thesis). Keele University

In the last decade, hijab fashion bloggers on Instagram have gained remarkable levels of popularity among young Muslim women. While scholars have recognised the importance of describing and celebrating the empowering sides of hijab fashion as a subcu... Read More about Examining the self-representation of hijab fashion bloggers as a postfeminist phenomenon: discourses of empowerment and their limitations.

Representing Happiness: A comparative study of media coverage of the World Happiness Report (2021)
Porto Carreiro Neves, R. (2021). Representing Happiness: A comparative study of media coverage of the World Happiness Report. (Thesis). Keele University

Alongside the rise of positive psychology in late 20th century, happiness has become a topical and heavily debated part of public and academic discourse. Although the concept has been discussed in philosophical terms since antiquity, it is now linked... Read More about Representing Happiness: A comparative study of media coverage of the World Happiness Report.

Exploring Serious Incident Investigation Practices in the NHS: towards a patient safety culture in Community Healthcare NHS Trusts (2020)
Hulme, A. (2020). Exploring Serious Incident Investigation Practices in the NHS: towards a patient safety culture in Community Healthcare NHS Trusts. (Thesis). Keele University

Patient safety is a major challenge in healthcare systems worldwide. In an attempt to make healthcare safer, practices have been adopted from other safety critical industries, accepting the underlying theory of high reliability organisations (HROs).... Read More about Exploring Serious Incident Investigation Practices in the NHS: towards a patient safety culture in Community Healthcare NHS Trusts.

The approach of the African National Congress to dealing with participatory spaces in post-apartheid South African local government (2020)
Zantsi, L. K. (2020). The approach of the African National Congress to dealing with participatory spaces in post-apartheid South African local government. (Thesis). Keele University

This dissertation is an assessment of the African National Congress’s (ANC) approach to local participatory governance in post-apartheid South Africa. It examines public participation policies and the extent to which they have been implemented and se... Read More about The approach of the African National Congress to dealing with participatory spaces in post-apartheid South African local government.

The impact of the governance of health insurance companies on patient satisfaction with hospitals in Saudi Arabia (2020)
Alzahrani, A. H. (2020). The impact of the governance of health insurance companies on patient satisfaction with hospitals in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). Keele University

The aim of this research study is to investigate the impact of corporate-governance-related practices on the effectiveness of health insurance companies, and in turn, their impact upon the performance of hospitals as measured by patients’ satisfactio... Read More about The impact of the governance of health insurance companies on patient satisfaction with hospitals in Saudi Arabia.

Child protection decision-making and ethical engagement: a comparative analysis of social work practice in England and Finland (2019)
Falconer, R. (2019). Child protection decision-making and ethical engagement: a comparative analysis of social work practice in England and Finland. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The decision to intervene in family life to protect a child necessitates weighing up ethical and legal considerations, a task shaped by the knowledge, skills and personal values of social workers and situated in organisational and local policy contex... Read More about Child protection decision-making and ethical engagement: a comparative analysis of social work practice in England and Finland.

Between a rock and a hard place: exploring the views and accounts of undergraduate student writers in a consumer-led Higher Education system (2019)
Aiken, V. J. (2019). Between a rock and a hard place: exploring the views and accounts of undergraduate student writers in a consumer-led Higher Education system. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis problematizes the student-as-consumer mantra from the perspective of students’ academic writing. It is beginning to be argued that a consumer-led higher education sector reducing the value of a degree to employability credentials leaves l... Read More about Between a rock and a hard place: exploring the views and accounts of undergraduate student writers in a consumer-led Higher Education system.

The dynamics of community participation: evidence from practice (2019)
Mawomo, K. (2019). The dynamics of community participation: evidence from practice. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This study investigated the dynamics of community participation (CP) manifest in participatory processes, both formal (‘invited’ or ‘induced’) and informal (‘created’ or ‘organic’), in two Tswana speaking rural communities in Botswana, namely Mogonye... Read More about The dynamics of community participation: evidence from practice.

Collective memory, space and performativity among the Turkish-speaking community in North London (2018)
Cakmak, M. (2023). Collective memory, space and performativity among the Turkish-speaking community in North London. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The Turkish-speaking community refers to migrants from Turkey and Cyprus. Although it is commonly mistaken as a monolithic group, they are from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. Moreover, although the collective memory and interactions with h... Read More about Collective memory, space and performativity among the Turkish-speaking community in North London.

Patterns and dialogues in youth work practice: qualitative research into the professional identities and practices of qualified youth workers (2018)
Pope, P. M. (2018). Patterns and dialogues in youth work practice: qualitative research into the professional identities and practices of qualified youth workers. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This qualitative research study into professional youth work identities and practices offers an insider perspective on the youth work community of practice. The research inquiry adopts a socially constructivist theoretical framework and was contextua... Read More about Patterns and dialogues in youth work practice: qualitative research into the professional identities and practices of qualified youth workers.

Family responsibilities, obligations, and commitment in the Seychelles (2018)
Henriette, F. G. (2018). Family responsibilities, obligations, and commitment in the Seychelles. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Drawing on a small-scale qualitative study, this thesis examines family relations in post-colonial Seychelles. The Seychelles is considered a post-colonial society because it used to be a colony. The aim of this qualitative research, using an interpr... Read More about Family responsibilities, obligations, and commitment in the Seychelles.

Land agents and urban aristocratic estates in nineteenth century Staffordshire: a comparison of Longton and Walsall (2018)
Rogers, C. (2018). Land agents and urban aristocratic estates in nineteenth century Staffordshire: a comparison of Longton and Walsall. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the impact of the social and economic policies of two aristocratic landowners on the development of Staffordshire towns. The integral role of land agents is demonstrated by comparing the earl of Bradford’s Walsall estate with the... Read More about Land agents and urban aristocratic estates in nineteenth century Staffordshire: a comparison of Longton and Walsall.

Asylum stories: a socio-legal study of Iranian claims for asylum in the UK (2013)
Ramezankhah, F. Asylum stories: a socio-legal study of Iranian claims for asylum in the UK. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis engages with the narratives of those individuals whose life stories and most personal experiences are displayed on a legal stage in a bid for international protection. These are individuals who have fled their country of origin in order t... Read More about Asylum stories: a socio-legal study of Iranian claims for asylum in the UK.

Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups (2009)
Gilbert, M. (2009). Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis investigates the establishment and operation of NHS Primary Care patient and public involvement forums and explores whether they were able to meet expectations, and fulfil their intended regulatory roles. PPI Forums, established in 2003,... Read More about Have patient and public involvement forums lived up to expectations? A qualitative study of Primary Care PPI forum groups.