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Community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by exercise professionals for osteoarthritis (2016)
Walsh, N., Jordan, J., Babatunde, O., Powell, J., & Healey, E. (2016). Community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by exercise professionals for osteoarthritis

This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:

To assess the benefits and harms of community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by non-healthcare exercise professionals for osteoarthriti... Read More about Community-based exercise and physical activity programmes led by exercise professionals for osteoarthritis.

Has there been a change in the rates of UK sickness certification for back pain over time? An examination of historical data from 2000 to 2010. (2016)
Journal Article
Wynne-Jones, G., & Dunn, K. (2016). Has there been a change in the rates of UK sickness certification for back pain over time? An examination of historical data from 2000 to 2010. BMJ Open, e009634 - ?.

OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to investigate historical patterns of sickness certification for back pain from 2000 to 2010. DESIGN: Electronic medical records from 14 practices that are part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical... Read More about Has there been a change in the rates of UK sickness certification for back pain over time? An examination of historical data from 2000 to 2010..

Trends in Prescribing of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Primary Care in Patients with and without Cardiovascular Disease: An Observational Database Study (2016)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Bedson, J., Hayward, R., & Jordan, K. (2016). Trends in Prescribing of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Primary Care in Patients with and without Cardiovascular Disease: An Observational Database Study. Rheumatology, 55(S1), i76.

Background Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used to treat pain, but have potentially serious side effects when prescribed in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). The MHRA and NICE issued directives between 2004 and 2... Read More about Trends in Prescribing of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Primary Care in Patients with and without Cardiovascular Disease: An Observational Database Study.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Mitochondrial Transfer (2016)
Journal Article
Newson, A., Wilkinson, S., & Wrigley, A. (2016). Ethical and Legal Issues in Mitochondrial Transfer. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 589-591.

The US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine recently provided conditional endorsement for mitochondrial transfer. While its approach is more conservative in some respects than that of the United Kingdom (which passed its own regula... Read More about Ethical and Legal Issues in Mitochondrial Transfer.

Gout characteristics associate with depression, but not anxiety, in primary care: Baseline findings from a prospective cohort study (2016)
Journal Article
Prior, J. A., Mallen, C., Chandratre, P., Muller, S., Richardson, J., & Roddy, E. (2016). Gout characteristics associate with depression, but not anxiety, in primary care: Baseline findings from a prospective cohort study. Joint Bone Spine, 83(5), 553-558.

OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression in gout, examine associations between gout characteristics and these comorbidities and determine the role of allopurinol in any such relationships. METHOD: As part of a prospective coh... Read More about Gout characteristics associate with depression, but not anxiety, in primary care: Baseline findings from a prospective cohort study.

Association between overweight and obesity and risk of clinically diagnosed knee, hip, and hand osteoarthritis: A population-based cohort study. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Association between overweight and obesity and risk of clinically diagnosed knee, hip, and hand osteoarthritis: A population-based cohort study. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 1869-1875.

OBJECTIVE: Previous cohorts have reported associations between overweight/obesity and knee and hand osteoarthritis (OA). However, no data on the effect of these on the OA burden are available. We aimed to analyse the effect of overweight and obesity... Read More about Association between overweight and obesity and risk of clinically diagnosed knee, hip, and hand osteoarthritis: A population-based cohort study..

UK FASHIoN: feasibility study of a randomised controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for hip impingement compared with best conservative care. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). UK FASHIoN: feasibility study of a randomised controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for hip impingement compared with best conservative care. Health Technology Assessment, 1 -172.

BACKGROUND: Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a syndrome of hip or groin pain associated with shape abnormalities of the hip joint. Treatments include arthroscopic surgery and conservative care. This study explored the feasibility of a randomised... Read More about UK FASHIoN: feasibility study of a randomised controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for hip impingement compared with best conservative care..

Bayesian bivariate meta-analysis of correlated effects: Impact of the prior distributions on the between-study correlation, borrowing of strength, and joint inferences. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Bayesian bivariate meta-analysis of correlated effects: Impact of the prior distributions on the between-study correlation, borrowing of strength, and joint inferences. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 428-450.

Multivariate random-effects meta-analysis allows the joint synthesis of correlated results from multiple studies, for example, for multiple outcomes or multiple treatment groups. In a Bayesian univariate meta-analysis of one endpoint, the importance... Read More about Bayesian bivariate meta-analysis of correlated effects: Impact of the prior distributions on the between-study correlation, borrowing of strength, and joint inferences..

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for psychosis based Guided Self-help (CBTp-GSH) delivered by frontline mental health professionals: Results of a feasibility study (2016)
Journal Article
Farooq. (2016). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for psychosis based Guided Self-help (CBTp-GSH) delivered by frontline mental health professionals: Results of a feasibility study. Schizophrenia Research, 69-74.

Availability of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) is limited in spite of strong evidence base. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of a CBTp based Guided Self-help (CBTp-GSH) in comparison to Treatment As Usual (T... Read More about Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for psychosis based Guided Self-help (CBTp-GSH) delivered by frontline mental health professionals: Results of a feasibility study.

A qualitative study exploring midlife women's stages of change from domestic violence towards freedom. (2016)
Journal Article
Keeling. (2016). A qualitative study exploring midlife women's stages of change from domestic violence towards freedom. BMC Women's Health, 13 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Domestic Violence (DV) remains a significant global health problem for women in contemporary society. Existing literature on midlife women's experiences of domestic violence is limited and focuses on health implications. Leaving a violent... Read More about A qualitative study exploring midlife women's stages of change from domestic violence towards freedom..

Weighted cumulative exposure models helped identify an association between early knee-pain consultations and future knee OA diagnosis (2016)
Journal Article
Yu, D., Peat, G., Bedson, J., Edwards, J. J., Turkiewicz, A., & Jordan, K. P. (2016). Weighted cumulative exposure models helped identify an association between early knee-pain consultations and future knee OA diagnosis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 218-228.

To establish the association between prior knee-pain consultations and early diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis (OA) by weighted cumulative exposure (WCE) models.

Study Design and Setting
Data were from an electronic health care record (... Read More about Weighted cumulative exposure models helped identify an association between early knee-pain consultations and future knee OA diagnosis.

Predicting microbiologically defined infection in febrile neutropenic episodes in children: global individual participant data multivariable meta-analysis. (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Predicting microbiologically defined infection in febrile neutropenic episodes in children: global individual participant data multivariable meta-analysis. British journal of cancer, 623 - 630.

BACKGROUND: Risk-stratified management of fever with neutropenia (FN), allows intensive management of high-risk cases and early discharge of low-risk cases. No single, internationally validated, prediction model of the risk of adverse outcomes exists... Read More about Predicting microbiologically defined infection in febrile neutropenic episodes in children: global individual participant data multivariable meta-analysis..

The epidemiology of self-harm in a UK wide primary care patient cohort, 2001-2013 (2016)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2016). The epidemiology of self-harm in a UK wide primary care patient cohort, 2001-2013. BMC Psychiatry, 53.

Most of the research conducted on people who harm themselves has been undertaken in secondary healthcare settings. Little is known about the frequency of self-harm in primary care patient populations. This is the first study to describe t... Read More about The epidemiology of self-harm in a UK wide primary care patient cohort, 2001-2013.

Integrating mental health into primary care for post-conflict populations: a pilot study (2016)
Journal Article
Siriwardhana, C., Adikari, A., Jayaweera, K., Abeyrathna, B., & Sumathipala, A. (2016). Integrating mental health into primary care for post-conflict populations: a pilot study. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 10, Article 12.

Mental health care in post-conflict settings is often not prioritized, despite its important public health role. There is a salient gap in integrating mental health into primary care, especially in post-conflict settings. In the post-conf... Read More about Integrating mental health into primary care for post-conflict populations: a pilot study.

Conscientious objection in healthcare: why tribunals might be the answer (2016)
Journal Article
Hughes. (2016). Conscientious objection in healthcare: why tribunals might be the answer. Journal of Medical Ethics, 213-217.

A recent focus of the debate on conscientious objection in healthcare is the question of whether practitioners should have to justify their refusal to perform certain functions. A recent article by Cowley addresses a practical aspect of this controve... Read More about Conscientious objection in healthcare: why tribunals might be the answer.