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The use of CAM and conventional treatments among primary care consulters with chronic musculoskeletal pain (2007)
Journal Article
(2007). The use of CAM and conventional treatments among primary care consulters with chronic musculoskeletal pain. BMC Family Practice, 26 -?.

Chronic musculoskeletal pain is the single most cited reason for use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Primary care is the most frequent conventional medical service used by patients with pain in the UK. We are unaware, however, of a d... Read More about The use of CAM and conventional treatments among primary care consulters with chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Decision-making regarding total knee replacement surgery: a qualitative meta-synthesis (2007)
Journal Article
O'Neill, T., Jinks, C., & Nio Ong, B. (2007). Decision-making regarding total knee replacement surgery: a qualitative meta-synthesis. BMC Health Services Research, 7(52),

Knee osteoarthritis is a highly prevalent condition that can result in disability and reduced quality of life. The evidence suggests that total knee replacement surgery (TKR) is an effective intervention for patients with severe knee problems, but th... Read More about Decision-making regarding total knee replacement surgery: a qualitative meta-synthesis.

Disabling knee pain--another consequence of obesity: results from a prospective cohort study (2006)
Journal Article
Jinks, C., Jordan, K., & Croft, P. (2006). Disabling knee pain--another consequence of obesity: results from a prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 6, Article 258.

Obesity is linked to knee osteoarthritis (OA) and knee pain. These are disabling problems that are more prevalent in older adults. No prospective study has estimated the impact of excess weight avoidance on the occurrence of knee pain in the general... Read More about Disabling knee pain--another consequence of obesity: results from a prospective cohort study.

The molecular epidemiology of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteraemia in a tertiary referral hospital in the United Arab Emirates 2000-2004. (2006)
Journal Article
(2006). The molecular epidemiology of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteraemia in a tertiary referral hospital in the United Arab Emirates 2000-2004. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 32 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is recognised as an important cause of nosocomial infection, especially in immunocompromised patients, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. The treatment of S. maltophilia infection presents a the... Read More about The molecular epidemiology of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteraemia in a tertiary referral hospital in the United Arab Emirates 2000-2004..

A prediction rule for shoulder pain related sick leave: a prospective cohort study. (2006)
Journal Article
Kuijpers, T., van der Windt, D., van der Heijden, G., Twisk, J., Vergouwe, Y., & Bouter, L. (2006). A prediction rule for shoulder pain related sick leave: a prospective cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 97 - ?.

Shoulder pain is common in primary care, and has an unfavourable outcome in many patients. Information about predictors of shoulder pain related sick leave in workers is scarce and inconsistent. The objective was to develop a clinical prediction rule... Read More about A prediction rule for shoulder pain related sick leave: a prospective cohort study..

Reproducibility and responsiveness of the Symptom Severity Scale and the hand and finger function subscale of the Dutch arthritis impact measurement scales (Dutch-AIMS2-HFF) in primary care patients with wrist or hand problems. (2006)
Journal Article
(2006). Reproducibility and responsiveness of the Symptom Severity Scale and the hand and finger function subscale of the Dutch arthritis impact measurement scales (Dutch-AIMS2-HFF) in primary care patients with wrist or hand problems. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 87 - ?.

To determine the clinimetric properties of two questionnaires assessing symptoms (Symptom Severity Scale) and physical functioning (hand and finger function subscale of the AIMS2) in a Dutch primary care population.

The assessment of the prognosis of musculoskeletal conditions in older adults presenting to general practice: a research protocol (2006)
Journal Article
(2006). The assessment of the prognosis of musculoskeletal conditions in older adults presenting to general practice: a research protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 84 - ?.

Musculoskeletal conditions represent a common reason for consulting general practice yet with the exception of low back pain, relatively little is known about the prognosis of these disorders. Recent evidence suggests that common 'generic' factors ma... Read More about The assessment of the prognosis of musculoskeletal conditions in older adults presenting to general practice: a research protocol.

Costs of shoulder pain in primary care consulters: a prospective cohort study in The Netherlands (2006)
Journal Article
(2006). Costs of shoulder pain in primary care consulters: a prospective cohort study in The Netherlands. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 83 - ?.

Shoulder pain is common in primary care, and has an unfavourable outcome in many patients. Information on the costs associated with health care use and loss of productivity in patients with shoulder pain is very scarce. The objective of this study wa... Read More about Costs of shoulder pain in primary care consulters: a prospective cohort study in The Netherlands.

Measuring troublesomeness of chronic pain by location (2006)
Journal Article
(2006). Measuring troublesomeness of chronic pain by location. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 34 - ?.

Current measures of pain assess the relative contribution of pain in different body regions to the overall impact of pain. We developed a series of questions to measure the relative 'troublesomeness' of pain in different body regions (the "troublesom... Read More about Measuring troublesomeness of chronic pain by location.

The Knee Clinical Assessment Study-CAS(K). A prospective study of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis in the general population: baseline recruitment and retention at 18 months (2006)
Journal Article
Dziedzic. (2006). The Knee Clinical Assessment Study-CAS(K). A prospective study of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis in the general population: baseline recruitment and retention at 18 months. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 30 - ?.

Selective non-participation at baseline (due to non-response and non-consent) and loss to follow-up are
important concerns for longitudinal observational research. We investigated these matters in the context of baseline recruitment and... Read More about The Knee Clinical Assessment Study-CAS(K). A prospective study of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis in the general population: baseline recruitment and retention at 18 months.

Severely disabling chronic pain in young adults: prevalence from a population-based postal survey in North Staffordshire (2005)
Journal Article
(2005). Severely disabling chronic pain in young adults: prevalence from a population-based postal survey in North Staffordshire. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 42 - ?.

Severely disabling chronic pain in the adult population is strongly associated with a range of negative health consequences for individuals and high health care costs, yet its prevalence in young adults is less clear.

All adul... Read More about Severely disabling chronic pain in young adults: prevalence from a population-based postal survey in North Staffordshire.

Testing the effectiveness of an innovative information package on practitioner reported behaviour and beliefs: the UK Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists Low back pain ManagemENT (COMPLeMENT) trial [ISRCTN77245761] (2005)
Journal Article
(2005). Testing the effectiveness of an innovative information package on practitioner reported behaviour and beliefs: the UK Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists Low back pain ManagemENT (COMPLeMENT) trial [ISRCTN77245761]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 41.

Low back pain (LBP) is a common and costly problem. Initiatives designed to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate healthcare for LBP include printed evidence-based clinical guidelines. The three professional groups of chiropract... Read More about Testing the effectiveness of an innovative information package on practitioner reported behaviour and beliefs: the UK Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists Low back pain ManagemENT (COMPLeMENT) trial [ISRCTN77245761].

Male Reproductive Health: a village based study of camp attenders in rural India (2004)
Journal Article
(2004). Male Reproductive Health: a village based study of camp attenders in rural India. Reproductive Health, 7 -?.

BACKGROUND: A paucity of information about male reproductive health and a perceived interest in involvement among local men provided the impetus for carrying out a village based male reproductive health camp. The aim was to investigate men's willingn... Read More about Male Reproductive Health: a village based study of camp attenders in rural India.

Is acupuncture a useful adjunct to physiotherapy for older adults with knee pain?: the "acupuncture, physiotherapy and exercise" (APEX) study [ISRCTN88597683] (2004)
Journal Article
(2004). Is acupuncture a useful adjunct to physiotherapy for older adults with knee pain?: the "acupuncture, physiotherapy and exercise" (APEX) study [ISRCTN88597683]. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 31 - ?.

Acupuncture is a popular non-pharmacological modality for treating musculoskeletal pain. Physiotherapists are one of the largest groups of acupuncture providers within the NHS, and they commonly use it alongside advice and exercise. Conclusive eviden... Read More about Is acupuncture a useful adjunct to physiotherapy for older adults with knee pain?: the "acupuncture, physiotherapy and exercise" (APEX) study [ISRCTN88597683].

An evaluation of a multidisciplinary team for intermediate care at home. (2004)
Journal Article
(2004). An evaluation of a multidisciplinary team for intermediate care at home. International Journal of Integrated Care, e02 - ?

BACKGROUND: The implementation of the National Health Service Plan for the UK will see an expansion of services for intermediate care. Such services are usually targeted at older people and aim to: prevent 'avoidable' admissions to acute inpatient ca... Read More about An evaluation of a multidisciplinary team for intermediate care at home..