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Hypoxic conditions promote a proliferative, poorly differentiated phenotype in COPD lung tissue progenitor cells in vitro (2023)
Journal Article
Dale, T. P., Santer, M. D., Haris, M., Zuo, W., & Forsyth, N. R. (2023). Hypoxic conditions promote a proliferative, poorly differentiated phenotype in COPD lung tissue progenitor cells in vitro. Experimental Lung Research, 49(1), 12-26.

PURPOSE: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients experience hypoxemia and lung tissue hypoxia, causing vasoconstriction, and at its most severe Cor pulmonale. However, minimal attention has been given to the effects of hypoxia at the ce... Read More about Hypoxic conditions promote a proliferative, poorly differentiated phenotype in COPD lung tissue progenitor cells in vitro.

Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. (2023)
Journal Article
Lawton, S., Mallen, C., Muller, S., Wathall, S., & Helliwell, T. (2023). Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e062389.

Objectives: To investigate the usefulness of using automated appointment check-in screens to collect brief research data from patients, prior to their general practice consultation.

Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional study.

Setting: Nine ge... Read More about Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England..

Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India (2023)
Journal Article
Fiks, E. (2023). Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India. Anthropology and Medicine,

Laparoscopic tubal ligation is the most prevalent method of contraception amongst India's rural and urban poor. Drawing on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork in rural Rajasthan in 2012-2013, this paper investigates how rural women's perceptions of a... Read More about Imaginaries of a laparoscope: power, convenience, and sterilization in rural India.

Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. (2023)
Journal Article
Saunders, B., Burton, C., van der Windt, D. A., Myers, H., Chester, R., Pincus, T., & Wynne-Jones, G. (2023). Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24, Article 1.

BACKGROUND: Clinical management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain can be challenging due to diagnostic uncertainty, variable prognosis and limited evidence for long-term treatment benefits. The UK-based PANDA-S programme (Prognostic And Diagnostic Ass... Read More about Patients' and clinicians' perspectives towards primary care consultations for shoulder pain: qualitative findings from the Prognostic and Diagnostic Assessment of the Shoulder (PANDA-S) programme..

Conceptualising and measuring adherence to exercise for musculoskeletal pain: The Adherence To Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool (ATEMPT) (2022)
Bailey, D. L. (2022). Conceptualising and measuring adherence to exercise for musculoskeletal pain: The Adherence To Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool (ATEMPT). (Thesis). Keele University

Aim: To develop and test a measurement tool for adherence to exercise for musculoskeletal (MSK) pain.

Purpose: A valid and reliable measure of adherence to exercise will improve the interpretation of whether outcomes observed in studies of exercis... Read More about Conceptualising and measuring adherence to exercise for musculoskeletal pain: The Adherence To Exercise for Musculoskeletal Pain Tool (ATEMPT).

Developing human tissue engineered arterial constructs to simulate human in vivo thrombus formation (2022)
Journal Article
Ranjbar, J., Yang, Y., & Harper, A. (2022). Developing human tissue engineered arterial constructs to simulate human in vivo thrombus formation. Platelets, 34(1),

Thrombus formation is highly dependent upon the physico-chemical environment in which it is triggered. Our ability to understand how thrombus formation is initiated, regulated, and resolved in the human body is dependent upon our ability to replicat... Read More about Developing human tissue engineered arterial constructs to simulate human in vivo thrombus formation.

Post-infarction ventricular septal defect: percutaneous or surgical management in the UK national registry (2022)
Journal Article
Mamas. (2022). Post-infarction ventricular septal defect: percutaneous or surgical management in the UK national registry. European Heart Journal, 5020-5032.

Background and Aims Postinfarction ventricular septal defect (PIVSD) is a mechanical complication of myocardial infarction (MI) with a poor prognosis. Surgical repair is the mainstay of treatment, although percutaneous closure is increasingly underta... Read More about Post-infarction ventricular septal defect: percutaneous or surgical management in the UK national registry.

Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care (2022)
Journal Article
Watson, L., Belcher, J., Nicholls, E., Chandratre, P., Blagojevic-Bucknall, M., Hider, S., …Roddy, E. (2022). Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care. Rheumatology, 62(8), 2748-2756.

Objective To describe factors associated with change in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in people living with gout in primary care. Methods In a UK prospective cohort study, adults with a diagnosis of gout registered with 20 general practices... Read More about Factors associated with change in health-related quality of life in people with gout: a 3-year prospective cohort study in primary care.

Open‐labelled study to monitor the effect of an amino acid formula on symptom management in children with spinal muscular atrophy type I: The SMAAF pilot study (2022)
Journal Article
Bowerman, M., O'Connor, G., Edel, L., Raquq, S., Szmurlo, A., Simpson, Z., …Baranello, G. (2023). Open‐labelled study to monitor the effect of an amino acid formula on symptom management in children with spinal muscular atrophy type I: The SMAAF pilot study. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 38(4), 871-880.

Background: An increasing number of families of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) children are incorporating an amino acid-based enteral formula into their child’s feeding regimens. Other components of the amino acidbased formula include added carbohydra... Read More about Open‐labelled study to monitor the effect of an amino acid formula on symptom management in children with spinal muscular atrophy type I: The SMAAF pilot study.

Rewriting the history of leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka: An untold story since 1904. (2022)
Journal Article
Nuwangi, H., Weerakoon, K., Agampodi, T., Price, H., Dikomitis, L., & Agampodi, S. (2022). Rewriting the history of leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka: An untold story since 1904. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, e0010918 - ?.

Leishmaniasis is widely considered a disease that emerged in Sri Lanka in the 1990s. However, a comprehensive case report from 1904 suggests that the presence of Leishmaniasis was well demonstrated in Sri Lanka long before that. The Annual Administra... Read More about Rewriting the history of leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka: An untold story since 1904..

Enhancing authenticity, diagnosticity and equivalence (AD-Equiv) in multicentre OSCE exams in health professionals education: protocol for a complex intervention study. (2022)
Journal Article
Yeates, P., Maluf, A., Kinston, R., Cope, N., McCray, G., Cullen, K., …Wong, G. (2022). Enhancing authenticity, diagnosticity and equivalence (AD-Equiv) in multicentre OSCE exams in health professionals education: protocol for a complex intervention study. BMJ Open, 12(12), Article e064387.

INTRODUCTION: Objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs) are a cornerstone of assessing the competence of trainee healthcare professionals, but have been criticised for (1) lacking authenticity, (2) variability in examiners' judgements which can cha... Read More about Enhancing authenticity, diagnosticity and equivalence (AD-Equiv) in multicentre OSCE exams in health professionals education: protocol for a complex intervention study..

Magnetic activation of TREK1 triggers stress signalling and regulates neuronal branching in SH-SY5Y cells. (2022)
Journal Article
Rotherham, M., Moradi, Y., Nahar, T., Mosses, D., Telling, N., & El Haj, A. (2022). Magnetic activation of TREK1 triggers stress signalling and regulates neuronal branching in SH-SY5Y cells. Frontiers in Medical Technology, 4, Article 981421.

TWIK-related K+ 1 (TREK1) is a potassium channel expressed in the nervous system with multiple functions including neurotransmission and is a prime pharmacological target for neurological disorders. TREK1 gating is controlled by a wide range of exter... Read More about Magnetic activation of TREK1 triggers stress signalling and regulates neuronal branching in SH-SY5Y cells..

Predictors of perceived risk in first-degree relatives of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (2022)
Journal Article
Bunnewell, S., Wells, I., Zemedikun, D., Simons, G., Mallen, C. D., Raza, K., & Falahee, M. (2022). Predictors of perceived risk in first-degree relatives of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. RMD Open,

OBJECTIVES: To define variables associated with perceived risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in first-degree relatives (FDRs) of patients with RA. METHODS: Patients with RA and their FDRs were invited to complete cross-sectional surveys. FD... Read More about Predictors of perceived risk in first-degree relatives of patients with rheumatoid arthritis..

Interspecies microbiome transplantation recapitulates microbial acquisition in mosquitoes (2022)
Journal Article
Coon, K., Hegde, S., & Hughes, G. (2022). Interspecies microbiome transplantation recapitulates microbial acquisition in mosquitoes. Microbiome, 10, Article 58.

Background Mosquitoes harbor microbial communities that play important roles in their growth, survival, reproduction, and ability to transmit human pathogens. Microbiome transplantation approaches are often used to study host-microbe interactions and... Read More about Interspecies microbiome transplantation recapitulates microbial acquisition in mosquitoes.

Remote magnetic actuation of cell signalling for tissue engineering (2022)
Journal Article
Rotherham, M., Nahar, T., Broomhall, T., Telling, N., & El Haj, A. (2022). Remote magnetic actuation of cell signalling for tissue engineering. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 24, Article 100410.

Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) are extremely versatile tools in bioengineering and medicine with diverse uses ranging from magnetic resonance contrast agents to drug delivery vehicles. Recently, MNP have been adapted to target and regulate cell signall... Read More about Remote magnetic actuation of cell signalling for tissue engineering.

Mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients without standard modifiable risk factors: A race disaggregated analysis. (2022)
Journal Article
Mamas, & Rashid. (2022). Mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients without standard modifiable risk factors: A race disaggregated analysis.

Background: Individuals who present with STEMI without the standard cardiovascular risk factors (SMuRFs) of diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and smoking, coined SMuRF-less are not uncommon. Little is known about their outcomes as a cohor... Read More about Mortality in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients without standard modifiable risk factors: A race disaggregated analysis..