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Centre of Mass Acceleration-Derived Variables Detects Differences between Runners of Different Abilities and Fatigue-Related Changes during a Long Distance Over ground Run (2018)
Journal Article
Winter, S. (2018). Centre of Mass Acceleration-Derived Variables Detects Differences between Runners of Different Abilities and Fatigue-Related Changes during a Long Distance Over ground Run.

Background: Wireless accelerometers provide a method of performing running assessments in sports-specific environments. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in running movement using centre of mass acceleration-derived variables b... Read More about Centre of Mass Acceleration-Derived Variables Detects Differences between Runners of Different Abilities and Fatigue-Related Changes during a Long Distance Over ground Run.

Long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care (vs. usual care): a cluster-randomised trial (2018)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2018). Long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care (vs. usual care): a cluster-randomised trial.

Collaborative care can support the treatment of depression in people with long-term conditions, but long-term benefits and costs are unknown.

To explore the long-term (24-month) effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of collaborati... Read More about Long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care (vs. usual care): a cluster-randomised trial.

Psychosocial variables and presence, severity and prognosis of plantar heel pain: a systematic review of cross-sectional and prognostic associations (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Psychosocial variables and presence, severity and prognosis of plantar heel pain: a systematic review of cross-sectional and prognostic associations. Musculoskeletal Care, 329-338.

Objective: Plantar heel pain (PHP) is often disabling, and persistent symptoms are common. Psychosocial variables are known to affect pain and disability but the association of these factors with PHP has yet to be established. The purpose of the pres... Read More about Psychosocial variables and presence, severity and prognosis of plantar heel pain: a systematic review of cross-sectional and prognostic associations.

Factors associated with pain and osteoarthritis at the hip and knee in Great Britain’s Olympians: a cross-sectional study (2018)
Journal Article
Cooper, D., Scammell, B., Batt, M., & Palmer, D. (2018). Factors associated with pain and osteoarthritis at the hip and knee in Great Britain’s Olympians: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 1101 - 1108.

<jats:sec><jats:title>Background</jats:title><jats:p>Knowledge of the epidemiology and potentially modifiable factors associated with musculoskeletal disease is an important first step in injury prevention among elite athletes.</jats:p></jats:sec><ja... Read More about Factors associated with pain and osteoarthritis at the hip and knee in Great Britain’s Olympians: a cross-sectional study.

‘Treading water but drowning slowly’: what are GPs’ experiences of living and working with mental illness and distress in England? A qualitative study (2018)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2018). ‘Treading water but drowning slowly’: what are GPs’ experiences of living and working with mental illness and distress in England? A qualitative study. BMJ Open,

This paper provides an in-depth account of general practitioners’ (GPs) experiences of living and working with mental illness and distress, as part of a wider study reporting the barriers and facilitators to help-seeking for mental illnes... Read More about ‘Treading water but drowning slowly’: what are GPs’ experiences of living and working with mental illness and distress in England? A qualitative study.

Who am I?: The Challenges of Multiple Positionalities in Nursing Research (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Jervis. (2018, May). Who am I?: The Challenges of Multiple Positionalities in Nursing Research. Presented at 2018 Qualitative Methods Conference, Banff

A participatory action research (PhD) study was conducted to critically explore the issues surrounding children and young people visiting acutely ill patients in a large UK hospital. A continuous reflexive analysis of the researcher’s positionality a... Read More about Who am I?: The Challenges of Multiple Positionalities in Nursing Research.

Comparison of Drug Discontinuation, Effectiveness, and Safety Between Clinical Trial Eligible and Ineligible Patients in BADBIR. (2018)
Journal Article
Mason, K. (2018). Comparison of Drug Discontinuation, Effectiveness, and Safety Between Clinical Trial Eligible and Ineligible Patients in BADBIR. JAMA Dermatology, 154(5), 581 - 588.

Importance: Patients with psoriasis enrolled in clinical trials of biologics may not be representative of the real-world population. There is evidence that patients ineligible for such trials have a greater risk of serious adverse events (SAEs), but... Read More about Comparison of Drug Discontinuation, Effectiveness, and Safety Between Clinical Trial Eligible and Ineligible Patients in BADBIR..

Population Prevalence and Distribution of Ankle Pain and Symptomatic Radiographic Ankle Osteoarthritis in Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Cross-Sectional Study (2018)
Journal Article
Murray, C., Marshall, M., Rathod, T., Bowen, C. J., Menz, H. B., & Roddy, E. (2018). Population Prevalence and Distribution of Ankle Pain and Symptomatic Radiographic Ankle Osteoarthritis in Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Cross-Sectional Study. PloS one, 13(4), Article e0193662.

To identify by systematic review published prevalence estimates of radiographic ankle osteoarthritis (OA) and to subsequently estimate the prevalence of ankle pain and symptomatic, radiographic ankle OA within community-dwelling older adu... Read More about Population Prevalence and Distribution of Ankle Pain and Symptomatic Radiographic Ankle Osteoarthritis in Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Cross-Sectional Study.

Longitudinal validity of using digital photographs for assessing progression of hand osteoarthritis over 7 years in community-dwelling adults (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Marshall, M., Jonsson, H., Helgadottir, G., Nicholls, E., Myers, H., Jansen, V., & Van Der Windt, D. (2018, April). Longitudinal validity of using digital photographs for assessing progression of hand osteoarthritis over 7 years in community-dwelling adults. Paper presented at 2018 OASRI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Liverpool, UK

Dose-Response Between Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. (2018)
Journal Article
Yu. (2018). Dose-Response Between Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 628-638.

Background/Aims: Traditional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors (RFs) and their management targets may not be applicable to specific medical subpopulations, particularly dialysis patients. This study aimed to evaluate the dose-response association betw... Read More about Dose-Response Between Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Incident Peritoneal Dialysis Patients..

Relationship of anxiety with joint pain and its management: A population survey (2018)
Journal Article
Barnett, L. A., Pritchard, M. G., Edwards, J. J., Afolabi, E. K., Jordan, K. P., Healey, E. L., …Dziedzic, K. S. (2018). Relationship of anxiety with joint pain and its management: A population survey. Musculoskeletal Care, 16(3), 353-362.

The aims of the present study was to examine the associations between the severity of pain and anxiety in a community population reporting joint pain, and to investigate the management of joint pain in the presence of comorbid anxiety.... Read More about Relationship of anxiety with joint pain and its management: A population survey.

Challenges and controversies of complex interventions in osteoarthritis management: recognizing inappropriate and discordant care (2018)
Journal Article
Dziedzic, K. S., & Allen, K. D. (2018). Challenges and controversies of complex interventions in osteoarthritis management: recognizing inappropriate and discordant care. Rheumatology, 57(S4), 88 - 98.

A number of controversies and challenges exist for the management of OA in health care. This paper describes the challenges and gaps in OA care, particularly in relation to population health management, complex interventions and outcomes. It sets thi... Read More about Challenges and controversies of complex interventions in osteoarthritis management: recognizing inappropriate and discordant care.

Reliability of the shoulder symptom modification procedure & association of within and between session changes with functional outcomes (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Reliability of the shoulder symptom modification procedure & association of within and between session changes with functional outcomes. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine,

Background Despite being a common problem, there is considerable diagnostic uncertainty with regard to shoulder pain. This uncertainty relates to the reliability and validity of current examination tests. The Shoulder Symptom Modification Procedure (... Read More about Reliability of the shoulder symptom modification procedure & association of within and between session changes with functional outcomes.

Primary care challenges in diagnosing and referring patients with suspected rheumatoid arthritis: a national cross-sectional gp survey (2018)
Journal Article
Hider, & Mallen. (2018). Primary care challenges in diagnosing and referring patients with suspected rheumatoid arthritis: a national cross-sectional gp survey. Rheumatology Advances in Practice,

National guidelines advocate referring patients with persistent synovitis to rheumatology within 3 working days of presentation to primary care. This infrequently occurs. We aimed to identify modifiable barriers to early referral of suspe... Read More about Primary care challenges in diagnosing and referring patients with suspected rheumatoid arthritis: a national cross-sectional gp survey.

The predictive ability of the STarT Back Tool was limited in people with chronic low back pain: a prospective cohort study (2018)
Journal Article
Hill, J. (2018). The predictive ability of the STarT Back Tool was limited in people with chronic low back pain: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Physiotherapy, 107-113.

In people with chronic non-specific low back pain (LBP), what is the predictive and discriminative validity of the STarT Back Tool (SBT) for pain intensity, self-reported LBP-related disability, and global self-perceived change at 1-year f... Read More about The predictive ability of the STarT Back Tool was limited in people with chronic low back pain: a prospective cohort study.

Bmi1+ Progenitor Cell Dynamics in Murine Cornea During Homeostasis and Wound Healing (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Bmi1+ Progenitor Cell Dynamics in Murine Cornea During Homeostasis and Wound Healing. STEM CELLS, 562-573.

The outermost layer of the eye, the cornea, is renewed continuously throughout life. Stem cells of the corneal epithelium reside in the limbus at the corneal periphery and ensure homeostasis of the central epithelium. However, in young mice, homeosta... Read More about Bmi1+ Progenitor Cell Dynamics in Murine Cornea During Homeostasis and Wound Healing.

Testing a Model of Consultation-based Reassurance and Back Pain Outcomes with Psychological Risk as Moderator: A Prospective Cohort Study (2018)
Journal Article
Hill, J. (2018). Testing a Model of Consultation-based Reassurance and Back Pain Outcomes with Psychological Risk as Moderator: A Prospective Cohort Study. Clinical Journal of Pain, 339-348.

Objectives:Reassurance is an essential part of treatment for low back pain (LBP), but evidence on effective methods to deliver reassurance remains scarce. The interaction between consultation-based reassurance and patients' psychological risk is unkn... Read More about Testing a Model of Consultation-based Reassurance and Back Pain Outcomes with Psychological Risk as Moderator: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Predicting dementia from primary care records: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Ford, E., Greenslade, N., Paudyal, P., Bremner, S., Smith, H. E., Banerjee, S., …Cassell, J. (2018). Predicting dementia from primary care records: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PloS one, e0194735 - e0194735.

Introduction Possible dementia is usually identified in primary care by general practitioners (GPs) who refer to specialists for diagnosis. Only two-thirds of dementia cases are currently recorded in primary care, so increasing the proportion of case... Read More about Predicting dementia from primary care records: A systematic review and meta-analysis.