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Antimicrobial prescribing in primary care: an evaluation of factors influencing General Practitioners’ reported use of strategies to reduce overprescribing (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Sin, C., White, S., Batchelor, A., & Chapman, S. (2016, September). Antimicrobial prescribing in primary care: an evaluation of factors influencing General Practitioners’ reported use of strategies to reduce overprescribing. Poster presented at Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Annual Conference 2016, ICC Birmingham, UK

Pharmacy students’ views on community pharmacy provision of first aid and responding to medical emergencies: a scenario-based questionnaire study (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Shah, P., White, S., Moss, G., & Ratcliffe, N. (2016, September). Pharmacy students’ views on community pharmacy provision of first aid and responding to medical emergencies: a scenario-based questionnaire study. Poster presented at Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Annual Conference 2016, ICC Birmingham, UK

Title: Melatonin, hypnotics and their association with fracture: a matched cohort study (2016)
Journal Article
Frisher, M., Gibbons, N., Bashford, J., Chapman, S., & Weich, S. (2016). Title: Melatonin, hypnotics and their association with fracture: a matched cohort study. Age and ageing, 45(6), 801-806.

although melatonin prescribing in England has been increasing in recent years, there have been no large scale studies on the safety of melatonin compared to other medical treatments for insomnia. The primary aim of this study was to exami... Read More about Title: Melatonin, hypnotics and their association with fracture: a matched cohort study.

EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015 (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 138-143.

Objectives The 2015 EAHP European Statements survey was related to sections 2, 5 and 6 of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy (Statements). In addition to collection of statistical data about the level of implementation of the Statements, it... Read More about EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015.

Adherence with oral chemotherapy in a cancer unit in Northern Ireland (2016)
Journal Article
Doyle, C., White, S., & Mills, L. (2016). Adherence with oral chemotherapy in a cancer unit in Northern Ireland. Journal of Medicines Optimisation, 2(2), 28 - 33

Studies in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) have shown that adherence to oral chemotherapy is fundamental in
achieving good responses where better adherence (>90%) is critical in achieving a major molecular response.
The aims of this s... Read More about Adherence with oral chemotherapy in a cancer unit in Northern Ireland.

Did Cost Inhibit the Uptake of More potent Statins? (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Did Cost Inhibit the Uptake of More potent Statins?. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 984-991.

The use of statins has increased substantially over the last 2 decades in England and represents a significant cost burden to the National Health Service. Therefore, it is important to understand what influences prescribers' choice.

Ob... Read More about Did Cost Inhibit the Uptake of More potent Statins?.

A review of prednisolone prescribing for children with acute asthma in the UK (2016)
Journal Article
Gilchrist, F. J., Ahmad, A. N., Batchelor, H. K., Marriott, J. F., & Lenney, W. (2016). A review of prednisolone prescribing for children with acute asthma in the UK. Journal of Asthma, 53(6), 563 -566.

INTRODUCTION: Worldwide asthma guidelines recommend short courses of oral prednisolone in children with acute exacerbations generating high prescription numbers. There is a paucity of evidence to inform the optimal dose and course duration. This has... Read More about A review of prednisolone prescribing for children with acute asthma in the UK.

EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: results (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: results. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 69 - 75.

Objectives The European Statements baseline survey was designed to give an insight to how well the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy (the Statements) are being implemented and to help inform the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EA... Read More about EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: results.

EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: methodology (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: methodology. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 65 -68.

The European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy are a set of hospital pharmacy practice standards published by the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) for European health systems to ensure safe, effective and optimal use of medicines in... Read More about EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: methodology.

EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: first steps on the implementation journey (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: first steps on the implementation journey. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 76 -79.

An implementation plan was developed in conjunction with the publication of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy. Subsequently a baseline survey on the status of the Statements was conducted with specific questions on awareness, capability an... Read More about EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015: first steps on the implementation journey.

Barriers to administering non-oral formulations in a paediatric population: A semi-structured interview study (2015)
Journal Article
Venables. (2015). Barriers to administering non-oral formulations in a paediatric population: A semi-structured interview study. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 12 - 17.

There is a paucity of research exploring barriers to non-oral medicines administration in paediatric patients; however, these undoubtedly influence medicines adherence. Studies conducted with healthcare professionals have identified various issues wi... Read More about Barriers to administering non-oral formulations in a paediatric population: A semi-structured interview study.