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Prodromal symptoms in knee osteoarthritis: a nested case–control study using data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (2015)
Journal Article
Case, R., Thomas, E., Clarke, E., & Peat, G. (2015). Prodromal symptoms in knee osteoarthritis: a nested case–control study using data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23(7), 1083 - 1089.

OBJECTIVE: In order to gain a better understanding of the timing of emergent symptoms of osteoarthritis, we sought to investigate the existence, duration and nature of a prodromal symptomatic phase preceding incident radiographic knee osteoarthritis... Read More about Prodromal symptoms in knee osteoarthritis: a nested case–control study using data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.

Femoral exostosis causing vastus medialis pain in an active young lady: a case report (2015)
Journal Article
Heron. (2015). Femoral exostosis causing vastus medialis pain in an active young lady: a case report. BMC Research Notes,

Musculoskeletal conditions are a common reason for consultation to General Practitioners (GPs)/family physicians in primary care. Osteochondromas are the most common benign bone tumours and usually occur in the metaphyseal region of long... Read More about Femoral exostosis causing vastus medialis pain in an active young lady: a case report.

Challenges in finding and measuring behavioural determinants of childhood obesity in Europe. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Challenges in finding and measuring behavioural determinants of childhood obesity in Europe.

AIM: Childhood obesity is an important concern for child health. However, despite widespread concern about the increase in childhood obesity, its causes are not monitored systematically in Europe. In 2007, the Scientific Platform Project on Lifestyle... Read More about Challenges in finding and measuring behavioural determinants of childhood obesity in Europe..

Common mental disorders among adult members of 'left-behind' international migrant worker families in Sri Lanka (2015)
Journal Article
Siriwardhana, C., Wickramage, K., Siribaddana, S., Vidanapathirana, P., Jayasekara, B., Weerawarna, S., …Sumathipala, A. (2015). Common mental disorders among adult members of 'left-behind' international migrant worker families in Sri Lanka. BMC Public Health, 15, Article 299.

BACKGROUND: Nearly one-in-ten Sri Lankans are employed abroad as International migrant workers (IMW). Very little is known about the mental health of adult members in families left-behind. This study aimed to explore the impact of economic migration... Read More about Common mental disorders among adult members of 'left-behind' international migrant worker families in Sri Lanka.

Interventions Following Traumatic Event in Children and Adolescents: An Evidence-Based Response (2015)
Journal Article
Farooq, S. (2015). Interventions Following Traumatic Event in Children and Adolescents: An Evidence-Based Response.

Introduction - Recent attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan, is
perhaps one the worst act of terrorism committed involving children
and adolescent. There have been numerous acts of school shootings
reported from Western and Americ... Read More about Interventions Following Traumatic Event in Children and Adolescents: An Evidence-Based Response.

Foot posture is associated with kinematics of the foot during gait: a comparison of normal, planus and cavus feet (2015)
Journal Article
Landorf, K., Buldt, A., Levinger, P., Murley, G., Menz, H., & Nester, C. (2015). Foot posture is associated with kinematics of the foot during gait: a comparison of normal, planus and cavus feet. Gait and Posture, 42-48.

Variations in foot posture are associated with the development of some lower limb injuries. However, the mechanisms underlying this relationship are unclear. The objective of this study was to compare foot kinematics between normal, pes cavus and pes... Read More about Foot posture is associated with kinematics of the foot during gait: a comparison of normal, planus and cavus feet.

The potential for using a Universal Medication Schedule (UMS) to improve adherence in patients taking multiple medications in the UK: a qualitative evaluation (2015)
Journal Article
Kenning, C., Protheroe, J., Gray, N., Ashcroft, D., & Bower, P. (2015). The potential for using a Universal Medication Schedule (UMS) to improve adherence in patients taking multiple medications in the UK: a qualitative evaluation. BMC Health Services Research, 15, Article 94.

BACKGROUND: Poor adherence to prescribed medication has major consequences. Managing multiple long-term conditions often involves polypharmacy, potentially increasing complexity and the possibility of poor adherence. As a result of the globally recog... Read More about The potential for using a Universal Medication Schedule (UMS) to improve adherence in patients taking multiple medications in the UK: a qualitative evaluation.

Changes in mental disorder prevalence among conflict-affected populations: a prospective study in Sri Lanka (COMRAID-R) (2015)
Journal Article
Siriwardhana, C., Adikari, A., Pannala, G., Roberts, B., Siribaddana, S., Abas, M., …Stewart, R. (in press). Changes in mental disorder prevalence among conflict-affected populations: a prospective study in Sri Lanka (COMRAID-R). BMC Psychiatry, 15, Article 41.

BACKGROUND: Longitudinal data are lacking on mental health trajectories following conflict resolution and return migration. COMRAID-R is a follow-up study of Muslims displaced by conflict from Northern Sri Lanka 20 years ago who are now beginning to... Read More about Changes in mental disorder prevalence among conflict-affected populations: a prospective study in Sri Lanka (COMRAID-R).

Risk of mental health and nutritional problems for left-behind children of international labor migrants (2015)
Journal Article
Wickramage, K., Siriwardhana, C., Vidanapathirana, P., Weerawarna, S., Jayasekara, B., Pannala, G., …Sumathipala, A. (2015). Risk of mental health and nutritional problems for left-behind children of international labor migrants. BMC Psychiatry, 15, Article 39.

BACKGROUND: One-in-ten Sri Lankans are employed abroad as International Labor Migrants (ILM), mainly as domestic maids or low-skilled laborers. Little is known about the impact their migration has on the health status of the children they 'leave behi... Read More about Risk of mental health and nutritional problems for left-behind children of international labor migrants.

Managing depression in people with multimorbidity: a qualitative evaluation of an integrated collaborative care model (2015)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2015). Managing depression in people with multimorbidity: a qualitative evaluation of an integrated collaborative care model. BMC Family Practice,

Patients with comorbid depression and physical health problems have poorer outcomes compared with those with single long term conditions (LTCs), or multiple LTCs without depression. Primary care has traditionally struggled to provide inte... Read More about Managing depression in people with multimorbidity: a qualitative evaluation of an integrated collaborative care model.

Pain reduction with oral methotrexate in knee osteoarthritis, a pragmatic phase iii trial of treatment effectiveness (PROMOTE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (2015)
Journal Article
Roddy, E. (2015). Pain reduction with oral methotrexate in knee osteoarthritis, a pragmatic phase iii trial of treatment effectiveness (PROMOTE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 77 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the fastest growing cause of disability worldwide. Current treatments for OA are severely limited and a large proportion of people with OA live in constant, debilitating pain. There is therefore an urgent need for n... Read More about Pain reduction with oral methotrexate in knee osteoarthritis, a pragmatic phase iii trial of treatment effectiveness (PROMOTE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Embedding electronic decision-support tools for suspected cancer in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs' experiences. (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Embedding electronic decision-support tools for suspected cancer in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs' experiences. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 548 - 555.

AIM: The purpose of this evaluation was to obtain views from general practitioners (GPs) who piloted the electronic risk assessment tools (eRATs) for suspected lung or colorectal cancer. We wanted to find out whether GPs were able to integrate these... Read More about Embedding electronic decision-support tools for suspected cancer in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs' experiences..

Paracetamol not as safe as we thought?: a systematic literature review of observational studies (2015)
Journal Article
Dziedzic. (2015). Paracetamol not as safe as we thought?: a systematic literature review of observational studies. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases,

OBJECTIVES: We conducted a systematic literature review to assess the adverse event (AE) profile of paracetamol. METHODS: We searched Medline and Embase from database inception to 1 May 2013. We screened for observational studies in English, which re... Read More about Paracetamol not as safe as we thought?: a systematic literature review of observational studies.

Modelling successful primary care for multimorbidity: a realist synthesis of successes and failures in concurrent learning and healthcare delivery (2015)
Journal Article
Rees, & Protheroe. (2015). Modelling successful primary care for multimorbidity: a realist synthesis of successes and failures in concurrent learning and healthcare delivery. BMC Family Practice,

People are increasingly living for longer with multimorbidity. Medical education and healthcare delivery must be re-orientated to meet the societal and individual patient needs that multimorbidity confers. The impact of multimorbidity on... Read More about Modelling successful primary care for multimorbidity: a realist synthesis of successes and failures in concurrent learning and healthcare delivery.

Non-disclosure of chronic kidney disease in primary care and the limits of instrumental rationality in chronic illness self-management (2015)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2015). Non-disclosure of chronic kidney disease in primary care and the limits of instrumental rationality in chronic illness self-management. Social Science and Medicine, 31 - 39.

Early detection of long term conditions is predicated on assumptions that lifestyle changes and medications can be used to reduce or manage the risk of condition progression. However, ambiguity remains about the nature and place of diagnostic disclos... Read More about Non-disclosure of chronic kidney disease in primary care and the limits of instrumental rationality in chronic illness self-management.

Post-operative exercises after breast cancer surgery: Results of a RCT evaluating standard care versus standard care plus additional yoga exercise (2015)
Journal Article
Solis-Trapala. (2015). Post-operative exercises after breast cancer surgery: Results of a RCT evaluating standard care versus standard care plus additional yoga exercise. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 202 - 210.

There is a lack of standardisation in the guidelines for post-operative exercises following breast cancer surgery. Adherence to exercise programmes is low, and complementary therapies such as yoga often appeal to patients and may encour... Read More about Post-operative exercises after breast cancer surgery: Results of a RCT evaluating standard care versus standard care plus additional yoga exercise.

Integrated primary care for patients with mental and physical multimorbidity: cluster randomised controlled trial of collaborative care for patients with depression comorbid with diabetes or cardiovascular disease (2015)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2015). Integrated primary care for patients with mental and physical multimorbidity: cluster randomised controlled trial of collaborative care for patients with depression comorbid with diabetes or cardiovascular disease. BMJ,

Objective To test the effectiveness of an integrated collaborative care model for people with depression and long term physical conditions.

Design Cluster randomised controlled trial.

Setting 36 general practices in the north west of England.... Read More about Integrated primary care for patients with mental and physical multimorbidity: cluster randomised controlled trial of collaborative care for patients with depression comorbid with diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Dynamics of resilience in forced migration: a 1-year follow-up study of longitudinal associations with mental health in a conflict-affected, ethnic Muslim population. (2015)
Journal Article
Siriwardhana, C., Abas, M., Siribaddana, S., Sumathipala, A., & Stewart, R. (2015). Dynamics of resilience in forced migration: a 1-year follow-up study of longitudinal associations with mental health in a conflict-affected, ethnic Muslim population. BMJ Open, 5(2), Article e006000.

OBJECTIVE: The concept of 'resilience' is of increasing interest in studies of mental health in populations facing adversity. However, lack of longitudinal data on the dynamics of resilience and non-usage of resilience-specific measurements have prev... Read More about Dynamics of resilience in forced migration: a 1-year follow-up study of longitudinal associations with mental health in a conflict-affected, ethnic Muslim population..

Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) in General Practice (GP): A Novel GP-based MSK and SEM Clinic for Managing Musculoskeletal symptoms in a GP (2015)
Journal Article
Heron. (2015). Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) in General Practice (GP): A Novel GP-based MSK and SEM Clinic for Managing Musculoskeletal symptoms in a GP.

Musculoskeletal (MSK) complaints are common within primary care (1) (2) (3) but some General Practitioners (GPs)/family physicians do not feel comfortable managing these symptoms (3), preferring to refer onto hospital specialists or Integrated Clinic... Read More about Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) in General Practice (GP): A Novel GP-based MSK and SEM Clinic for Managing Musculoskeletal symptoms in a GP.