Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of female African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagné, to host plant volatiles.
Journal Article
Ogah, E., Smart, L., Woodcock, C., Caulfield, J., Birkett, M., Pickett, J., …Bruce, T. (2016). Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of female African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagné, to host plant volatiles. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 13 - 16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-016-0788-6
African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagné, is a major pest of rice in Africa. Depsite its economic importance, its chemical ecology is not well understood. Here, we assessed behavioral and electrophysiological responses of O. oryzi... Read More about Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of female African rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagné, to host plant volatiles..