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Summarising and validating test accuracy results across multiple studies for use in clinical practice. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Summarising and validating test accuracy results across multiple studies for use in clinical practice. Statistics in Medicine, 2081 - 2103.

Following a meta-analysis of test accuracy studies, the translation of summary results into clinical practice is potentially problematic. The sensitivity, specificity and positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values of a test may differ substa... Read More about Summarising and validating test accuracy results across multiple studies for use in clinical practice..

Prognostic factors for progression of clinical osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review of observational studies. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Prognostic factors for progression of clinical osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review of observational studies. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 152 - ?.

INTRODUCTION: We performed a systematic review of prognostic factors for the progression of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA), defined as increase in pain, decline in physical function or total joint replacement. METHOD: We searched for available... Read More about Prognostic factors for progression of clinical osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review of observational studies..

Effect of reducing portion size at a compulsory meal on later energy intake, gut hormones, and appetite in overweight adults. (2015)
Journal Article
Lewis, H. B., Ahern, A. L., Solis-Trapala, I., Walker, C. G., Reimann, F., Gribble, F. M., & Jebb, S. A. (2015). Effect of reducing portion size at a compulsory meal on later energy intake, gut hormones, and appetite in overweight adults. Obesity, 1362 - 1370.

OBJECTIVE: Larger portion sizes (PS) are associated with greater energy intake (EI), but little evidence exists on the appetitive effects of PS reduction. This study investigated the impact of reducing breakfast PS on subsequent EI, postprandial gast... Read More about Effect of reducing portion size at a compulsory meal on later energy intake, gut hormones, and appetite in overweight adults..

Correlates of sport participation in adults with long-standing illness or disability (2015)
Journal Article
Heron, N., Kee, F., Cupples, M. E., & Tully, M. A. (2015). Correlates of sport participation in adults with long-standing illness or disability. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, e000003 - e000003.

Background Little is known about why people with a long-standing illness/disability are less likely to participate in sport than others. This study aimed to identify for the first time sport participation levels and their correlates among Northern Ir... Read More about Correlates of sport participation in adults with long-standing illness or disability.

Hospitalisation among patients with diabetes associated with a Diabetes Integrated Care Initiative: a mixed methods case study (2015)
Journal Article
Yu. (2015). Hospitalisation among patients with diabetes associated with a Diabetes Integrated Care Initiative: a mixed methods case study. Future Hospital Journal, 92 - 98 (7).

Integrated care has been postulated to result in improvements to diabetes outcomes, including reduced hospitalisation. The Diabetes Integrated Care Initiative (DICI) aimed to integrate primary, secondary and community diabetes care in East Cambridges... Read More about Hospitalisation among patients with diabetes associated with a Diabetes Integrated Care Initiative: a mixed methods case study.

How does pain lead to disability? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies in people with back and neck pain. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). How does pain lead to disability? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies in people with back and neck pain. PAIN, 988 - 997.

Disability is an important outcome from a clinical and public health perspective. However, it is unclear how disability develops in people with low back pain or neck pain. More specifically, the mechanisms by which pain leads to disability are not we... Read More about How does pain lead to disability? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies in people with back and neck pain..

Multivariate meta-analysis using individual participant data. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Multivariate meta-analysis using individual participant data. Research Synthesis Methods, 157 - 174.

When combining results across related studies, a multivariate meta-analysis allows the joint synthesis of correlated effect estimates from multiple outcomes. Joint synthesis can improve efficiency over separate univariate syntheses, may reduce select... Read More about Multivariate meta-analysis using individual participant data..

Variations in patient-reported physical health between cardiac and musculoskeletal diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. (2015)
Journal Article
Prior, J. A., Jordan, K. P., & Kadam, U. T. (2015). Variations in patient-reported physical health between cardiac and musculoskeletal diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 13, Article 71.

Population-based assessments of physical health are important to evaluate healthcare resource allocation. Normative data on the level of physical impairments attributable to specific diseases and severity levels within these diseases is critical to i... Read More about Variations in patient-reported physical health between cardiac and musculoskeletal diseases: systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies..

Women's narratives on their interactions with the first response police officer following an incident of domestic violence in the UK (2015)
Journal Article
Keeling. (2015). Women's narratives on their interactions with the first response police officer following an incident of domestic violence in the UK.

Historically police responses towards the treatment of domestic disturbances regard them as a noncriminal problem. Recent changes to societal and Criminal Justice System attitudes to domestic violence now places an emphasis on first resp... Read More about Women's narratives on their interactions with the first response police officer following an incident of domestic violence in the UK.

What Are the Prognostic Factors for Radiographic Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis? A Meta-analysis. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). What Are the Prognostic Factors for Radiographic Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis? A Meta-analysis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2969 - 2989.

BACKGROUND: A previous systematic review on prognostic factors for knee osteoarthritis (OA) progression showed associations for generalized OA and hyaluronic acid levels. Knee pain, radiographic severity, sex, quadriceps strength, knee injury, and re... Read More about What Are the Prognostic Factors for Radiographic Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis? A Meta-analysis..

Is long term physical activity safe for older adults with knee pain: a systematic review (2015)
Journal Article
Quicke, J., Foster, N., Thomas, M., & Holden, M. (2015). Is long term physical activity safe for older adults with knee pain: a systematic review. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23(9), 1445-1456.

To determine whether long-term physical activity is safe for older adults with knee pain.

A comprehensive systematic review and narrative synthesis of existing literature was conducted using multiple electronic databases from in... Read More about Is long term physical activity safe for older adults with knee pain: a systematic review.

Multivariate meta-analysis of individual participant data helped externally validate the performance and implementation of a prediction model (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Multivariate meta-analysis of individual participant data helped externally validate the performance and implementation of a prediction model. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 40-50.

OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to improve meta-analysis methods for summarizing a prediction model's performance when individual participant data are available from multiple studies for external validation. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We suggest multivariate... Read More about Multivariate meta-analysis of individual participant data helped externally validate the performance and implementation of a prediction model.

Illness beliefs and the sociocultural context of diabetes self-management in British South Asians: a mixed methods study (2015)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2015). Illness beliefs and the sociocultural context of diabetes self-management in British South Asians: a mixed methods study. BMC Family Practice,

British South Asians have a higher incidence of diabetes and poorer health outcomes compared to the general UK population. Beliefs about diabetes are known to play an important role in self-management, yet little is known about the socioc... Read More about Illness beliefs and the sociocultural context of diabetes self-management in British South Asians: a mixed methods study.

The prognostic utility of tests of platelet function for the detection of 'aspirin resistance' in patients with established cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease: a systematic review and economic evaluation. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). The prognostic utility of tests of platelet function for the detection of 'aspirin resistance' in patients with established cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment, 1 - 366.

BACKGROUND: The use of aspirin is well established for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, a proportion of patients suffer repeat cardiovascular events despite being prescribed aspirin treatment. It is uncertain whether or not th... Read More about The prognostic utility of tests of platelet function for the detection of 'aspirin resistance' in patients with established cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease: a systematic review and economic evaluation..

Obtaining Self-Samples to Diagnose Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review of Patients’ Experiences (2015)
Journal Article
Paudyal, P., Llewellyn, C., Lau, J., Mahmud, M., & Smith, H. (2015). Obtaining Self-Samples to Diagnose Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review of Patients’ Experiences. PloS one, e0124310 - e0124310.

Background Routine screening is key to sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and control. Previous studies suggest that clinic-based screening programmes capture only a small proportion of people with STIs. Self-sampling using non- or minim... Read More about Obtaining Self-Samples to Diagnose Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review of Patients’ Experiences.

Patients' treatment beliefs in low back pain: development and validation of a questionnaire in primary care (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Patients' treatment beliefs in low back pain: development and validation of a questionnaire in primary care. PAIN, 1489-1500.

Choosing the most appropriate treatment for individual patients with low back pain (LBP) can be challenging, and clinical guidelines recommend taking into account patients' preferences. However, no tools exist to assess or compare patients' views abo... Read More about Patients' treatment beliefs in low back pain: development and validation of a questionnaire in primary care.

Exploring how pain leads to productivity loss in primary care consulters for osteoarthritis: a prospective cohort study (2015)
Journal Article
Wilkie, R., Hay, E. M., Croft, P., & Pransky, G. (2015). Exploring how pain leads to productivity loss in primary care consulters for osteoarthritis: a prospective cohort study. PloS one, 10(4), Article e0120042.

OBJECTIVE: Osteoarthritis pain has become a leading cause of decreased productivity and work disability in older workers, a major concern in primary care. How osteoarthritis pain leads to decreased productivity at work is unclear; the aim of this stu... Read More about Exploring how pain leads to productivity loss in primary care consulters for osteoarthritis: a prospective cohort study.

Core outcome domains for clinical trials in non-specific low back pain (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Core outcome domains for clinical trials in non-specific low back pain. European Spine Journal, 1127 - 1142.

PURPOSE: Inconsistent reporting of outcomes in clinical trials of patients with non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) hinders comparison of findings and the reliability of systematic reviews. A core outcome set (COS) can address this issue as it defines... Read More about Core outcome domains for clinical trials in non-specific low back pain.