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Decision support in addiction: the development of an e-health tool to assess and prevent risk of fatal overdose, the ORION project (2016)
Journal Article
Baldacchino, A., Crocamo, C., Humphris, G., Neufeind, J., Frisher, M., Scherbaum, N., & Carrà, G. (2016). Decision support in addiction: the development of an e-health tool to assess and prevent risk of fatal overdose, the ORION project. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 133, 207-216.

Background and objective
The application of e-health technology to the field of substance use disorders is at a relatively early stage, and methodological quality is still variable. Few have explored the extent of utilization of communication techno... Read More about Decision support in addiction: the development of an e-health tool to assess and prevent risk of fatal overdose, the ORION project.

A global mental health fund for serious mental illness in low-income and middle-income countries. (2016)
Journal Article
Farooq. (2016). A global mental health fund for serious mental illness in low-income and middle-income countries. The Lancet Psychiatry, 495 - 497.

Serious Mental Illnesses (SMI) are psychiatric disorders
(excluding developmental and substance use disorders) that result in
considerable functional impairment. These conditions receive little or no
funding in most Low and Middle Income (LAMI) co... Read More about A global mental health fund for serious mental illness in low-income and middle-income countries..

Effectiveness of Foot Orthoses Versus Rocker-Sole Footwear for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis: Randomized Trial (2016)
Journal Article
Roddy, E., Menz, H. B., Auhl, M., Tan, J. M., Levinger, P., & Munteanu, S. E. (2016). Effectiveness of Foot Orthoses Versus Rocker-Sole Footwear for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis: Randomized Trial. Arthritis Care and Research, 68(5), 581-589.

Objective To compare the effectiveness of prefabricated foot orthoses to rocker-sole footwear in reducing foot pain in people with first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis (1(st) MTPJ OA). Design Participants (n=102) with 1(st) MTPJ OA were ran... Read More about Effectiveness of Foot Orthoses Versus Rocker-Sole Footwear for First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis: Randomized Trial.

Burden of Comorbidity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the UK, 1999-2012. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Burden of Comorbidity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the UK, 1999-2012. Arthritis Care and Research, 819 - 827.

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the comorbidity associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the UK during 1999-2012. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink was conducted. Prevalent cases of SLE were ma... Read More about Burden of Comorbidity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the UK, 1999-2012..

Link between foot pain severity and prevalence of depressive symptoms (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Link between foot pain severity and prevalence of depressive symptoms. Arthritis Care and Research, 871 - 876.

OBJECTIVE: Associations between pain and depression are well known, yet foot pain, common in populations, has been understudied. This cross-sectional study examined foot pain and severity of foot pain with depressive symptoms in adults. METHODS: Fram... Read More about Link between foot pain severity and prevalence of depressive symptoms.

What have we learned from ten years of trajectory research in low back pain? (2016)
Journal Article
Dunn. (2016). What have we learned from ten years of trajectory research in low back pain?. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,

Non-specific low back pain (LBP) is often categorised as acute, subacute or chronic by focusing on the duration of the current episode. However, more than twenty years ago this concept was challenged by a recognition that LBP is often an... Read More about What have we learned from ten years of trajectory research in low back pain?.

Methods and processes for development of a CONSORT extension for reporting pilot randomized controlled trials. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Methods and processes for development of a CONSORT extension for reporting pilot randomized controlled trials. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 25 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Feasibility and pilot studies are essential components of planning or preparing for a larger randomized controlled trial (RCT). They are intended to provide useful information about the feasibility of the main RCT-with the goal of reducin... Read More about Methods and processes for development of a CONSORT extension for reporting pilot randomized controlled trials..

'The nice thing about doctors is that you can sometimes get a day off school': an action research study to bring lived experiences from children, parents and hospice staff into medical students' preparation for practice. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). 'The nice thing about doctors is that you can sometimes get a day off school': an action research study to bring lived experiences from children, parents and hospice staff into medical students' preparation for practice. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care,

Patient and public involvement in healthcare is important to ensure services meet their needs and priorities. Increasingly, patient experiences are being used to educate healthcare professionals. The potential contribution to medical education of chi... Read More about 'The nice thing about doctors is that you can sometimes get a day off school': an action research study to bring lived experiences from children, parents and hospice staff into medical students' preparation for practice..

The relationship between three-dimensional knee MRI bone shape and total knee replacement-a case control study: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). The relationship between three-dimensional knee MRI bone shape and total knee replacement-a case control study: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Rheumatology, 1585-1593.

OBJECTIVE: There is growing understanding of the importance of bone in OA. Our aim was to determine the relationship between 3D MRI bone shape and total knee replacement (TKR). METHODS: A nested case-control study within the Osteoarthritis Initiative... Read More about The relationship between three-dimensional knee MRI bone shape and total knee replacement-a case control study: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative..

Systematic review of prognostic models for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) post-treatment of first unprovoked VTE. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Systematic review of prognostic models for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) post-treatment of first unprovoked VTE. BMJ Open, e011190 - ?.

OBJECTIVES: To review studies developing or validating a prognostic model for individual venous thromboembolism (VTE) recurrence risk following cessation of therapy for a first unprovoked VTE. Prediction of recurrence risk is crucial to informing pat... Read More about Systematic review of prognostic models for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) post-treatment of first unprovoked VTE..

Working with primary care clinicians and patients to introduce strategies for increasing referrals for pulmonary rehabilitation. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Working with primary care clinicians and patients to introduce strategies for increasing referrals for pulmonary rehabilitation. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 226-237.

BACKGROUND: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR), a programme of exercise, education and psycho-social support, is recommended for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but referral rates are relatively low compared with need. Aim Working with... Read More about Working with primary care clinicians and patients to introduce strategies for increasing referrals for pulmonary rehabilitation..

Are Small Effects for Back Pain Interventions Really Surprising? (2016)
Journal Article
Hill, J. (2016). Are Small Effects for Back Pain Interventions Really Surprising?. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 317-319.

There is reasonably strong evidence that some physical therapy interventions are effective (compared to minimal or no intervention) for patients with low back pain (LBP); however, the effect sizes are typically small. Many clinicians argue that this... Read More about Are Small Effects for Back Pain Interventions Really Surprising?.

Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise Participation in People with Hip and/or Knee Osteoarthritis: Synthesis of the Literature Using Behavior Change Theory. (2016)
Journal Article
Holden, M. (2016). Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise Participation in People with Hip and/or Knee Osteoarthritis: Synthesis of the Literature Using Behavior Change Theory. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 372 - 389.

Exercise is recommended for hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA). Patient initiation of, and adherence to, exercise is key to the success of managing symptoms. This study aimed to (1) identify modifiable barriers and facilitators to participation in inte... Read More about Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise Participation in People with Hip and/or Knee Osteoarthritis: Synthesis of the Literature Using Behavior Change Theory..

Evaluating Acupuncture and Standard carE for pregnant women with Back pain (EASE Back): a feasibility study and pilot randomised trial. (2016)
Journal Article
Foster, N. E., Bishop, A., Bartlam, B., Ogollah, R., Barlas, P., Holden, M., …Young, J. (2016). Evaluating Acupuncture and Standard carE for pregnant women with Back pain (EASE Back): a feasibility study and pilot randomised trial. Health Technology Assessment, 20(33), 1 - 236.

BACKGROUND: Many pregnant women experience low back pain. Acupuncture appears to be a safe, promising intervention but evidence is needed about its clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. OBJECTIVES: To assess the feasibility of a future large... Read More about Evaluating Acupuncture and Standard carE for pregnant women with Back pain (EASE Back): a feasibility study and pilot randomised trial..

Virtual imaging for patient information on radiotherapy planning and delivery (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Sule-Suso, J., Finney, S., Bisson, J., Hammersley, S., Jassal, S., Knight, C., …Moloney, A. (2016, April). Virtual imaging for patient information on radiotherapy planning and delivery. Poster presented at ESTRO 35, Turin, Italy

Purpose or Objective: To assess whether both patients and
their relatives would welcome further information on a oneto-one basis on RT planning and delivery using the virtual
reality (VR) system VERT.

Erosive and osteoarthritic structural progression in early rheumatoid arthritis (2016)
Journal Article
McWilliams, D. F., Marshall, M., Jayakumar, K., Doherty, S., Doherty, M., Zhang, W., …Walsh, D. A. (2016). Erosive and osteoarthritic structural progression in early rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology, 55(8), 1477-1488.

Objectives. To investigate factors associated with joint damage in early RA, and how comorbid OA might influence patient assessment and outcomes.

Methods. Baseline radiographs of hands and feet from 512 participants in the Early RA Network cohort,... Read More about Erosive and osteoarthritic structural progression in early rheumatoid arthritis.

Biomechanical Effects of Prefabricated Foot Orthoses and Rocker-Sole Footwear in Individuals With First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis. (2016)
Journal Article
Roddy, E. (2016). Biomechanical Effects of Prefabricated Foot Orthoses and Rocker-Sole Footwear in Individuals With First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 603 - 611.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of prefabricated foot orthoses and rocker-sole footwear on spatiotemporal parameters, hip and knee kinematics, and plantar pressures in people with first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS:... Read More about Biomechanical Effects of Prefabricated Foot Orthoses and Rocker-Sole Footwear in Individuals With First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Osteoarthritis..