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Trends In Annual Consultation Incidence Of Clinical Osteoarthritis Between 1992-2013 In UK Primary Care: Analysis Of The Clinical Practice Research Datalink
Presentation / Conference
Yu, D., Peat, G., Bedson, J., & Jordan, K. Trends In Annual Consultation Incidence Of Clinical Osteoarthritis Between 1992-2013 In UK Primary Care: Analysis Of The Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Poster presented at EULAR 2016

Recent trends and future projections in the population burden of osteoarthritis and primary joint arthroplasty rates across Europe point to a growing challenge for population health and health services. However there are few studies on wh... Read More about Trends In Annual Consultation Incidence Of Clinical Osteoarthritis Between 1992-2013 In UK Primary Care: Analysis Of The Clinical Practice Research Datalink.

Identifying and rectifying prescriptions of long-acting antimuscarinic and beta-agonist inhalers without inhaled corticosteroids to asthma patients: an audit from a UK general practice surgery
Presentation / Conference
Identifying and rectifying prescriptions of long-acting antimuscarinic and beta-agonist inhalers without inhaled corticosteroids to asthma patients: an audit from a UK general practice surgery. Presented at BJGP Research Conference

Background In the UK 5.4 million people receive treatment for asthma. Patients diagnosed with asthma should not be prescribed a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), or a long-acting beta 2 agonist (LABA) without co-prescription of an inhaled cor... Read More about Identifying and rectifying prescriptions of long-acting antimuscarinic and beta-agonist inhalers without inhaled corticosteroids to asthma patients: an audit from a UK general practice surgery.

Comparative effectiveness of treatment options for subacromial shoulder conditions: A network meta-analysis
Presentation / Conference
Babatunde, Jordan, Van Der Windt, & Roddy. Comparative effectiveness of treatment options for subacromial shoulder conditions: A network meta-analysis. Presented at Global Evidence Summit 1017

Background: Subacromial shoulder conditions (SSCs) account for nearly 70% of all shoulder pain presentations to primary care, affecting one in three persons, half of whom still report pain and functional limitations 12 months post initial diagnosis.... Read More about Comparative effectiveness of treatment options for subacromial shoulder conditions: A network meta-analysis.

Association between lung capacity and abnormal glucose metabolism: Findings from China and Australia
Journal Article
Yu. (2015). Association between lung capacity and abnormal glucose metabolism: Findings from China and Australia. Clinical Endocrinology, 37-45.

Restricted pulmonary function is found among people with diabetes. This study aimed to investigate the dose–response relationship between pulmonary function measurements [forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capac... Read More about Association between lung capacity and abnormal glucose metabolism: Findings from China and Australia.

NHS arm’s length bodies and health regulation in England: who regulates the regulators?
McManus, R. M. (2015). NHS arm’s length bodies and health regulation in England: who regulates the regulators?

This research uses mixed methods to critically analyse health regulation systems in England, in a macro and micro sense. The qualitative side of the research involves interviews with key staff members from four NHS Trusts and two Clinical Commissioni... Read More about NHS arm’s length bodies and health regulation in England: who regulates the regulators?.

The potential of closed circuit lung clearance index (LCI) to provide longitudinal clinical utility in cystic fibrosis (CF)
Presentation / Conference
Gilchrist. The potential of closed circuit lung clearance index (LCI) to provide longitudinal clinical utility in cystic fibrosis (CF). Presented at

Background: Closed circuit washin offers a quicker test with the advantages of an exogenous tracer to measure FRC and LCI. We measured LCI in CF paediatric and adult outpatient clinics to assess repeatability of LCI and track changes over time, and i... Read More about The potential of closed circuit lung clearance index (LCI) to provide longitudinal clinical utility in cystic fibrosis (CF).

Rapid and portable MBW measurements for clinical application of LCI in routine clinics
Presentation / Conference
Gilchrist. Rapid and portable MBW measurements for clinical application of LCI in routine clinics. Presented at ERS Lung Science Conference 2016

Background: Assessment of lung clearance index (LCI) is typically a prolonged process (>20mins), performed in physiology labs. This has hindered routine clinical application and restricted repeat assessments to annual reviews. We have developed a por... Read More about Rapid and portable MBW measurements for clinical application of LCI in routine clinics.

Presentation / Conference

Background In order for lung clearance index (LCI) to be a clinically useful measurement, a better understanding is required of short-term variability. LCI-SEARCH is a longitudinal study in children and adults with CF, with LCI measured at each clini... Read More about REPRODUCIBILITY OF LUNG CLEARANCE INDEX (LCI) IN CLINICALLY STABLE ADULTS WITH MILD CYSTIC FIBROSIS (CF).

Female sex is associated with increased risk of early readmission with asthma in Staffordshire children
Presentation / Conference
Gilchrist. Female sex is associated with increased risk of early readmission with asthma in Staffordshire children. Presented at ERS International Congress 2017

Background: Asthma is the commonest medical reason for a child to be admitted to hospital in the UK. c.15% are readmitted within 3 months.

Aim: We undertook a retrospective case-control study to determine the predictors of readmission.

Methods:... Read More about Female sex is associated with increased risk of early readmission with asthma in Staffordshire children.

The British Lung Foundation asthma management programme improving children's asthma control
Presentation / Conference
Gilchrist. The British Lung Foundation asthma management programme improving children's asthma control. Presented at ERS International Congress 2017

Background: The 10-year Finland asthma programme showed that educating healthcare workers, patients and families reduces hospital admissions and asthma-related deaths (1).

Aim: The Department of Health and the Scottish Government funded a 2-year p... Read More about The British Lung Foundation asthma management programme improving children's asthma control.

Multivariate decoding of EEG data reveals similar mechanisms mediate perceptual adaptation and spontaneous perceptual reversals
Presentation / Conference
Dundas, K., & Brooks, J. Multivariate decoding of EEG data reveals similar mechanisms mediate perceptual adaptation and spontaneous perceptual reversals. Presented at ECVP 2021

The cause of spontaneous perceptual reversals of visually ambiguous stimuli (e.g., Rubin’s faces-vase) has been attributed to several different mechanisms. One hypothesis suggests that adaptation, or “neural fatigue”, builds up while one interpretati... Read More about Multivariate decoding of EEG data reveals similar mechanisms mediate perceptual adaptation and spontaneous perceptual reversals.

Prevalence and incidence of dental fluorosis in India: protocol for a systematic review and Meta-analysis
Journal Article
Chander Mittal, H., Bajpai, R., Kumar Singh, R., & Mohanty, U. (2021). Prevalence and incidence of dental fluorosis in India: protocol for a systematic review and Meta-analysis. Research Square,

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p><jats:bold>Background </jats:bold>Dental fluorosis has lifelong health impacts which can range from risk of dental caries to loss of teeth as well as aesthetic issues having psychological effects. The dental... Read More about Prevalence and incidence of dental fluorosis in India: protocol for a systematic review and Meta-analysis.

Cell Therapy for Cartilage Repair
Journal Article
McCarthy, H., Perry, J., Hulme, C., Mennan, C., & Wright, K. (in press). Cell Therapy for Cartilage Repair

Regenerative medicine, using cells as therapeutic agents for the repair or regeneration of tissues and organs, offers great hope for the future of medicine. Cell therapy for treating defects in articular cartilage has been an exemplar of translating... Read More about Cell Therapy for Cartilage Repair.