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Protocol for the mixed methods, Managing young people (aged 16–25) with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population (2023)
Journal Article
Price, A., Smith, J. R., Mughal, F., Salimi, A., Melendez-Torres, G. J., & Newlove-Delgado, T. (2023). Protocol for the mixed methods, Managing young people (aged 16–25) with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population. BMJ Open, 13(7), Article e068184.

Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in children and adolescents, with an average worldwide prevalence of 5%. Up to 40% of young people continue to experience symptoms into adult... Read More about Protocol for the mixed methods, Managing young people (aged 16–25) with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population.

Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study. (2023)
Journal Article
Hawarden, A., Bullock, L., Chew-Graham, C., Herron, D., Hider, S., Jinks, C., …Paskins, Z. (2023). Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 7(2),

Background: People with inflammatory rheumatological conditions (IRCs) are at increased risk of common comorbidities including osteoporosis.

Aim: To explore the barriers to and facilitators of implementing nurse-delivered fracture risk assessments... Read More about Incorporating FRAX into a nurse-delivered integrated care review: a multi-method qualitative study..

Mortality across treatment strategies in intermediate-to-high risk pulmonary embolism in the modern era: A meta-analysis of observational studies and RCTs. (2023)
Journal Article
Iannaccone, M., Franchin, L., Russo, F., Botti, G., Castellano, D., Montorfano, M., …Chieffo, A. (2023). Mortality across treatment strategies in intermediate-to-high risk pulmonary embolism in the modern era: A meta-analysis of observational studies and RCTs. International Journal of Cardiology, 387, Article 131127.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) represents one of the leading causes of death worldwide and mainly treated with medical management, although the utility of more invasive approaches has emerged more recently. This meta-analysis aims to evaluate the 30-day mor... Read More about Mortality across treatment strategies in intermediate-to-high risk pulmonary embolism in the modern era: A meta-analysis of observational studies and RCTs..

Psychosocial factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the UK: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3) (2023)
Journal Article
Smith, L., Sim, J., Cutts, M., Dasch, H., Amlôt, R., Sevdalis, N., …Sherman, S. (2023). Psychosocial factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the UK: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3).

We investigated factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine uptake, future vaccination intentions, and changes in beliefs and attitudes over time.

Prospective cohort study. 1500 participants completed an online survey in January... Read More about Psychosocial factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the UK: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3).

Health and wellbeing of Nepalese migrant workers in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries: A mixed-methods study (2023)
Journal Article
Paudyal, P., Prasad Wasti, S., Neupane, P., Kulasabanathan, K., Chandra Silwal, R., Sharan Pathak, R., …Cassell, J. (2023). Health and wellbeing of Nepalese migrant workers in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries: A mixed-methods study.

Migrant workers support low- and middle-income economies through remittances, often bearing considerable health risks with long-term consequences. This study aims to understand the health and wellbeing issues of Nepalese migrant workers... Read More about Health and wellbeing of Nepalese migrant workers in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries: A mixed-methods study.

Predictors of the likelihood that patients with rheumatoid arthritis will communicate information about rheumatoid arthritis risk to relatives: A quantitative assessment. (2023)
Journal Article
Mallen, C., Raza, K., Falahee, M., Wells, I., Zemedikun, D., Simons, G., & Stack, R. (2023). Predictors of the likelihood that patients with rheumatoid arthritis will communicate information about rheumatoid arthritis risk to relatives: A quantitative assessment. Patient Education and Counseling, 112, Article 107713.

First-degree relatives (FDRs) of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are increasingly recruited to prediction and prevention studies. Access to FDRs is usually via their proband with RA. Quantitative data on predictors of family risk communication... Read More about Predictors of the likelihood that patients with rheumatoid arthritis will communicate information about rheumatoid arthritis risk to relatives: A quantitative assessment..

Developing a best practice framework for musculoskeletal outpatient physiotherapy delegation: the MOPeD mixed-methods research study protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Sarigiovannis, P., Foster, N. E., Jowett, S., & Saunders, B. (2023). Developing a best practice framework for musculoskeletal outpatient physiotherapy delegation: the MOPeD mixed-methods research study protocol. BMJ Open, 13(3), Article e072989.

Physiotherapy assistants/support workers are an important part of the physiotherapy workforce in the UK. Many of them work in National Health Service (NHS) physiotherapy outpatient services treating patients with musculoskeletal (MSK)... Read More about Developing a best practice framework for musculoskeletal outpatient physiotherapy delegation: the MOPeD mixed-methods research study protocol.

Design and evaluation of a new consolidation exercise for students studying cardiac physiology: a digital escape room. (2023)
Journal Article
Horn. (2023). Design and evaluation of a new consolidation exercise for students studying cardiac physiology: a digital escape room. Advances in physiology education, 47(1), 82 - 92.

The current student body will, by and large, seek online resources to supplement their learning. However, resources that are freely available online vary in accuracy and quality, and the vast majority rely on passive learning. Therefore, there is a n... Read More about Design and evaluation of a new consolidation exercise for students studying cardiac physiology: a digital escape room..

Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol. (2023)
Journal Article
Faux-Nightingale, A., Burton, C., Twohig, H., Bucknall, M., Carroll, W., Chew-Graham, C., …Welsh, V. (2023). Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 7(2), Article BJGPO20220149.

Background: While there is a substantial body of knowledge about acute COVID-19, less is known about long-COVID, where symptoms continue beyond 4 weeks.

Aim: To describe longer-term effects of COVID-19 infection in children and young people (CYP)... Read More about Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol..

Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents (2023)
Journal Article
Dunn, K., Montgomery, L. R., Andreucci, A., Kamper, S. J., van der Windt, D., Michaleff, Z. A., …Swain, M. S. (2023). Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023(2),

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (prognosis). The objectives are as follows:

We aim to describe the overall prognosis (focusing on the pain course) and the negative impact(s) of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, an... Read More about Overall prognosis of acute and chronic musculoskeletal, widespread, and neuropathic pain in children and adolescents.

Trends and Predictions of Malnutrition and Obesity in 204 Countries and Territories: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (2023)
Journal Article
Chong, B., Jayabaskaran, J., Kong, G., Huak Chan, Y., Han Chin, Y., Goh, R., …Chew, N. W. (2023). Trends and Predictions of Malnutrition and Obesity in 204 Countries and Territories: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. EClinicalMedicine, 57, 3164-3178.

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on care and outcomes across non-COVID-19 cardiovascular (CV) diseases is unknown. A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to quantify the effect and investigate for variation by CV disease, geogra... Read More about Trends and Predictions of Malnutrition and Obesity in 204 Countries and Territories: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.

The functions of self-harm in young people and their perspectives about future general practitioner-led care: A qualitative study. (2023)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., Chew-Graham, C., Babatunde, O., Saunders, B., Meki, A., & Dikomitis, L. (2023). The functions of self-harm in young people and their perspectives about future general practitioner-led care: A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 26(3), 1180-1188.

BACKGROUND: Self-harm in young people is a serious concern but a deeper understanding of the functions of self-harm in young people can tailor care and inform new clinical interventions to reduce repeat self-harm and suicide risk. General practitione... Read More about The functions of self-harm in young people and their perspectives about future general practitioner-led care: A qualitative study..

The Organization of Outreach Work for Vulnerable Patients in General Practice during COVID-19: Results from the Cross-Sectional PRICOV-19 Study in 38 Countries. (2023)
Journal Article
Stark, S., Willems, S., Schaubroeck, E., Mallen, C., Murauskiene, L., Šantrić Milićević, M., …Collins, C. (2023). The Organization of Outreach Work for Vulnerable Patients in General Practice during COVID-19: Results from the Cross-Sectional PRICOV-19 Study in 38 Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected vulnerable populations' access to health care. By proactively reaching out to them, general practices attempted to prevent the underutilization of their services. This paper examined the association b... Read More about The Organization of Outreach Work for Vulnerable Patients in General Practice during COVID-19: Results from the Cross-Sectional PRICOV-19 Study in 38 Countries..

Association of Depression and Poor Mental Health With Cardiovascular Disease and Suboptimal Cardiovascular Health Among Young Adults in the United States. (2023)
Journal Article
Mamas, M. A., Kwapong, Y. A., Boakye, E., Khan, S. S., Honigberg, M. C., Martin, S. S., …Sharma, G. (2023). Association of Depression and Poor Mental Health With Cardiovascular Disease and Suboptimal Cardiovascular Health Among Young Adults in the United States. Journal of the American Heart Association, 12(3), Article e028332.

Background Depression is a nontraditional risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Data on the association of depression and poor mental health with CVD and suboptimal cardiovascular health (CVH) among young adults are limited. Methods and Resul... Read More about Association of Depression and Poor Mental Health With Cardiovascular Disease and Suboptimal Cardiovascular Health Among Young Adults in the United States..

World Federation for Interventional Stroke Treatment (WIST) multispecialty training guidelines for endovascular stroke intervention (2023)
Journal Article
Roffe. (2023). World Federation for Interventional Stroke Treatment (WIST) multispecialty training guidelines for endovascular stroke intervention. Postępy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej, 19(1), 6-13.

Introduction: Today, endovascular treatment (EVT) is the therapy of choice for strokes due to acute large vessel occlusion, irrespective of prior thrombolysis. This necessitates fast, coordinated multi-specialty collaboration. Currently, in most cou... Read More about World Federation for Interventional Stroke Treatment (WIST) multispecialty training guidelines for endovascular stroke intervention.

Ultrasound modulates neuronal potassium currents via ionotropic glutamate receptors (2023)
Journal Article
Clennell, B., Steward, T. G., Hanman, K., Needham, T., Benachour, J., Jepson, M., …Whitcomb, D. J. (2023). Ultrasound modulates neuronal potassium currents via ionotropic glutamate receptors. Brain Stimulation, 16(2),

Focused ultrasound stimulation (FUS) has the potential to provide non-invasive neuromodulation of deep brain regions with unparalleled spatial precision. However, the cellular and molecular consequences of ultrasound stimulation on neuron... Read More about Ultrasound modulates neuronal potassium currents via ionotropic glutamate receptors.

Is Vaccination Against COVID-19 Associated With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Flare? Self-Controlled Case Series Analysis Using the UK CPRD (2023)
Journal Article
Card, T. R., Nakafero, G., Grainge, M. J., Mallen, C. D., Van-Tam, J. S. N., Williams, H. C., & Abhishek, A. (2023). Is Vaccination Against COVID-19 Associated With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Flare? Self-Controlled Case Series Analysis Using the UK CPRD. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 118(8), 1388-1394.

INTRODUCTION: To investigate the association between vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) flare. METHODS: Patients with IBD vaccinated against COVID-19 who consulted for disease flare between De... Read More about Is Vaccination Against COVID-19 Associated With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Flare? Self-Controlled Case Series Analysis Using the UK CPRD.

Diagnostic delay in adult inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Cross, E., Saunders, B., Farmer, A., & Prior, J. (2023). Diagnostic delay in adult inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology, 42, 40-52.

BACKGROUND: The extent of diagnostic delay in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is incompletely understood. We aimed to understand the extent of diagnostic delay of IBD in adults and identify associations between patient or healthcare characteristics... Read More about Diagnostic delay in adult inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review.

Parental acceptance of and preferences for administration of routine varicella vaccination in the UK: a study to inform policy (2023)
Journal Article
Sherman, S., Lingley-Heath, N., Lai, J., Sim, J., & Bedford, H. (2023). Parental acceptance of and preferences for administration of routine varicella vaccination in the UK: a study to inform policy. Vaccine, 41(8),

Objectives. To explore acceptability of and preferences for the introduction of varicella vaccination to the UK childhood immunisation schedule.
Design. We conducted an online cross-sectional survey exploring parental attitudes towards vaccines in g... Read More about Parental acceptance of and preferences for administration of routine varicella vaccination in the UK: a study to inform policy.

The global syndemic of metabolic diseases in the young adult population: A consortium of trends and projections from the Global Burden of Disease 2000–2019 (2023)
Journal Article
Mamas. (2023). The global syndemic of metabolic diseases in the young adult population: A consortium of trends and projections from the Global Burden of Disease 2000–2019. Metabolism, 141, Article 155402.

Background: A significant proportion of premature deaths globally are related to metabolic diseases in young adults. We examined the global trends and mortality of metabolic diseases in individuals aged below 40 years using data from the Global Burde... Read More about The global syndemic of metabolic diseases in the young adult population: A consortium of trends and projections from the Global Burden of Disease 2000–2019.