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A systematic review finds variable use of the intention-to-treat principle in musculoskeletal randomized controlled trials with missing data (2014)
Journal Article
Joseph, R., Sim, J., Ogollah, R., & Lewis, M. (2015). A systematic review finds variable use of the intention-to-treat principle in musculoskeletal randomized controlled trials with missing data. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 15 - 24.

OBJECTIVES: In randomized trials, the primary analysis should be consistent with the intention-to-treat (ITT) principle and should address missing data appropriately to draw valid inferences. This review focuses on current practices relating to the I... Read More about A systematic review finds variable use of the intention-to-treat principle in musculoskeletal randomized controlled trials with missing data.

Sleep Apnea and Risk of Incident Gout: A Population-Based Body-Mass Index Matched Cohort Study. (2014)
Journal Article
Roddy. (2014). Sleep Apnea and Risk of Incident Gout: A Population-Based Body-Mass Index Matched Cohort Study. Arthritis and Rheumatology, S72 - S72.

Sleep apnea is associated with hyperuricemia owing to hypoxia-induced nucleotide turnover. We undertook this study to assess the relationship between incident sleep apnea and the risk of incident gout.

Using data from The Healt... Read More about Sleep Apnea and Risk of Incident Gout: A Population-Based Body-Mass Index Matched Cohort Study..

Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure. (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure. New England Journal of Medicine, 993 - 1004.

BACKGROUND: We compared the angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor LCZ696 with enalapril in patients who had heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction. In previous studies, enalapril improved survival in such patients. METHODS: In this double... Read More about Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure..

The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study. (2014)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2014). The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study. Health Technology Assessment, 1 - 148.

People with dementia and their families need support in different forms, but currently services are often fragmented with variable quality of care. Case management offers a way of co-ordinating services along the care pathway and therefor... Read More about The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study..

Knowledge and Attitudes towards Psychological Counselling and Guidance among Undergraduates in Sri Lanka (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Knowledge and Attitudes towards Psychological Counselling and Guidance among Undergraduates in Sri Lanka

Introduction: Students are the major recipients of psychological guidance and counselling services in a university setting where each student is enable to derive optimal educational benefits so as to actualize his/her potentialities. Students face gr... Read More about Knowledge and Attitudes towards Psychological Counselling and Guidance among Undergraduates in Sri Lanka.

Feasibility trial of GP and case-managed support for workplace sickness absence. (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Feasibility trial of GP and case-managed support for workplace sickness absence. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 252 - 261.

UNLABELLED: Aim Our aim was to compare the return-to-work rates between individuals supported by their GP plus workplace health advisers (intervention group) and those supported by their GP alone. BACKGROUND: Workplace sickness absence places a signi... Read More about Feasibility trial of GP and case-managed support for workplace sickness absence..

What is wrong with NHS leadership development? (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). What is wrong with NHS leadership development?. British Journal of Healthcare Management,

2014 will see the advent of a new fast-track leadership development scheme (costing some £10 million) for the NHS in England which aims to combine development for senior NHS clinicians with advancement for managers from outside the NHS. Following com... Read More about What is wrong with NHS leadership development?.

Chronic pain and mortality: a systematic review (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Wilkie, R., Uthman, O., Jordan, J. L., & McBeth, J. (2014). Chronic pain and mortality: a systematic review. PloS one, 9(6), Article e99048.

Chronic pain is common, often widespread and has a substantial impact on health and quality of life. The relationship between chronic pain and mortality is unclear. This systematic review aimed to identify and evaluate evidence for a relationship bet... Read More about Chronic pain and mortality: a systematic review.

The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study. (2014)
Journal Article
Jordan, K. P., Hayward, R., Roberts, E., Edwards, J. J., & Kadam, U. T. (2014). The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study. European Journal of Public Health, 396 - 398.

The objective was to determine the relative association of social class and neighbourhood deprivation with primary care consultation for eight morbidities. In 18,047 survey responders aged =50 years, living in more deprived neighbourhoods was indepen... Read More about The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study..

Comparison of patient experiences of the osteoarthritis consultation with GP attitudes and beliefs to OA: a narrative review (2014)
Journal Article
Paskins, Z., Sanders, T., & Hassell, A. B. (2014). Comparison of patient experiences of the osteoarthritis consultation with GP attitudes and beliefs to OA: a narrative review. BMC Family Practice, 46 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of disability and consultation with a GP. However, little is known about what currently happens when patients with OA consult their GP. This review aims to compare existing literature reporting patien... Read More about Comparison of patient experiences of the osteoarthritis consultation with GP attitudes and beliefs to OA: a narrative review.

Der Freud-Komplex: Eine Geschichte der Psychoanalyse in Deutschland (2014)
Kauders, A. (2014). Der Freud-Komplex: Eine Geschichte der Psychoanalyse in Deutschland. Berlin Verlag

Die einen feierten Freud als Befreier von bürgerlichen Moralvorstellungen, die anderen beklagten seine Lehre als rationales Aufklärungsprojekt, das der deutschen Seele zutiefst fremd sei. Anthony D. Kauders legt in seinem Buch die Deutschen auf die C... Read More about Der Freud-Komplex: Eine Geschichte der Psychoanalyse in Deutschland.

The clinical course of low back pain: a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies. (2014)
Journal Article
Artus, M., Van Der Windt, D., Jordan, K. P., & Croft, P. R. (2014). The clinical course of low back pain: a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15, Article 68.

BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that the course of low back pain (LBP) symptoms in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) follows a pattern of large improvement regardless of the type of treatment. A similar pattern was independently observed in observation... Read More about The clinical course of low back pain: a meta-analysis comparing outcomes in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) and observational studies..

The health profile of football/soccer players in Northern Ireland – a review of the uefa pre-participation medical screening procedure (2014)
Journal Article
Heron. (2014). The health profile of football/soccer players in Northern Ireland – a review of the uefa pre-participation medical screening procedure. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation,

It is compulsory that domestic football/soccer teams in UEFA competitions organise players’ pre-participation medicals. Although screening guidelines have been established, these remain controversial. The findings of medical examinations... Read More about The health profile of football/soccer players in Northern Ireland – a review of the uefa pre-participation medical screening procedure.

Health services changes: is a run-in period necessary before evaluation in randomised clinical trials? (2014)
Journal Article
Rathod, T., Belcher, J., Montgomery, A. A., Salisbury, C., & Foster, N. E. (2014). Health services changes: is a run-in period necessary before evaluation in randomised clinical trials?. Trials, 15, Article 41.

BACKGROUND: Most randomised clinical trials (RCTs) testing a new health service do not allow a run-in period of consolidation before evaluating the new approach. Consequently, health professionals involved may feel insufficiently familiar or confiden... Read More about Health services changes: is a run-in period necessary before evaluation in randomised clinical trials?.

Development and face validation of strategies for improving consultation skills. (2014)
Journal Article
Lefroy, J., Thomas, A., Harrison, C., Williams, S., O'Mahony, F., Gay, S., …McKinley, R. K. (2014). Development and face validation of strategies for improving consultation skills. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 19, 661 - 685.

While formative workplace based assessment can improve learners' skills, it often does not because the procedures used do not facilitate feedback which is sufficiently specific to scaffold improvement. Provision of pre-formulated strategies to addres... Read More about Development and face validation of strategies for improving consultation skills..

Physical activity assessment in practice: a mixed methods study of GPPAQ use in primary care (2014)
Journal Article
Heron. (2014). Physical activity assessment in practice: a mixed methods study of GPPAQ use in primary care. BMC Family Practice,

Insufficient physical activity (PA) levels which increase the risk of chronic disease are reported by almost two-thirds of the population. More evidence is needed about how PA promotion can be effectively implemented in general practice (... Read More about Physical activity assessment in practice: a mixed methods study of GPPAQ use in primary care.

Search protocols for hidden forensic objects beneath floors and within walls (2014)
Journal Article
Ruffell, A., Pringle, J. K., & Forbes, S. (2014). Search protocols for hidden forensic objects beneath floors and within walls. Forensic Science International, 237, 137 -145.

The burial of objects (human remains, explosives, weapons) below or behind concrete, brick, plaster or tiling may be associated with serious crime and are difficult locations to search. These are quite common forensic search scenarios but little has... Read More about Search protocols for hidden forensic objects beneath floors and within walls.

Movement speed is biased by prior experience. (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Movement speed is biased by prior experience. Journal of Neurophysiology, 128 - 134.

How does the motor system choose the speed for any given movement? Many current models assume a process that finds the optimal balance between the costs of moving fast and the rewards of achieving the goal. Here, we show that such models also need to... Read More about Movement speed is biased by prior experience..

Examining the relationship between anxiety and depression and exacerbations of COPD which result in hospital admission: a systematic review. (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Examining the relationship between anxiety and depression and exacerbations of COPD which result in hospital admission: a systematic review. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 315 - 330.

OBJECTIVES: Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are the third largest cause of emergency hospital admissions in the UK. This systematic literature review explored the relationship between the hospitalization rates and the CO... Read More about Examining the relationship between anxiety and depression and exacerbations of COPD which result in hospital admission: a systematic review..