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The disproportionate case–fatality ratio of COVID-19 between countries with the highest vaccination rates and the rest of the world (2023)
Journal Article
Haider, N., Nayeem Hasan, M., Guitian, J., Khan, R. A., McCoy, D., Ntoumi, F., …Kock, R. A. (2023). The disproportionate case–fatality ratio of COVID-19 between countries with the highest vaccination rates and the rest of the world. IJID Regions, 6, 159-166.

The global reported cumulative case–fatality ratios (rCFRs) and excess mortality rates of the 20 countries with the highest coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination rates, the rest of the world and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) were com... Read More about The disproportionate case–fatality ratio of COVID-19 between countries with the highest vaccination rates and the rest of the world.

Optimising the process of knowledge mobilisation in Communities of Practice: recommendations from a (multi-method) qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article
Swaithes, L., Paskins, Z., Quicke, J., Stevenson, K., Fell, K., & Dziedzic, K. (2023). Optimising the process of knowledge mobilisation in Communities of Practice: recommendations from a (multi-method) qualitative study. Implementation Science Communications, 4, Article 11.

Background: Communities of Practice (CoPs) offer a strategy for mobilising knowledge and integrating evidence-based interventions into musculoskeletal practice, yet little is known about their practical application in this context. This study aimed t... Read More about Optimising the process of knowledge mobilisation in Communities of Practice: recommendations from a (multi-method) qualitative study.

Can prognostic factors for indirect muscle injuries in elite football (soccer) players be identified using data from preseason screening? An exploratory analysis using routinely collected periodic health examination records (2023)
Journal Article
Hughes, T., Riley, R., Callaghan, M. J., & Sergeant, J. C. (2023). Can prognostic factors for indirect muscle injuries in elite football (soccer) players be identified using data from preseason screening? An exploratory analysis using routinely collected periodic health examination records. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e052772.

Background: In elite football, periodic health examination (PHE) may be useful for injury risk prediction.

Objective: To explore whether PHE-derived variables are prognostic factors for indirect muscle injuries (IMIs) in elite players.

Design:... Read More about Can prognostic factors for indirect muscle injuries in elite football (soccer) players be identified using data from preseason screening? An exploratory analysis using routinely collected periodic health examination records.

Prognostic factors associated with outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. (2023)
Journal Article
Nagington, A., Foster, N., Snell, K., Konstantinou, K., & Stynes, S. (2023). Prognostic factors associated with outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. European Spine Journal,

PURPOSE: Clinical guidelines recommend epidural steroid injection (ESI) as a treatment option for severe disc-related sciatica, but there is considerable uncertainty about its effectiveness. Currently, we know very little about factors that might be... Read More about Prognostic factors associated with outcome following an epidural steroid injection for disc-related sciatica: a systematic review and narrative synthesis..

Digital exclusion as a potential cause of inequalities in access to care: a survey in people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (2023)
Journal Article
Hider, S., Muller, S., Gray, L., Manning, F., Heining, D., Menon, A., …Paskins, Z. (2023). Digital exclusion as a potential cause of inequalities in access to care: a survey in people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 7(1),

Objectives: COVID-19 led to rapid uptake of digital healthcare. We sought to examine digital access, health and digital literacy, and impact on confidence and satisfaction with remote consultations in people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs... Read More about Digital exclusion as a potential cause of inequalities in access to care: a survey in people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.

Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. (2023)
Journal Article
Lawton, S., Mallen, C., Muller, S., Wathall, S., & Helliwell, T. (2023). Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e062389.

Objectives: To investigate the usefulness of using automated appointment check-in screens to collect brief research data from patients, prior to their general practice consultation.

Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional study.

Setting: Nine ge... Read More about Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England..

Diabetes as a risk factor for the onset of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Dyer, B. P., Rathod-Mistry, T., Burton, C., Van Der Windt, D., & Bucknall, M. (2023). Diabetes as a risk factor for the onset of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e062377.

Objective: Summarise longitudinal observational studies to determine whether diabetes (types 1 and 2) is a risk factor for frozen shoulder.

Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data sources: MEDLINE, Embase, AMED, PsycINFO, Web of Scien... Read More about Diabetes as a risk factor for the onset of frozen shoulder: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Systematic review of community engagement approach in research: describing partnership approaches, challenges and benefits (2023)
Journal Article
Abebe, H., Zerihun, Z., Mallen, C., Price, H., Mulugeta, A., & Taffere, G. (2023). Systematic review of community engagement approach in research: describing partnership approaches, challenges and benefits. Journal of Public Health,

Community engagement in research has gained momentum as people have realised the importance and value it brings to research. However, a lack of standardization in the engagement approach has been reported in the literature. This systemati... Read More about Systematic review of community engagement approach in research: describing partnership approaches, challenges and benefits.

Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India (2023)
Journal Article
Fiks, E. (2023). Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India. Anthropology and Medicine,

Laparoscopic tubal ligation is the most prevalent method of contraception amongst India's rural and urban poor. Drawing on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork in rural Rajasthan in 2012-2013, this paper investigates how rural women's perceptions of a... Read More about Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India.

Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. (2023)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Burton, C., van der Windt, D. A., Myers, H., Chester, R., Pincus, T., & Wynne-Jones, G. (2023). Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24, Article 1.

BACKGROUND: Clinical management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain can be challenging due to diagnostic uncertainty, variable prognosis and limited evidence for long-term treatment benefits. The UK-based PANDA-S programme (Prognostic And Diagnostic Ass... Read More about Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme..

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and stringent social distancing measures on health-related quality of life and COVID-19 infection rates in patients with rheumatic disease: a longitudinal analysis through the pandemic (2022)
Journal Article
Cox, N., R Raizada, S., Barkham, N., Venkatachalam, S., Sheeran, T. P., Adizie, T., …Bateman, J. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and stringent social distancing measures on health-related quality of life and COVID-19 infection rates in patients with rheumatic disease: a longitudinal analysis through the pandemic. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 7(1), Article rkad009.

Objective The aim was to evaluate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and stringent social isolation measures on patients with rheumatic disease (RD) from the beginning of the pandemic (April 2020). Methods In this UK-based... Read More about The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and stringent social distancing measures on health-related quality of life and COVID-19 infection rates in patients with rheumatic disease: a longitudinal analysis through the pandemic.

A scoping review of international virtual knowledge exchanges for healthcare professionals. (2022)
Journal Article
Bridgwood, B., Woolley, K., & Poppleton, A. (2022). A scoping review of international virtual knowledge exchanges for healthcare professionals. Education for Primary Care, 1 - 9.

International knowledge exchanges within healthcare have historically been a popular method to provide exposure to practice in other national and international healthcare settings. As the COVID-19 pandemic forced many countries into lockdowns, knowle... Read More about A scoping review of international virtual knowledge exchanges for healthcare professionals..

A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency services: Emergency responders' experiences of multiagency working during the COVID‐19 response in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Davidson, L., Carter, H., Amlôt, R., Drury, J., Haslam, S. A., Radburn, M., & Stott, C. (2022). A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency services: Emergency responders' experiences of multiagency working during the COVID‐19 response in the UK. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 31(3), 353-371.

Recent research has shown that multiagency emergency response is beset by a range of challenges, calling for a greater understanding of the way in which these teams work together to improve future multiagency working. Social psychological research sh... Read More about A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency services: Emergency responders' experiences of multiagency working during the COVID‐19 response in the UK.

Developing human tissue engineered arterial constructs to simulate human in vivo thrombus formation (2022)
Journal Article
Ranjbar, J., Yang, Y., & Harper, A. (2022). Developing human tissue engineered arterial constructs to simulate human in vivo thrombus formation. Platelets, 34(1),

Thrombus formation is highly dependent upon the physico-chemical environment in which it is triggered. Our ability to understand how thrombus formation is initiated, regulated, and resolved in the human body is dependent upon our ability to replicat... Read More about Developing human tissue engineered arterial constructs to simulate human in vivo thrombus formation.

Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care (2022)
Journal Article
Watson, L., Belcher, J., Nicholls, E., Chandratre, P., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., Hider, S., …Roddy, E. (2022). Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care. Rheumatology, 62(8), 2748-2756.

Objective To describe factors associated with change in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in people living with gout in primary care. Methods In a UK prospective cohort study, adults with a diagnosis of gout registered with 20 general practices... Read More about Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care.

Sex differences in clinical profile and outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion. (2022)
Journal Article
Mamas, & Rashid. (2022). Sex differences in clinical profile and outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, 49, 34-41.

BACKGROUND: There are limited data around sex differences in the risk profile, treatments and outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in chronic total occlusion (CTO) lesions in contemporary interventional practice. We investigated the i... Read More about Sex differences in clinical profile and outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention for chronic total occlusion..

The approach to managing perinatal anxiety: A mini-review (2022)
Journal Article
Silverwood, V. A., Bullock, L., Turner, K., Chew-Graham, C., & Kingstone, T. (2022). The approach to managing perinatal anxiety: A mini-review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, Article 1022459.

Perinatal Anxiety (PNA) is defined as anxiety occurring during pregnancy and up to 12 months post-partum and is estimated to affect up to 20% of women. Risk factors for PNA are multiple and can be classed as psychological, social and biological. PNA... Read More about The approach to managing perinatal anxiety: A mini-review.

"I could have a proper ankle" - a qualitative study of patients' perceptions of total ankle replacement and ankle fusion surgery. (2022)
Journal Article
Anderson, A. M., Chapman, L. S., Siddle, H. J., Watson, S., Klugerman, J., Antcliff, D., …Brockett, C. L. (2022). "I could have a proper ankle" - a qualitative study of patients' perceptions of total ankle replacement and ankle fusion surgery. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 15(1), Article 88.

BACKGROUND: End-stage ankle osteoarthritis typically causes severe pain and impaired function. Surgical treatment involves total ankle replacement (TAR) or ankle fusion. Definitive evidence about which procedure is optimal is lacking. No previous stu... Read More about "I could have a proper ankle" - a qualitative study of patients' perceptions of total ankle replacement and ankle fusion surgery..

Predictors of self-management in patients with chronic low back pain: a longitudinal study. (2022)
Journal Article
Banerjee. (2022). Predictors of self-management in patients with chronic low back pain: a longitudinal study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 1071 - ?.

Background: Self-management (SM) is a key recommended strategy for managing chronic low back pain (CLBP). However, SM programmes generate small to moderate benefits for reducing pain and disability in patients with CLBP. The benefits of the SM progra... Read More about Predictors of self-management in patients with chronic low back pain: a longitudinal study..