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Depression predicts emergency care use in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a large cohort study in primary care. (2019)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2019). Depression predicts emergency care use in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a large cohort study in primary care. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 1343 - 1353.

Background: Depression is common in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and has been associated with a variety of poor outcomes. A large proportion of health care costs in the UK are spent on emergency care. This study examined t... Read More about Depression predicts emergency care use in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a large cohort study in primary care..

Journal Article

Objectives The objectives of this study were to identify potential mechanisms of the impact of osteoarthritis on mortality and examine the role of modifiable targets (anxiety, depression, insomnia and walking frequency) for health professionals in rh... Read More about TARGETS FOR REDUCING PREMATURE MORTALITY IN OLDER ADULTS WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS: RESULTS FROM A NOVEL PATH ANALYSIS WITHIN A COX PROPORTIONAL HAZARDS MODEL.

Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Epilepsy: A Case Report from Camelford. (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Epilepsy: A Case Report from Camelford. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

(1) Introduction:
Human exposure to aluminium is a burgeoning problem. In 1988, the population of the Cornish town of Camelford was exposed to exceedingly high levels of aluminium in their potable water supply. Herein we provide evidence that alumi... Read More about Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Epilepsy: A Case Report from Camelford..

Establishing outcome measures in early knee osteoarthritis. (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Establishing outcome measures in early knee osteoarthritis. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 438 - 448.

The classification and monitoring of individuals with early knee osteoarthritis (OA) are important considerations for the design and evaluation of therapeutic interventions and require the identification of appropriate outcome measures. Potential out... Read More about Establishing outcome measures in early knee osteoarthritis..

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Cancer Patients: A Report of the Prevalence and Outcomes in the United States (2019)
Journal Article
Potts, J., Lopez Mattei, J., Martinez, S., Fischman, D., Mamas, M., Iliescu, C., …Rashid, M. (2019). Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Cancer Patients: A Report of the Prevalence and Outcomes in the United States. European Heart Journal, 1790-+.

This study aims to examine the temporal trends and outcomes in patients who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with a previous or current diagnosis of cancer, according to cancer type and the presence of metastases.

Methods and resul... Read More about Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Cancer Patients: A Report of the Prevalence and Outcomes in the United States.

Biocompatible solutions and long-term changes in peritoneal solute transport (vol 13, pg 1526, 2018) (2019)
Journal Article
Davies, & Lambie. (2019). Biocompatible solutions and long-term changes in peritoneal solute transport (vol 13, pg 1526, 2018). Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 909 - 909.

Background and objectives: The inflammation-driven increase in peritoneal solute transport rate that occurs during long-term peritoneal dialysis is associated with higher mortality, hospitalization, and encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis. Because bio... Read More about Biocompatible solutions and long-term changes in peritoneal solute transport (vol 13, pg 1526, 2018).

Sharing information about diagnosis and outcome of firstepisode psychosis in patients presenting to early intervention services (2019)
Journal Article
Farooq. (2019). Sharing information about diagnosis and outcome of firstepisode psychosis in patients presenting to early intervention services. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 657-666.

First-episode psychosis (FEP) can be a serious and debilitating disease, but there is limited literature on how to inform patients and carers about its diagnosis and outcome. We aimed to examine the attitudes, practices and views of clinicians w... Read More about Sharing information about diagnosis and outcome of firstepisode psychosis in patients presenting to early intervention services.

Predictors of fracture healing in patients with recalcitrant nonunions treated with autologous culture expanded bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. (2019)
Journal Article
Kuiper. (2019). Predictors of fracture healing in patients with recalcitrant nonunions treated with autologous culture expanded bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 1303-1309.

The study reports the prospective outcome of treating severe recalcitrant fracture nonunion in patients with autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSC) from 2003 to 2010 and analyze predictors of union. Autologous BMSC were cultu... Read More about Predictors of fracture healing in patients with recalcitrant nonunions treated with autologous culture expanded bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells..

Adaptation and implementation of the STarT Back risk stratification strategy in a U.S. health care organization: A process evaluation (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Adaptation and implementation of the STarT Back risk stratification strategy in a U.S. health care organization: A process evaluation. Pain Medicine, 1105-1119.

To support implementation of effective treatments for back pain that can be delivered to a range of people, we summarize learnings from our process evaluation of the MATCH trial’s implementation of an adaptation of the STarT Back risk-stra... Read More about Adaptation and implementation of the STarT Back risk stratification strategy in a U.S. health care organization: A process evaluation.

Assessing the Severity of Type 2 Diabetes Using Clinical Data Based Measures: a Systematic Review (2019)
Journal Article
Mallen, Chew-Graham, & Mamas. (2019). Assessing the Severity of Type 2 Diabetes Using Clinical Data Based Measures: a Systematic Review. Diabetic Medicine, 688-701.

To identify and critically appraise measures that use clinical data to grade the severity of Type 2 diabetes.

We searched MEDLINE, Embase and PubMed between inception and June 2018. Studies reporting on clinical data-based diabetes-... Read More about Assessing the Severity of Type 2 Diabetes Using Clinical Data Based Measures: a Systematic Review.

Models used for case-mix adjustment of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in musculoskeletal healthcare: A systematic review of the literature. (2019)
Journal Article
Lewis, M., & Hill, J. (2019). Models used for case-mix adjustment of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in musculoskeletal healthcare: A systematic review of the literature. Physiotherapy, 137-146.

Case-mix adjustment is an established method to take account of variations across cohorts in baseline patient factors, when comparing health outcomes. Although commonplace, there is a lack of evidence as to the most appropriate case-mix... Read More about Models used for case-mix adjustment of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in musculoskeletal healthcare: A systematic review of the literature..

Perceptions and Factors Influencing Eating Behaviours and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Ethnically Diverse Older Adults: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Perceptions and Factors Influencing Eating Behaviours and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Ethnically Diverse Older Adults: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study. Nutrients,

Ethnic minorities have a high prevalence of non-communicable diseases relating to unhealthy lifestyle practices. Several factors have been identified as influencing unhealthy lifestyle practices among this population; however, there is little evidenc... Read More about Perceptions and Factors Influencing Eating Behaviours and Physical Function in Community-Dwelling Ethnically Diverse Older Adults: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study.

Digital Education of Health Professionals on the Management of Domestic Violence: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration (2019)
Journal Article
Divakar, U., Posadzki, P., Jarbrink, K., Bajpai, R., Ho, A., Campbell, J., …Nazeha, N. (2019). Digital Education of Health Professionals on the Management of Domestic Violence: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(5), e13868 -e13868.

Background: The World Health Organization states that 35% of women experience domestic violence at least once during their lifetimes. However, approximately 80% of health professionals have never received any training on management of this major publ... Read More about Digital Education of Health Professionals on the Management of Domestic Violence: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration.

The Relation of Self-Compassion to Functioning among Adults with Chronic Pain (2019)
Journal Article
Ashworth. (2019). The Relation of Self-Compassion to Functioning among Adults with Chronic Pain. European Journal of Pain,

Previous research has shown that self-compassion is associated with improved functioning and health outcomes among multiple chronic illnesses. However, the role of self-compassion in chronic pain-related functioning is understudied. The present study... Read More about The Relation of Self-Compassion to Functioning among Adults with Chronic Pain.

Safety of Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors in Osteoarthritis: Outcomes of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Curtis, E., Fuggle, N., Shaw, S., Spooner, L., Ntani, G., Parsons, C., …Cooper, C. (2019). Safety of Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors in Osteoarthritis: Outcomes of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Drugs and Aging, 36, 25 - 44.

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to assess the safety of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors in the management of osteoarthritis (OA) in a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search... Read More about Safety of Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors in Osteoarthritis: Outcomes of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

The association between emotional eating and depressive symptoms: a population-based twin study in Sri Lanka. (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). The association between emotional eating and depressive symptoms: a population-based twin study in Sri Lanka. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, e4 - ?.

This study investigated the genetic and environmental contributions to emotional overeating (EOE) and depressive symptoms, and their covariation, in a Sri-Lankan population, using genetic model-fitting analysis. In total, 3957 twins and singletons in... Read More about The association between emotional eating and depressive symptoms: a population-based twin study in Sri Lanka..

‘Terrorist’ or ‘Mentally Ill’: Motivated Biases Rooted in Partisanship Shape Attributions about Violent Actors (2019)
Journal Article
Noor. (2019). ‘Terrorist’ or ‘Mentally Ill’: Motivated Biases Rooted in Partisanship Shape Attributions about Violent Actors. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 485-493.

We investigated whether motivated reasoning rooted in partisanship affects the attributions individuals make about violent attackers’ underlying motives and group memberships. Study 1 demonstrated that on the day of the Brexit referendum pro-leavers... Read More about ‘Terrorist’ or ‘Mentally Ill’: Motivated Biases Rooted in Partisanship Shape Attributions about Violent Actors.

Safety of Opioids in Osteoarthritis: Outcomes of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Fuggle, N., Curtis, E., Shaw, S., Spooner, L., Bruyère, O., Ntani, G., …Cooper, C. (2019). Safety of Opioids in Osteoarthritis: Outcomes of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Drugs and Aging, 36, 129 - 143.

OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assess the safety of opioids in the management of osteoarthritis (OA) in a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was undertaken in the MEDLINE,... Read More about Safety of Opioids in Osteoarthritis: Outcomes of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.